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Switzerland and EU officially asked the Lebanese authorities to help in a forensic investigation regarding transfers (400m usd) related to Central Bank governor Riad Salemeh, Bank Intra, Casino Du Liban and MEA

Switzerland and EU officially asked the Lebanese authorities to help in a forensic investigation regarding transfers (400m usd) related to Central Bank governor Riad Salemeh, Bank Intra, Casino Du Liban and MEA submitted by ThePerito to lebanon [link] [comments]

Casino du Liban Denies Coronavirus Rumors

Casino du Liban Denies Coronavirus Rumors submitted by BETmarket to Betmarket [link] [comments]

Casino du Liban Denies Coronavirus Rumors

Casino du Liban Denies Coronavirus Rumors submitted by BETmarket to Betmarket [link] [comments]

Proposed plan for the lockdown moving forward: Lebanon will undergo 4 stages of easing the lockdown, each phase for a period of 15 days. Details in the post.

This is the circulated proposed plan for the lockdown moving forward. We are still waiting for the official documents from the ministry for confirmation.
On February 8th, some urgent production sectors will open, but what is inevitable now is that the general lockdown will continue, meaning that the curfew will remain in effect 24/7, and leaving your house is only acceptable upon permission granted from the official platform.
The opening of the sectors will be according to 4 phases, each phase for a period of 15 days.

Stage 1

In the first stage, the supermarket and mini-market will be opened while preserving the delivery facility. Going to the supermarket needs permission, which is given for a period of two hours .. For this purpose, any person should get permission and save the "qr code" that will be checked upon entry and exit of any supermarket.
Also, at this stage, industries related to agriculture, poultry, livestock, and milk production will be opened .. Its employees are required to take the PCR test every 14 days.
Banks will open their doors at 20% of their absorptive capacity.

Stage 2

In the second phase, the following sectors will be added:
Car dealerships, car repairs, laundry, taxis, buses, construction works, and licensed factories with a capacity of 40%. It is forbidden to work for any citizen over the age of 60 years and there is a necessity to routinely perform a pcr test.

Stage 3

In the third phase, all kinds of trade that have not previously opened will be opened. Banks and factories will operate at 50% of the absorptive capacity .. The decision to ban citizens who have passed the age of 60 will remain in effect, and the PCR examination of the employees will be conducted every 30 days.

Stage 4

In the fourth and final phase, the restaurant halls, Casino du Liban, tourist and historical sites, indoor swimming pools, beaches and streets, sports clubs and game centers will be opened, meaning all sectors will resume work, and those over the age of 60 will be allowed to work.

Education Sector

With regard to the education sector and nurseries, the committee recommends not to open them during the first phase, provided that the Ministry of Education and Higher Education coordinates with the Ministry of Public Health and the health authorities concerned with studying the available data and data and setting up a mechanism for opening this sector.
It should be noted that in order to move from one stage to another, health indicators will be looked at during each stage, and the Ministry of Health must determine the extent of readiness of the medical sector, the number of regular beds and the icu beds that have been prepared, and the epidemiological reality numbers, and according to these numbers it is decided to follow the stages or not.
في الثامن من شباط ستفتح بعض القطاعات الانتاجية الملحة وما هو محتم حتى الساعة ان الاقفال العام مستمر اي ان منع التجول سيبقى ساريا ٢٤/٧ والخروج مشترط باذن ممنوح من المنصة الرسمية.
فتح القطاعات سيكون وفق ٤ مراحل، كل مرحلة لفترة ١٥ يوما.

المرحلة الاولى

في المرحلة الاولى ستفتح السوبرماركت والميني ماركت مع الحفاظ على وسيلة الديليفري، التوجه نحو السوبرماركت بحاجة لاذن يعطى لفترة ساعتين.. ولهذا الغرض فّعلت الية الـ “qr code” يتم مسحه عند الدخول والخروج، علما ان قبل ١٥ دقيقة من انتهاء الوقت المحدد للتبضع سيتم ارسال اشعار للمواطن بضرورة الاسراع.
ايضا في هذه المرحلة ستفتح الصناعات المتعلقة بالزراعة والدواجن والمواشي وانتاج الحليب.. ويشترط على موظفيها ان يقوموا بفحص pcr كل ١٤ يوما.
والمصارف ستفتح ابوابها بنسبة ٢٠٪؜ من قدرتها الاستيعابية.

المرحلة الثانية

في المرحلة الثانية ستضاف القطاعات التالية:
وكالات السيارات وتصليح السيارات، المصبغة الاجرة ، الحافلات ، اعمال البناء، والمصانع المرخصة بسعة ٤٠٪؜ وممنوع ان يعمل اي مواطن تخطى ال ٦٠ عاما وهناك ضرورة باجراء فحص الpcr بشكل روتيني.

المرحلة الثالثة

في المرحلة الثالثة ستفتح كل انواع التجارة التي لم تفتح مسبقا المصارف والمصانع ستعمل بنسبة ٥٠٪؜ من القدرة الاستيعابية.. قرار منع المواطنين الذين تخطوا ال ٦٠ عاما سيبقى ساريا وسيجرى فحص ال pcr للموظفين كل ٣٠ يوما.

المرحلة الرابعة

في المرحلة الرابعة والاخيرة ستفتح صالات المطاعم كازينو لبنان المواقع السياحية والتاريخية المسابح الداخلية الشواطىء والشوارع النوادي الرياضية ومراكز الالعاب.. اي كل القطاعات ستعاود العمل وسيسمح لمن هم فوق الـ ٦٠ عاما مزاولة العمل.

وفیما خص قطاع التربیة والتعلیم والحضانات

وفیما خص قطاع التربیة والتعلیم والحضانات توصي اللجنة بعدم فتحھا خلال المرحلة الأولى على أن تقوم وزارة التربیة والتعلیم العالي بالتنسیق مع وزارة الصحة العامة والجھات الصحیة المختصة بدراسة البیانات والمعطیات المتوافرة ووضع آلیة فتح هذا القطاع.
تجدر الاشارة الى انه للانتقال من مرحلة الى اخرى سينظر الى المؤشرات الصحية خلال كل مرحلة وعلى وزارة الصحة ان تحدد مدى جهوزية القطاع الطبي وعدد الاسرة العادية والـ icu beds التي جُهزت وارقام الواقع الوبائي، ووفقا لهذه الارقام يقرر المتابعة بالمراحل من عدمها.
News Coverage here and here
submitted by ThePerito to lebanon [link] [comments]

Posts talking about corruption in Lebