Jokes for kids: big list of clean school jokes

jokes for kids about school

jokes for kids about school - win

Chad Pennington's football warriors

Chad Pennington started a football team at my school. I'm hear to document the story


A satirical take on the goings on over at /assassinscreed and the franchise overall. Elise is hawt.

Hannity chides Kamala Harris for 'out of touch' joke about kids returning to school - Fox News

Hannity chides Kamala Harris for 'out of touch' joke about kids returning to school - Fox News submitted by nofeenews to nofeenews [link] [comments]

Be proud of what you have. My wife was teased in school for her small boobs. My mates taunted me when we got married and joked about her size relative to their wives and girlfriends. Today, She’s 54, a mom of three kids and her boobs look amazing, Just as good as the day I married her 30 years ago.

Looking at her peers today, she’s easily getting the last laugh.
submitted by fireshitup to smallbooblove [link] [comments]

AITA for making a joke about a kid in my school with mental problems in a private group chat with my friends

To preface this, we all make fun of each other all the time and don't take anything to seriously

Today in a group chat with a bunch of my friends we we're discussing the GoT episode and one of the kids in the GC made a comment that we had been talking about for the past ~10 minutes, he basically just reiterated what we had already been saying in a dumb way. One of my friends made a comment saying "(friends name here who made the comment you) are so slow" and a bunch of us laughed at it. I then made a comment about the same thing but compared it to something this kid in my school with mental problems would say. Instantly a few of the guys said it was a dick thing to say and it wasn't cool etc. Some of them agreed it was fine to laugh at what I said. Either way I doubt anyone is even thinking about it now (about 30 minutes later) but I was wondering if what I said made me an asshole?

I personally feel that I didn't offend anyone, I would obviously never say this to the kids face (who has the problems), I would also never say it to a group of people who didn't all know each other very well. I personally think they are being kind of sensitive and it really doesn't matter. AITA?
submitted by throwawayforahole to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

A school kid joking about you having to work more hours than him is like a Level 1 player laughing about an endgame player for having a higher difficulty.

submitted by Prace_Ace to Showerthoughts [link] [comments]

Teen jailed since February for making online comment about 'shooting up a school full of kids' is on suicide watch because faces eight YEARS in prison even though he says it was just a joke

Teen jailed since February for making online comment about 'shooting up a school full of kids' is on suicide watch because faces eight YEARS in prison even though he says it was just a joke submitted by newaccountrage to politics [link] [comments]

Reddit, a kid at my school, (not a student of mine) asked for some help. Does Reddit know any funny/silly/appropriate for school jokes about soap?

submitted by wbgwbg to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Kid makes this status a week after being kicked out of school for making a joke about bringing a gun to class

Kid makes this status a week after being kicked out of school for making a joke about bringing a gun to class submitted by mitchelltastic to funny [link] [comments]

TIFU by telling my 7yo he had to walk to McDonald’s with his 4yo sister to get his mum and I breakfast.

Let me preface this by saying this was an innocent joke and I would never make my kids walk to McDonald’s to get me breakfast.
I’d let them take the car.
Actual preface: this was a joke. We are a joking family.
Backstory: our kids woke up super early so we made them breakfast, turned on the TV and went back to bed for a quick sleep in.
Present story: Once they were bored with the TV they came in to our bed for cuddles and basic shit talking (as kids do. Omg can they shit talk)
After a few minutes I asked if everyone wanted McDonald’s and everyone agreed.
I told my 7yo son that he would have to walk to the store (it’s roughly 500 meters away but you have to cross a busy road to get there) with his 4yo sister to get breakfast for everyone.
While he was suspicious of this joke request he kept asking “dad? Do I really have to do that?” And I would reply “yes, mate. We’re both tired. Could you go get us breakfast please?”
This went on for a few minutes and then I laughed and said “don’t worry mate. I’ll get it” then went and had a shower.
While I was in the shower he had a complete anxiety attack about having to walk to McDonald’s and my wife said he was hysterical for at least 5 minutes. Like a full blown, inconsolable panic attack.
He actually thought I wanted him and his sister to walk to McDonald’s to get breakfast. He’s such a sweet kid.
TL;DR told my 7yo kid he had to walk to McDonald’s to get breakfast for the family, was joking but he has a complete anxiety attack about it and I feel like shit.
Edit: for those suggesting my actions were extremely terrible. when I say we are a joking family I mean that this kind of play happens all the time.
Even my 7yo will pretend the TV is broken only to “prank” me. This was an unprecedented turn of events and he would have usually called me out on my BS.
This is why it’s a TIFU and not an EVERYDAY I FUCK UP.
Edit 2: thank you for the hate mail and suggestions. Holy shit, some of you are redacted. Only some. Most of you are level headed, responsible people.
Edit 3: holy shit. Did not expect this to even make a ripple in the water. Which it hasn’t but in reddit standards, whoa!
Edit 4: I’m no longer answering replies or DMs as it appears the I’m worst parent on the planet and need to be schooled by random internet users.
Sorry for not responding. You can blame the experts.
Edit 5: thank you for the people hitting up my inbox telling me not to worry about hate mail. You guys rock.
submitted by Giant-Genitals to tifu [link] [comments]

AITA for saying to my brother that his kids’ future isn’t my problem?

I (f23) lost my dad 3 years ago. It’s been hard and in that time i needed someone and none of my siblings were there for me. I have a different dad from them and that kind of drove a wedge between them and me. He was in my life more than their dad was and i guess for that they hated me. My dad was really well off and in his will, he basically left everything to me. With the help of my uncle, i was able to learn what things needed to be done so i can claim what he left and learn how to properly manage a house and car.
Anyways, it’s a big house. It’s 4 bedroom 2 bath. My best friend currently lives with me. I use the other two as a study room and art room. My brother (M31) has been talking to me lately about the house. He currently lives in a 2 bedroom apartment with his wife and 2 kids (6 & 8). He’s been looking for an upgrade and basically figured i’d be willing to sell the house to him. I told him i didn’t want to sell the house but i’d help him look for one. He said no and that he wanted mine, his wife likes how spacious it is and the backyard is large enough for the kids to play and for them to get a dog.
My brother went on about how i didn’t need a house because i’m young and don’t have a family so it’ll benefit him more than me. It was hard for me to say no but i did and felt bad enough about it. He and his wife have been calling and texting nonstop asking if i’d changed my mind. The final straw was when my brother called and said i was putting my niece and nephew’s future at stake by forcing them to be stuck in a small apartment when they need more space to learn and grown.
I feel like i’m the asshole because my reply to that was “their future is not my concern nor is it my problem” and i left it at that. My other brother says i’m being selfish to only think about myself and not care for my brother and his family. He agrees with him and believe i don’t need a large house because it’s just me and they believe i don’t know how to own a house like an “adult”. AITA?

Damn. I went to sleep and woke up with so many replies. My PM’s are filled with people calling me a liar and a bad sister for putting my friend above my family. For one, i’m not lying. I’d never in a hundred years lie about something like this. I was hesitant in posting because of this exact reason, i really cant prove im not lying without exposing personal details so if you can’t take my word for it, i’m sorry. And two, my friend is the closest thing i had to having a sister. She was there for me through thick and thin. I read the comments and THANK YOU for the tips and suggestions, i’m going to get in contact with my Uncle today and talk to him about it and if needed, i’ll find a lawyer. Also, i do realize i could’ve worded it better and been so i think i owe him an apology for that much.
One more thing- about the questions on why he wanted my house specifically? A lot of things come into play. All around it’s in the perfect place as its close to many places like grocery stores, schools, and close to his job. He did offer me a price once before but it was less than half of what the house was worth and i already knew if i accepted it, i’d be a joke.
And to add- thanks for the rewards y’all are too nice!
submitted by aitathrowaway328 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

My HS tried to punish me for filing a 1st amendment lawsuit against them. I used it to get into my dream college.

Throwaway because it'll be easy to find my real identity.
In 2008 I was involved in a Federal lawsuit when my rural Texas High School tried to suspend me for wearing a shirt supporting then democratic hopeful John Edwards. (Hindsight is 20/20). They said it was a violation of the dress code, which was only ever selectively enforced. My parents had my back and agreed that it was, to quote my very white dad " redneck cracker nonsense".
I'll never forget during the initial meeting when my principal called in a school board member. He said that if I got suspended I would probably get kicked off the football team, and that could hurt me getting into college. It didn't matter, I was a miserable player and a smart kid so it wasn't gonna be what took me to college. But the slimy fake concern as he tried to leverage my future against my speech is something I'll never forget.
Anyway as the case goes on the squeeze gets tighter.
First they have the football coaches try to get me to drop it, having the football coach's talk about how my " selfishness" means that they can't wear Fellowship of Christian Athlete shirts anymore, trying to embarrass me in front of the team. I'm a fat kid who openly plays Magic the gathering in highschool, hit me with your best shot i have no shame.
Next they host a meeting with all the teachers telling them I'm a "problem" and that they need to keep an eye on me in case I "slip up". I found this out years after the fact when I bumped into my English teacher at a friends wedding.
Finally, they just start pulling in students from my classes to get them to say bad stuff about me. I was a class clown so this turns into every single dirty joke, rude comment, or loud fart i ever made getting reported to school administration. Which then leads to this awful little toady vice principal calling me and my parents in and reading them back in front of my mother. That one stung. My parents still knew it was bullshit but who wants their locker room jokes aired in front of their mom.
They used this as pretext to expel me for 6 weeks, citing "inappropriate sexual conduct". They shove me into the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program, and i am fucking steaming. The Program is basically where they warehouse kids with emotional problems they can't handle, you just sit in a room in a refurbished insane asylum and can't do anything but read or use the computer for monitored educational purposes. You also get booted from extracurriculars while you're in there. I know at this point they want me to make a scene so they can punish me further, so I do the exact opposite.
I channel all my rage and new free time into my school work, doing homework I would usually ignore because I knew I could ace the test. Now I'm doing both and my GPA is climbing. I start looking into scholarships and find a bunch that are really interested in political activism and guess who now knows a little bit about that, I apply and rip my school a new asshole in every one. Then, i work with my dad and we find an attorney who will take our case pro bono, which means while the school bleeds fees it doesn't cost us anything to keep it in court. I spent those weeks like a monk, motivated entirely by spite, doing everything i could to make their bullshit work for me.
I got out, got back on all my teams, and ended up applying for a prestigious honors program at my dream school. Not only did I get in but I got way more financial support than I thought I would. Eventually we lost the case, but the school had to abolish the dress code anyway because they couldn't afford to get sued over it again. I don't like the idea that a school lost money but man they made the choice they could have backed down whenever. Now I've graduated law school, am taking the bar in two weeks, and already have a job investigating government corruption. I'm getting paid to be a pain in the ass of petty authority, and it's pretty sweet.
Edit: Thanks for all the awards. To the many people who have expressed concerns about my Dox, it would be more or less impossible for me to talk about this story without doxxing myself. I have no other social media, and i'm completely comfortable being linked to this story. Therefore, i am largely unconcerned with the information being out there. I'd rather share the story than live in fear of some truly motivated maniac committed to targeting me.
submitted by PTPESQ to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

AITA for not giving my sister (single mom) money for a car when I can afford to do so

I (17F) have an online shop that I've been running for about a a two years now. It sells mostly stickers with my custom art, as well as some other small items. I put a lot of work into it, basically if I'm not doing school stuff I'm working on stuff for my shop, I love it The pandemic has let me put even more time in and over the past 10 months it's done REALLY well. I have a good chunk of money saved for University and other things.
My sister (25F) is divorced with two kids (1M and 2F). She has a job and child support. We've never gotten along, she always acted like she was embarrassed by me. She's said I'm an anti-social nerd loser which - fair lol. One of the things she always made fun of was my sticker hobby. She said stickers were juvenile and I'm just creating more garbage in the world.
She totaled her car recently and can't afford a new one. My parents told her to ask me for a loan (they can't afford to help her) and she sort of scoffed and asked them how much a loser like me could have, I don't even work. They told her how much I have in my bank account and she called me DEMANDING I buy her a new car. Not asking, DEMANDING. She said I didn't need the money, that I could get student loans like she did, and that I was a bad sister for not offering to help her out / pay her when I knew how tough she had it.
She eats out all the time, buys expensive clothes/shoes/bags, makeup palettes, trips to the spa and with her friends (pre-covid). I had no idea she had it 'tough' but in fairness, even if I had, I probably wouldn't have given her money. At no point in this convo did she mention paying me back.
She said that I've never contributed anything to the family (which is a joke coming from her) and that further to buying her a new car, I should give her what I make from my 'dumb hobby' since as a single mom she needs the money much more than I do, as I live rent-free at home and don't contribute to bills or groceries.
The thing is - she's not wrong. But I don't want to give her a cent. She's my sister and I love her but I don't like her very much, she's selfish and entitled and it bugs me she just makes these demands like I'M the one being unreasonable. So I said hell no and that she probably is too good for my 'baby sticker' money anyway, I wouldn't want her to stoop to my level, then I hung up and stopped responding to her texts/calls/DMs.
My parents won't force me to do anything, they say it's up to me but that I should reconsider. She's my sister and is having a hard time and there are two babies involved, they need a car. I don't strictly need the money right away like she does and I was pretty snarky with her. So Reddit, AITA?
Edit: I just want to say thank to everyone that responded, I didn't expect so much support and I'm truly touched. I was freaked out at all the comments coming in but you're all so nice!! I've been reading everything, sorry for not responding to everyone.
I had a lot of conflicting emotions. I knew my sister was being a jerk but factors like her kids, quasi-recent divorce, and just the fact she can be really convincing had me questioning myself. I'm sorry if this post came off as validation seeking, I can see how it would. I thought helping her might be the right thing to do since I would if she were nicer to me and I didn't want to be petty. But there were a lot of great comments that pointed out stuff I hadn't thought about or was just plain ignorant on and now I feel a lot better about not giving her money.
So thank you again!! And thank you for the sticker love too lol
submitted by thrwawaystickymaker to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

CMV: The 2nd Amendment will eventually be significantly weakened, and no small part of that will be the majority of 2A advocates hypocrisy regarding their best defense.

I'd like to start off by saying I'm a gun owner. I've shot since I was a little kid, and occasionally shoot now. I used to hunt, but since my day job is wandering around in the woods the idea of spending my vacation days wandering around in the woods has lost a lot of it's appeal. I wouldn't describe myself as a "Gun Nut" or expert, but I certainly like my guns, and have some favorites, go skeet shooting, etc. I bought some gun raffle tickets last week. Gonna go, drink beer, and hope to win some guns.
I say this because I want to make one thing perfectly clear up front here, as my last post people tended to focus on my initial statement, and not my thoughts on why that was harmful to libertarians. That was my bad, I probably put the first bit as more of a challenge than was neccessary.
I am not for weakening the 2nd amendment. I think doing so would be bad. I just think it will happen if specific behaviors among 2A advocates are not changed.
I'd like to start out with some facts up front. If you quibble about them for a small reason, I don't really care unless they significantly change the conclusion I draw, but they should not be controversial.
1.) Most of the developed world has significant gun control and fewer gun deaths/school shootings.
2.) The strongest argument for no gun control is "fuck you we have a constitution."
2a.) some might say it's to defend against a tyrannical government but I think any honest view of our current political situation would end in someone saying "Tyrannical to who? who made you the one to decide that?". I don't think a revolution could be formed right now that did not immediately upon ending be seen and indeed be a tyranny over the losing side.
Given that, the focus on the 2nd amendment as the most important right (the right that protects the others) over all else has already drastically weakened the constitutional argument, and unless attitudes change I don't see any way that argument would either hold up in court or be seriously considered by anyone. Which leaves as the only defense, in the words of Jim Jeffries, "Fuck you, I like guns." and I don't think that will be sufficient.
I'd also like to say I know it's not all 2a advocates that do this, but unless they start becoming a larger percentage and more vocal, I don't think that changes the path we are on.
Consider:Overwhelmingly the same politically associated groups that back the 2A has been silent when:
The 2nd should be protecting all arms, not just firearms. Are there constitutional challenges being brought to the 4 states where tasers are illegal? stun guns, Switchblades, knives over 6", blackjacks, brass knuckles are legal almost nowhere, mace, pepper spray over certain strengths, swords, hatchets, machetes, billy clubs, riot batons, night sticks, and many more arms all have states where they are illegal.
the 4th amendment is taken out back and shot,
the emoluments clause is violated daily with no repercussions
the 6th is an afterthought to the cost savings of trumped up charges to force plea deals, with your "appointed counsel" having an average of 2 hours to learn about your case
a major party where all just cheering about texas suing pennsylvania, a clear violation of the 11th
when the 8th stops "excessive fines and bails" and yet we have 6 figure bails set for the poor over minor non violent crimes, and your non excessive "fine" for a speeding ticket of 25 dollars comes out to 300 when they are done tacking fees onto it. Not to mention promoting and pardoning Joe Arpaio, who engaged in what I would certainly call cruel, but is inarguably unusual punishment for prisoners. No one is sentenced to being intentionally served expired food.
the ninth and tenth have been a joke for years thanks to the commerce clause
a major party just openly campaigned on removing a major part of the 14th amendment in birthright citizenship. That's word for word part of the amendment.
The 2nd already should make it illegal to strip firearm access from ex-cons.
The 15th should make it illegal to strip voting rights from ex-convicts
The 24th should make it illegal to require them to pay to have those voting rights returned.
And as far as defend against the government goes, these groups also overwhelmingly "Back the Blue" and support the militarization of the police force.
If 2A advocates don't start supporting the whole constitution instead of just the parts they like, eventually those for gun rights will use these as precedent to drop it down to "have a pocket knife"
Edit: by request, TLDR: By not attempting to strengthen all amendments and the constitution, and even occasionally cheering on the destruction of other amendments, The constitutionality of the 2nd amendment becomes a significantly weaker defense, both legally and politically.
Getting up in arms about a magazine restriction but cheering on removing "all persons born in the united states are citizens of the united states" is not politically or legally helpful. Fuck the magazine restriction but if you don't start getting off your ass for all of it you are, in the long run, fucked.
submitted by mattyoclock to Libertarian [link] [comments]

Entitled dad and his kid almost got me arrested

Back story: 2 kids in my class have been bullying me and fingering me (physically) for the past 3 months and I've complained about them to my school multiple times.
So it all started in the magical place we call school, it was a Sunday (I go to an islamic school) and we had just finished the 4th period and were about to take a break, when MB ( my bully ) and MB2 ( my other bully) Were about to do their BS again. So MB was telling MB2 to attack me and then so he came up to me and started choking me then knocked me on the ground, I've had it with them since they've been doing this for 2 months, keep in mind there were 2 other people inside the class, soon after MB came from behind me and fingered me so I just lost control of my self and pushed him onto a wall then I headbutt him.
Soon after I was called to the principal office and I explained all that happened and they said they understand what I did but I, along with the other 2 got a suspension the next day; that was supposed to be the end of the story, however unfortunately it was not...
The day after that MB2 came to me and apologised, we're friends now actually but then after school my dad gets a call from the police which I definitely expected since I beat up a spoiled brat from a rich and large family from the country im in. They said that ED, the father of MB had came to the police and said: "this is unacceptable! My son did not deserve this and he said he was just joking, I can't believe the school still suspended him! He got bullied by someone who also headbutt him!"
A couple of days later we went to the police and we explained everything that happened and that we complained to the school several times, later the man incharge came to us and said that there will be a prosecution on Sunday that we have to attend, keep in mind I'm only 13 and I have to attend a prosecution.
My heart was pounding out of my chest, we got checked up then my father and I went to the room after an hour of waiting, they knew all that was happening between me and MB but I felt something was wrong; the womans tone and attitude before and after we came to her was completely different.
She pulled out a medical certificate that according to it I completely fractured MB's top part of his nose, which I instantly knew was fake since I haven't seen him wear anything on his nose even while he would take his mask off I could only see a slight bruise just under the in-between of his eyebrows, the woman said that if I was 2 years older or if she had gotten the medical certificate 2 days earlier I would've been arrested and my family would have to go back to Egypt.
So they let me go and we went to the principle who called the prosecution and told them that I don't have any behaviour issues and MB is the one at fault. The next day MB (still with nothing on his nose) and I went to the principal and we both apologised to each other then they changed my class and that is currently at the moment the end of it, now I'm just waiting for the prosecution to call us and say that the dad has stepped down from the case.
I'll update this ASAP.
submitted by Shockybomb to entitledparents [link] [comments]

I'm Convinced My 9th Grade Science Teacher Knew I was Being Abused

I never spoke up about my abuse to any of my friends at school. Being a boy I felt I'd get made fun of if I told anyone how my mother makes me cry every day/night. All the teachers I had in jr high had told me I needed to stop acting out and listen more. I was the "class clown" type.
When I got to high school my first science teacher was named, Mr. Barkas. I thought he was weird. It seemed that he was so quick to give me detention just for the slightest little slip up. In other classes I'd crack jokes with friends only to have teachers yell, "No talking!" but Mr. Barkas was different. The second I made a peep he'd always come over to my desk, look me in the eye with an incredibly soft smile and calmly say, "You have detention after school." I thought it was because he enjoyed giving me detention so I didn't really like him at first but for some reason I still respected him. It was weird.
I had detention all the time in his class. More times than not, I was the only kid in there. I remember thinking it was all bullshit because other kids acted up too. It's just that his detention wasn't like other detention. He'd always make sure I sat at the front of the class and he'd sit with me. He'd always say something like, "Lets work on your science together." Detention would end and sometimes I'd stay to do more work with him. I can't recall correctly but I was failing his class with something like a 30. In just a few months of his "detention" I upped my grade to the 60's. He congratulated me and I just remember thinking, "It's a 60, it sucks" but he just wanted me to feel proud for being able to even do the work.
I'm 31 now and ironically enough we live in the same neighbourhood. I moved away from my city then moved back years ago so this is completely by chance. I see Mr. Barkas at the grocery store every now and then and sometimes strike up a conversation. I have a thick beard now which I didn't have in high school so when I first ran into him I introduced myself so he could try and remember me. Before I could finish my sentence he called out my name. He remembered exactly who I was.
EDIT: More memories are coming back as I go over this. Things I thought nothing of. Whenever he'd see me in the hall he'd always stop to have a conversation with me. It could be about anything. There were even times he'd see me walking around when I was supposed to be in class and it didn't matter. Just a quick 2 minute chat.
submitted by DiltonKick to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

AITA for not apologizing for a joke?

I (21M) don’t think I’m the asshole here, but my brother (25M) is really mad at me right now and definitely thinks I am.
My brother had Rona wedding. He and my now SIL had a friend marry them. My mom was a little bummed, but she never would have asked them to wait, and she got to watch via Zoom. I said they should have waited so we could all be there, but my brother said it was his marriage and his wedding and if he wanted to be married, he was going to be married and that having a big formal to-do wasn’t important to him.
We were having a facebook hangout thing and my mom asked if after the pandemic she could throw them a party. My SIL said that sounded lovely. I said it was the least they could do since they decided to have a shotgun wedding instead of a wedding everyone could attend. I said it sounded like SIL was knocked up and that’s why they got married. My brother told me to shut up, but I laughed and said that didn’t sound like a no. My mom also told me to shut up, but then my SIL said she couldn’t have kids, which I had forgotten. I sort of laughed it off and said that’s what made it a joke. My brother said it wasn’t funny, and I said it wasn’t a big deal and he needed to lighten up. SIL shook her head and excused herself from the chat.
My brother jumped all over my ass. He said that the correct response to that was to apologize, not blow it off. He said that one of the reasons they got married the way they did was because he didn’t want me at the wedding. I was pretty angry because I’m his brother but he said that anytime he tried to include me in an event for him, I ruined it. I started to protest, but he pointed out that not only did I ruin his high school graduation, I ruined nearly every birthday he had. He said that it was his idea to get married without family, and SIL agreed to it. He said that I owe her an apology and he didn’t want to hear from me until I did. I felt pretty attacked at this point, and expected my mom to step in, but she just said that I did have some attention seeking tendencies and I did always seem to find some way to make something about him about me.
I wasn’t going to sit around and let them attack me anymore so I signed off. I was venting to my dad, who really hates my mom, so I was really surprised when he agreed with her. He said that if I took issue with how I was being treated, maybe I should examine my own behavior and apologize where I need to. I said I wasn’t going to apologize when I was the one who was attacked but he just sighed and said he couldn’t help me then. I feel unfairly attacked over something as stupid as a bad joke, but my brother doesn’t plan on apologizing anytime soon, and my mom thinks I’m the one who owes an apology. I think my brother is the asshole, but he thinks I am.
submitted by AITATA234550 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

Society shows more respect for professional athletes than they do teachers or child protective professionals.

It’s that time of year again. The bowl commercials are being posted all over for that quick karmic fix, fantasy leagues are reveling in their picks, bets are being leveled, and I’m already seeing posts from users complaining that only nerds and weebs don’t watch sports. So, here I am to stir up that annual bowl of poo and echo the tale that is old as time.
Professional athletes are paid too much.
Yes, I said it, just like the last year’s NeRdS n WeEbs, and I’m tired of pretending like they don’t.
I will now list the 2019-2020 minimum salaries for the three major sports leagues, as well as average and maximum salaries for essential positions in the workforce such as teachers, FBI agents who track child predators, EMT personnel, etc...ya know, all the individuals who perform in vital roles around the country?
Minimum Salaries of Professional Athlete in League: •NFL - $610,000 •NBA - $898,000 •MLB - $570,000
Average and Max recorded salary for individuals: •Middle School Teacher - $50,000 / $96,000 •FBI special agent - $50,000 / $130,000 •EMT responder - $36,000 / $60,000
Obviously these numbers aren’t broad enough, as I know teachers that barely make $30,000. I could go on and on, with many more jobs that are absolutely essential to our society, these few examples give a general idea of the disproportionately factored pay that we see fit to allow in this country as we ridicule the overly wealthy billionaires all while supporting, sometimes unhealthily, the professional athlete and the many benefits afforded to those athletes. To know that just the other day, two FBI agents who had spent their entire careers seeking to put an end to child endangerment predators were gunned down in the line of duty, and that at the highest ranks they barely make a 1/5 of our lowest paid professional athlete...well it’s downright unsettling, and I’m not sure why this need to glorify athletes is so pervasive in our society.
BuT iT mAkEs Me fEel gOoD....
Didn’t I just see one of the newer sports titles for gaming consoles offering full a.i. VS a.i. playback that looks almost like the real thing? Zoos and music venues using holo projections for performance and display? What is our endgame here with these athletes and the leagues behind them? Did we forget about the censorship in some instances because of covid?
Meh, Mericuh or whatever
Edit: this post was mainly about the respect we give and the blind eye we tend to turn, and while I may have used salary comparison to show some idea of intended value between the two, the posts replying about how athletes are underpaid or teachers are thought of too much...I will just say, I rest my case.
Edit 2: I grew up watching Michael Jordan, and had more bulls jerseys as a kid than I can remember. I think athletes are great, no matter their level of proficiency. This isn’t a post about someone not deserving $600,000 a year, it’s about others not getting the same level of respect and we as a people being ok with it either because we enjoy the benefits of it, or we don’t see fit to have issue because it doesn’t pertain to our daily lives.
TL;DR — Technology-driven non-monetary macroeconomies FTW.
Final edit: 2021, February 8, 23:14 UTC I have really enjoyed reading all of the responses, especially the user who referenced Nestle water with an air supply joke, classic. Thank you to everyone who participated, and as always, take care out there :)
submitted by KungFuCordiality to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl, hey hey hey, goodbye... a Sparkies Tale

This is a bit of a read, hey. The title will make sense at some stage, I promise.
I'll explain some stuff as we go, but as always, there's a Glossary at the end.
Some years ago I was working FiFo (Fly In, Fly Out) at a mine. Leave the small-ish town I was living in at the time, fly to the mine for two weeks, fly back home for one week. Rinse, repeat. As a dual trade sparky/instro, it was big hours and looooots of Beer Tickets. (sparky/instro - electrician/instrumentation electrician)
With all the fat stacks of bills I was being paid, I decided to buy a fixer-upper house that I could work on during my weeks off, with a view to selling at some stage. My construction industry mates would help, on occasion, for beer and BBQ. This is The Way.
The house was an old wooden single story, 4 bed, 1 1/2 bath affair, on a half acre (2000sqm/21780 sqf), WITH A BIG SHED! Seriously, the shed was a big 4 bay job with power and water. And a John Deere ride-on mower for all the green shit.
It had come up at an estate sale, the previous owners having been there for over 25yrs. It needed the usual paint and mending, a fair bit of modernisation, a bit of renovation, but was overall a solid house in an established neighbourhood. All the blocks around there were half acre.
The first day I was moving in, I hadn't been there for an hour, and had one of the neighbours visiting. (There are two types of neighbours who come over within an hour. The "Here is a casserole, welcome to the neighbourhood" type, and the "Bill and Jenny" type.)
Bill and Jenny - Antagonists "Bill" was a retired Barrister, "Jenny" a retired Surgeon. (A Barrister is a highly skilled Specialist Solicitor who wears a wig. A Solicitor is a regular Lawyer who doesn't wear a wig.) (I had to ask a Barrister some questions regarding an upcoming court case once. Thought I'd just ring them up. 30mins on the phone cost me $500. Wigs are no joke.)
Anyway, Bill and Jenny came over with the "Hello peasant, this is a quiet neighbourhood" yada yada bullshit. They'd been at their house for over 20yrs. I was courteous and respectful, explained that I would be in and out due to being a FiFo Contractor, didn't party, and the only noise would be fixing up the house. Well. Bill and Jenny were most assuredly not impressed.
I don't know if it was the Contractor bit, or the fixing up the house bit, but I don't think their faces could've looked any more souhorrified if I'd leant in and given them a big lick up the face. I received a legal brief on the Noise Laws, and repeated assertions that this was a "Quiet Neighbourhood".
Bill was also kind enough to let me know that "Everyone around here has pride in their gardens/lawns and it would be a shame if I were any different". Jesus fuck Bill, OK, I get it. Bill has no chill. I let him wander off with his Alpha attitude and went about moving in.
Dave and Bec "Dave" and "Bec" (from over the other fence) came over just on sunset with their teenaged kids, beers and pizza. Dave was a High School Principal and Bec was a Nurse. They asked how it went with Bill and Jenny and we had a good laugh. Dave told me how Bill comes over and gives unsolicited gardening advice. Dave, Bec and their kids were tops.
All through the first day I'd seen Bill pottering around in his garden. Garden isn't the right word though. Apart from the house, their half acre was like the local Botanical Gardens. Gazebo, Pool, Pond and all. Dave told me how Bill bragged about his rare trees and flowers and shit. (Can you tell I love gardening? Honestly, grass is just something you pull up to pave or concrete over.)
After the first week, I'd moved in and had begun the plans for the work I wanted to do.
With the title to the house had come a copy of the previous owners application to build a deck off the rear and side of the house. Nice BIG DECK. I stepped out the plans, decided that this BIG BEAUTIFUL DECK would do nicely, and had My PeopleTM begin looking into whether the plans were still valid/needed updating. I'd also serviced the mower (in my BIG SHED) and done the lawn, to the not-so-surreptitious scrutiny of Bill. Then it was off to the mine for two weeks.
Each week off I'd catch up on sleep and work a bit. This went on for a few months until I got my first proper Quarterly Utility Bill (Powewateetc). Now I could continue a habit I'd started years earlier. Just like everyone else does, when I'd moved in I recorded the power and water meter readings in my Utilities Diary. It's a good tool to monitor powewater usage. Comes in handy if you suspect a leak or power issues. (everyone has one, right?) Now that I'd had a bill I could Keep Records.
The Issue Unfolds
Month five I decided to replace the electrical switchboards in the house and BIG SHED (fuse box/breaker panel/load centedistribution board/I don't know where you live and what you call it there). To do this, I killed the power at the front Main Switch at the Meter Box. This means my whole block would have no power. While changing out the switchboards, I'd also do a full test of the electrical cabling, outlets, etc. This testing was done, by law, prior to sale, but not by me. So of course I had to check it.
Two things were weird during this time. 1) The cable over to the shed tested "not as expected". 2) Bill was watering some of his flower beds by hand. (There are now some readers who have guessed what the underlying "Corpus Delecti" is in this tale.) (Some have probably figured out what the title means)
Bills whole garden, like mine, had an automatic irrigation system. At set times and days, the whole grounds would get watered by a pump and timers. This usually happened three times a week around sunset. His flower beds had misters, potted plants had drippers, and the lawn had the pop-up rotating "chuk, chuk, chuk, chuk, brrrrrr" sprinklers. (I wrote this out so you'd make the noise in your head. You're welcome.)
I'd never seen Bill water by hand with a hose. Weird. The Shed circuit intimated that it either had a fault in the underground cable, or it had some electrical equipment connected, even though I'd unplugged everything for testing. So, the undergrounds then. I'd have to try and find the undergrounds and investigate. this would mean pulling them out and possibly replacing them, but that could wait for tomorrow. I'd just do the house switchboard that day.
Next day, I borrowed a cable locator from a mate and traced the shed undergrounds, marking with my favourite pink paint. The Shed undergrounds were about 1m/3ft inside my fence line, and were fed from the power meter box at the front of the property. About half way between the house and Shed I ran into more weird.
It appeared that there was a branch off the underground shed power cable. Heading into Bills property. Looking over the fence, the first thing I could see in line with this branch was Bills little hut that housed his pool pump/filteirrigation controls/irrigation manifolds/valves. This hut was about 3m/10ft inside his fenceline.
Because this cable locator also located water pipes, I found that the shed water pipe also branched at this point. Things were less weird now. After marking the whole underground services trench, I packed up the gear and went about changing out the house switchboard. And had a nice think. The Plan was formed.
The next day I got My PeopleTM to look into public records of when Bills pool, and my Shed had been built. I also went and bought some cameras and a recorder. The last couple of days of the week I did a few things.
  • Using surveyors pegs hammered into the ground, I marked out where the BIG BEAUTIFUL DECK would be going. I didn't want anyone suspicious about why I'd marked the Shed underground services trench.
  • I put up the cameras. One facing down the side of the house that would capture the water and power meter at the front of the property. One facing my Shed, which would inadvertently capture Bills Pool Hut. Perfectly legal.
  • I installed a mini power meter just for the shed circuit, so I could monitor power usage to the shed.
  • I changed my irrigation timers to match Bills. Just in case.
The last thing I did before heading back to the mine was to turn the shed power circuit off, and the main water valve off. Of course, the meter readings went in my Utilities Diary. My grounds might not be watered for two weeks, but sometimes you gotta break some eggs. And everyting was that smug-green shade anyway. It could do with being taken down a peg.
When I got home the next week off, I casually went over to the meters, and wouldn't you know it! The brand new power meter for the shed had NUMBERS on it. Mainly because it was now turned on. The water meter had a higher reading and the water valve was turned on.
So, big bold Bill, huh. Just leaving this stuff on for me to find. Next I checked the cameras.
  • See Bill at his pool hut the day after I've left, looking at the irrigation system with puzzlement.
  • See Bill walking off frame, to appear on the other camera looking at the meters. See Bill turning the water and power on.
  • See Bill going back to his place, checking the irrigation system. See the sprinklers come on.
I'd also had a call while at the mine from My PeopleTM telling me that Bills pool, and my shed, had gone in around the same time 10yrs ago.
Bill, Bill, Bill. You silly wig wearing wanker.
Phase 2 of the plan included making the hole deeper for Bill. One day when he was out in the garden, I called over to him and asked if he'd seen anyone messing around with the powewater meters. (The meters were at the front of the property, like they did back in the day, to make it easier for the meter readers from the Utility companies. This meant that kinda anyone could come and mess with them.) Bill came over and said no. I made sure to stand in a particular spot at the fence, so this exchange was captured by the camera.
When I left for the mine, I not only recorded the meter numbers and turned the powewater off, I put an "Out of Service" tag on the Shed circuit, and another on the water valve. These were dated and I took photos.
So now we can establish just how bold Bill was, because when I got home the tags were gone, and the powewater was on again.
I again went through the asking-over-the-fence shtick. Again Bill denied any Scienter.
Two chances to own up. Okie dokie, Phase 3.
Just so everyone is caught up: Bill had been at his property for 20yrs+. The Pool and shed went in 10yrs ago. The Pool Hut, with the pump and filter, and irrigation system went in at the same time. You could see that the hut had been designed to house all of it. Bill might have been knowingly stealing power and water for 10yrs. He certainly had no problem stealing power and water off me. Fuck Bill and all his green shit.
I visited a couple of Mates to pick up some items and went to work. - In the Shed, I got the borrowed 200L/53gal drum, filled it with water and emptied a 20kg/44lbs bag of goodness into it. It took a while to stir it all in and dissolve. - I set up the dosing pump for the drum, and ran a lead over to my irrigation system to power it and turn it on. - At 2am, with my headlamp on, feeling all Jason Bourne, I went and turned my water off. After running the taps in the house to remove the pressure, I put some plastic down near the powewater branch (for the dirt), and very carefully dug a hole.
  • Exposing the water line going over to Bills place, I fixed a tapping saddle to the water pipe. (Remember, this pipe over to Bills place was coming off MY water pipe.) Onto the tapping saddle I fitted the end of a length of small clear plastic tubing and filled in the hole. The grass fit back into place just nicely.
  • The plastic tubing I ran along the fence to the Shed, tucked into the grass, and attached the other end to the dosing pump. The delivery system was ready.
  • After turning my water back on, I turned my taps on to re-pressurise the lines.
  • Then I cleaned up went to bed.
Later that day, around midday, I went next door and knocked. One last chance Bill. Jenny answered the door, and I asked if I could have a word with them both about their pool and irrigation watepower. Jenny knew. She paused for a heart-beat and said they didn't have anything to talk about. As she was closing the door, I said that if Bill wanted to come and see me, I'd be home.
Now, you might be thinking "Ok, this looks like it's going to be a bit of an extreme response." Here's what I'd put up with since I moved in: - Bill or Jenny asking me to keep the noise of the power tools down when I was working during the day. I only ever started after 9am and finished before 5pm. Our houses were about 100m/330ft apart. I was disturbing their "Gazebo time" during the day. - Bill and or Jenny calling the Police to my place for noise complaints when I had mates over helping. The worksite radio was low, and we were just being jocular, not rowdy. Dave and Bec had no issue and came over for the BBQs. - Bill had one of my fucking trees cut down while I was at work, because "it was too close to his fence." Yeah, ok, Frangipani flowers do get kinda everywhere, but still, it'd been there for years and he could have asked. - Bill tried to legally bully the Local Council into denying my BIG BEAUTIFUL DECK plans. The Deck plans had again been approved by the Local Council. Let me say this again: Bill tried to fuck with my deck.
So, at about 5pm, Bills irrigation turned on. And so did my dosing pump. Have you ever heard the term "Salting the Earth"? The bag I'd emptied into the 200L/53gal drum was pool salt. NaCl. When Bills irrigation turn off, the drum was empty. It had pumped all the salt water into Bills irrigation system.
2am, I Jason Bourned the tubing out of the hole, sealed the tapping saddle, and packed up. The next morning I took my mates drum and pump back. At about 8am, I started digging up the services trench, all the way from the meter box to the shed. With breaks it took the whole day. When I got to the branch that led into Bill and Jennys place, I called them over to look at it.
They denied any knowledge. I told them - that's ok, I was going to replace the cable and conduit to the shed anyway, so I'd just cut the stuff going to their place. I ended up jumping the fence and digging so I could rip the pipe and cable out of the ground on their side. A plumber mate came and helped fix my water pipe.
Bills Garden - When I was digging my trench the next morning, I could see it all, everything, wilting. If he'd gotten a heap of water on it right away the night before.. who knows. Some of his rare trees may have survived. But by 8am the salt had been doing it's job for 13hours. When he saw what was happening, and figured out the cause, he connected his hose to the irrigation system and started watering. Everything turned yellow/brown. It took him months to get the plants that lived, back to being healthy. He told the local Horticultural Society (of which he was the president) that the pool water had somehow gotten into the irrigation.
Bill and Jenny - The morning after, once he'd figured out what happened, they confronted me. I denied any knowledge and when he started threatening legal action, I told him about the tags, and video, and Utilities Diary, and pool/shed building documents. It drove him nuts not being able to do anything. He knew I did it. Thankfully, I had no more hassle from them.
Me - I sold the house 1yr after starting, as planned, to avoid higher taxes on the sale. I bought another house and started again.
My PeopleTM - Conveyancer. Like a human conveyor belt. They move paper from one place to another.
BIG BEAUTIFUL DECK - Best. Deck. Ever. It went along the whole back of the house, and halfway round one side. It was 5m/16ft wide, roofed, and had a BBQ station and sinks built in. I still miss that deck.
My Grounds - I managed to not kill any of my plants or stupid grass.
Thank you for reading.
Beer Tickets - Beer Tickets are Money. You hand over a red Beer Ticket ($20 note), you get 5 beers. A blue ticket ($10 note) gets you 2 beers. These conversion rates are from years ago. I don't know what the current conversion rates are.
Corpus Delecti - Is either "Body of the Crime" or something to do with cooking. I'm pretty sure I've heard Gordon Ramsey say it before. But then, who could tell.
Salting the Earth - Salt kills plants. I reckon, after seeing the results of one bag, had I put in three bags, (and I would have) there'd have been no recovery. Also, I'm pretty sure the soil would've needed quite a bit of remediation to ever grow anything again. It's kinda lucky for Bill that my mate only had one bag. I was in a bit of a mood that day. I had hoped for ground zero.
Neighbours/Neighbourhood - I made sure to write this down as many times as I reasonably could. Just to annoy people with the "u". It's one of my favourite games.
Grass - 15 spots of rain and you have to cut it again. Oh look, now it needs fertilizer. Now it needs shade..oops too much shade. Honestly, kids are easier. I remember the time I mowed the lawn as a 10yr old. Ran over some rocks. That was such a fun time. Mowing the lawn with bleeding legs and Dad saying, "That's just part of mowing the lawn mate." To be fair, I did only have shorts and thongs on. But still, Fuck grass.
submitted by OlderSparky to ProRevenge [link] [comments]

AITA for letting my pregnant girlfriend exclude my sister from her baby shower because of her superstitions?

Crazy title but hopefully I can get my side across. My girlfriend is extremely superstitious. She once stepped on a crack and her dad had a heart attack. That's just joke but something like that did happen when she was a kid and walked under some ladder and found out later that day he was in hospital. It was a pre existing condition but that stuck to her for life and I can't make her see reason some times. Anyways she's a couple months pregnant and she's planning her baby shower with her friend. Talked about guests and limiting them only to family and she agreed but said she didn't want my sister their because a few years back she had a late miscarriage and she thinks it would be bad luck for her to be at the baby shower. Sounds extremely insulting and rude but believe me she put it way gentler than that and I'm just shorting it to get to the point.
Spoke to my sister a few days later and she asked what we've been up to. I told her baby shower planning and she fake yawned and said that whatever we do we must cut her out of it. She doesn't really like my gf because of some old high school drama between them but the point is that she didn't want to go because of that. Me being my stupid self let it slip that that was good because my gf was scared of the bad luck as a joke. She rightfully was upset after hearing this and asked why I would let my gf exclude her for such a personal thing. Even though she didn't want to go it still hurt her that that she wasn't 'allowed' to anyways because of this reason. I know I shat myself with the joke and it was stupid to say it and I wasn't thinking but am I the asshole for letting my gf exclude her? I feel like since it's not my party I don't really have a say especially since I know she can be superstitious.
Edit: just for additional information, I have apologised a dozen times and treated my sister after this and she's let ig go and I'm solely asking as a personal reflection on the matter
To address the shit stirring accusation, I'm not that type of person and it's sucks that I'm coming off that way. It was stupid to say it and yes I put my foot all the way down my mouth. My sister and I have a light hearted relationship whet we joke around a lot. Me not thinking it completely through, thought it was funny to joke about her supposedly having bad luck. If I had thought about it properly though, I would remembered that this bad luck is attributed to the fact that she had a miscarriage and I would've realised that it was an inappropriate joke. But I didn't and fucked up
submitted by Neither_Face_575 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

AITA for getting mad about a (harmless) prank?

I live in a student complex with 2 buildings, one with 6 people (where I live) and one with 40 people. We share some, but not all commodities.
A few weeks ago the people from the large house decided to do a snowball fight, and found it funny to throw snowballs at windows of people. One of the targets was one of my housemates from the small house. They did not stop, even after him asking a total of 3 times. I defended him the next morning, because he is less confrontational. While telling them off about it, I also told them we would appreciate it if they didn't build a snow barrier in front of our door, like they did last time it snowed, because it is also our escaperoute in case of fire. Tbf, the building is one story and has enough windows to escape, but I still consider it dangerous, because in a panic shit can go sideways.
Fast forward a couple of weeks to this weekend. We had a snowstorm. They decided this was the perfect time to build a snow barrier in front of our door. They build it in such a way that the door was supposed to be able to open (which I believe btw), but the door wouldn't open. In the end we had to climb out of a window and clear some of the snow. I complained about the fire safety to them and asked them to clean up the rest of the snow.
After 2 days of telling them to fix it, they did nothing. The third day it still wasn't fixed, so now I was pissed. After some people told me I should stop whining and just clean it up myself, I told them we cleared it up enough for us to leave and enter, however the opening wouldn't be large enough to accept large packages (Their house doesn't have a doorbell, ours does, so all the delivery people come to us). This got their attention. Translated:
Him: "Holy fuck dude. I will clear it all up in a minute. If you can't handle a joke. The whole idea of this joke wasn't to screw up the relationship between the houses, but just as a joke jesus. It's not like the door couldn't open (that was the plan though), but oh well. Most people would just clean it up and the joke would be over."
Me: "We've explicitly stated that we don't like this. That makes it not a joke. You were probably one of those kids that bullied other children and continued after they told you they didn't like it and then still claim it was just 'teasing'. "
Apparently I hit a nerve here, because this got some backlash from multiple people from the large house.
Him: "I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that because you know nothing about my life. It was just a joke, and I found it funny. Especially because you said you wouldn't like it."
Me: "If you truly feel that way than either you are an asshole, or you've missed some important lessons during primary school, or you have zero empathetic ability. Chose one of the three."
During the discussion some people cleaned up the snow.
Did I go to far in demanding they'd clean up this arguably harmless prank?
submitted by DutchNotSleeping to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

TIFU and realized I wasted my whole life. at 42 years of age took the safe path as a dentist. My advise to people at a similar age.

I think I have wasted my whole life to be honest.
I am Joe, I have been a lurking for a while. I created this account to get my story across, I have no idea what I am planning to achieve by doing so, but I hope it can help those who are at crossroads and are stuck between passion and safety.
For the past 15 years of life, I have been a dentist, a path that I chose after leaving a job to study further in the hopes I will make more money. I do not even know why I cared about money when I did not even spend any of it. I met my wife before I started school, when I was 20, when I was a risktaker, a dreamer and wanted to change the world.
Now I’m in a place where I have chronic pain, a cheating wife, kids who don’t love me, a life of staring into mouths all day, a dull brain, no more passions and hopes, no real purpose in life.
I wanted to work as a social worker or an educator, but my parents and wife thought that I could help people in other ways that pay well. They convinced me to take dentistry and I did. I hated every minute of school, I did not want to be in a place where my back would ache, neck would ache and it was not solving the real cause of the problem, but just the result of what happens after people let go of their teeth. All my friends convinced me that it will be rewarding, and I will make a lot of money when I am out of school and I let them.
When I was a young man, I wanted to do so many things, I used to play music, I wanted to become a musician, I wanted to be a teacher raising future people who could change the world. I loved physics and mathematics, but my parents told me to follow money instead of passions.
Today I have 2 kids, a wife and they all expect me to provide them with a luxurious lifestyle. I have never cared for money, the most enjoyable time in my life was when I was sleeping on a futon in a rental running a small business selling jars of jam made with strawberries from a local farm and also working as a tutor for a bunch of spoilt kids. I had very little, but I was happy, I feel like I should have become an educatobusiness owner instead of taking a career I hate.
From the past 15 years, I have developed chronic pain from doing dentistry, gained at least 20 kilos, made a million dollars but for what? I can’t even do anything because of chronic back pain.
After becoming a dentist, I worked 9-4, 5 days a week, I would come back home exhausted, plan my next day, manage the business side of things, have dinner with my kids and wife, sleep and repeat. Have a few weeks here and there as holidays where I would take my family away for a vacation.
My kids don’t even talk to me anymore, my wife and I have not had sex for months and I’m 100% that she’s cheating on me with a better-looking man who is older than me, I have seen her phone and confirmed this, but I will not bring it up because I don’t have anyone except her left in my life, she has been my only support throughout this and if she leave, I have nothing left. My kids will probably be split and hate their dad because their mom has raised them, my life feels like a joke.
I remember when I was in my 20s, I used to be popular with the girls, I had countless opportunities to go out with girls I found more attractive than my wife but I didn’t because I cared for her. In hindsight, I should have just done what I wanted to. Maybe my wife would still be attracted to me, I would be healthier and fitter.
If I had my life all over again, I would not settle down so early, I would date more and find more interesting friends, I would never choose to be a dentist!
I should have stuck to my passion for business/physics/teaching/music etc. Even though I would have been broke, I think I would not have cared, I would wake up everyday working towards a better future, work harder because I am not handed money on a silver platter, the list can go on.
I feel that it's too late to go back to pursue my passions now, my kids have expectations, my wife has expectations, society thinks that I am useful and important.
Sorry if this is a long read, but I just had to say it. I truly have made a joke out of the one life I was given by choosing money, stability, safety, other people’s opinions over my real passions.
To all the people stuck between money/stability/safety and passions, just chase your passions because the safe path does not guarantee that you’ll live a life that was worth living.
TL:DR – I ruined my life by continuing to do what I hated – dentistry. It has ruined my marriage, health, family, my passions, my mind. Do what you are passionate about, f*** societal expectations.

EDIT: I was not expecting this post to get so much attention as it has, I just posted it as a whim to tell atleast someone about it. I was very emotional at the time and did not proof read anything that I typed.
Honestly reading your thoughts, encouragement and most importantly your own personal stories, I feel like I'm gaining a new perspective at life and how I can change it, for the first time in a very long time, I feel that maybe this is not the end. I don't have to die a slave to a system that does not support my life or adds any value to my life.
I will put down answers to recurring questions below as they come up and keep you guys updated on what I will do with my life in this post. Thank you reddit for giving me hope.
submitted by waste_of_life_12345 to tifu [link] [comments]

Finally, some balance on CNBC -- which has been incredibly biased against us

Finally some balance on CNBC in a debate:
Kevin O'Leary (Shark Tank's "Mr. Wonderful"):
"The definition of the market is speculation when you buy and stay long in a stock you are speculating about the profits you hope appear and you take that risk"
"The best thing we could do for this market right now is leave it alone and just shine the light of transparency on it. if you are short, let it be transparent and you now run the new risk that these effective social media vigilantes are going to come after you and squeeze you in your short. And that's going to make a lot of hedge funds think a second time before they try and go short in a stock which I think it is great."
Paraphrase: We have 100s of millions of people who have nothing set aside for their retirement. And along comes a platform that has millions of investors....And yes, they will lose money as every investor does. Just shine transparency on it.
And, finally, he made the argument that CNBC ignores, that GME now has a new lease on life:
"How do you know that Gamestop executives are not going to take advantage of this situation and make a pivot just like Netflix did when they were shipping out CDS in the mail?"
Anchor breaks in to say they need to protect "the little guy" from the "big guy" (which is a joke since they only care about the "big guy.")
"The only person I care about are the people who lost their jobs. . . I really don't care if a few hedge funds go to zero. Who cares?"
Anchor: what about the kids who take the stimulus checks and put it on margin and could go to bankruptcy:
"They didn't learn investing in high school so let them learn in the real world."
I got so sick of CNBC yesterday that I ponied up for extra $14 a month for a cable package including Bloomberg and it is so much more balanced and nuanced plus you get a lot more news of world markets and commodities. CNBC really only covers U.S. stocks. Which is only a fraction of the financial/economic picture.
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AITA for refusing to help my sister and also her awayfrom her daughter?

I (M 30) am going straight to the point, I have a sister (F 25) whose dream was to marry a rich guy (no joke, she dreamed of marrying rich since she was 14) we live in a pretty affluent town, so isn’t an impossible dream, the logic behind this dream is that she is too lazy to get a job, literally, she is very vocal about how tiring getting a job is.
Now into the story, my sister at the age of 20 managed to marry with a rich guy, Mark (fake name) who came from very old family money and is also a high ranking business man, the nicest guy I ever met, Mark had a little accident when he was kid, basically speaking he literally lost his balls to a dog, so suffice to say, he can’t have kids and my sister knew this.
Long story short, after two years of marriage, in a beautiful summer day my sister announced she was pregnant and tried to convince Mark that was a miracle baby (no joke I was there), Mark didn’t buy that and demanded to know the truth, well turns out my sister was having a six months’ affair with a high school sweetheart, who we going to call Billy, Billy (26) is the embodiment of a deadbeat, he still lived with his parents, can’t keep a job for more than a fell months, drink like a fish and smoke cigar and weed like a chimney.
When the “miracle baby” tactic didn’t work, she tried the, “it was a mistake” and “if you love me, you will forgive me and take care of this kid” tactics, suffice to say, Mark kicked her out and since she was fully dependent on him and signed a prenup (common costume on Mark’s family) she was left with nothing.
Cut to now, my niece (the sweetest girl I ever met) is almost two years old and lives with me, since my sister and Billy were considered unfit to be parents (and I didn’t want my niece to go to foster care), my sister is trapped in a dead end job and almost unable to sustain herself, Billy is in jail for drug dealing.
My sister had been begging me for help with the bills and rent and I firmly refuse, because her stupidity isn’t my problem, she also beg me to let niece live with her, I am also not doing this, because my sister lives in very bad neighborhood, my sister have supervised visitations, which I pick her up to attend the visitations, but I am also the one deciding were the visitation were to happen and they are either at my house or a public place and since I still friends with Mark (who loves my niece and took to herself to be the cool uncle) she also begs me to help her to reconcile with him which I also refuse.
My entire family calls me cruel for doing this and they tell me to at least give some help to my sister and I always tell them that is not my responsibility to help my sister to pay for her own stupidity and now she has to get out of this shit herself, because my only responsibility is my niece who is innocent in all of this and if they are so concerned about my sister they can pull their money together and help her, but for them this not their problem since she is MY sister.
So reddit AITA?
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jokes for kids about school video

FUNNY SCHOOL JOKES FOR KIDS. We’ve been telling jokes as a family for as long as I can remember. Carrigan was trying to tell them before she could fully talk. It’s just one of our favorite things to do. A good kids joke can help ease any tension or stress they might be feeling. The start of a new school year can definitely be a stressful time for all of us. Finding jokes for to tell at ... Funny teacher jokes. Here you will find great collection of funny, silly and corny teacher jokes for kids of all ages, teens and adults who do not want to grow up. This funny collection of friendly and good jokes, riddles and puns about teacher are clean and safe for children of all ages. Kids will laugh out loud when they hear these jokes about teacher! Having some of the best kids jokes about school on hand in a matter of seconds we can help our child not feel so down about school. These jokes about school work great to teach our kids as well so they can use them to help their friends and classmates feel better about school too! So, we are sharing 50 of the best kids jokes about school so we ... School Jokes for Kids. Q: Where do people learn to make ice cream? A: In sundae school. Q: Why did the knight run around shouting for a can opener? A: He had a bee in his suit of armour. Q: Why were the early days of history called the dark ages? A: Because there were so many knights. Q: What was Camelot? A: A place where people parked their camels. Q: When a teacher closes his eyes, why ... 9647 clean kids jokes, and growing every day! is published by me, Barbara J. Feldman: mom, wife, syndicated columnist, and founder of Jokes By Kids is now also available as free app. Comments and questions are welcome at What flies around the school at night? The alpha-bat! What is a teacher's three favorite words? June, July & August! What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T? A teapot! What room can a student never enter? A Mushroom! What letter is found in a cup? T! Why were the teacher's eyes crossed? She couldn't control her pupils! Why did the teacher marry the janitor? Because he swept her ... Back to Jokes. Check out these special school joke categories for more education jokes for kids: Geography Jokes; History Jokes; Math Jokes; Teacher Jokes; Here is the list of the rest of our school jokes, puns, and riddles for children and kids: School Appropriate Jokes for Kids. If you are looking for clean jokes for kids to tell at school you’ve come to the right place. Below you will find 70 funny jokes that will have students and teachers laughing aloud. One of the best ways to make someones day is to get them laughing and these will do just that. Jokes for Kids to Tell at School ... School jokes for kids would instantly light up children’s moods. Both parents and teachers can make use of funny jokes to cheer children up. Teaching children some hilarious school jokes would also help them socialize well with their peers. Here is a list of some of the best school jokes. 100+ School Jokes For Kids As a result, there are so many jokes about the school so it was hard to select only a few of them for your review. Here is a typical kids joke about school: – Dad? Can you write in the dark? – Yes of course. – Could you sign my report card? 50+ jokes about school. The teacher asks the students: – In the following sentence: The patient is dead as a result of his affection, where is the

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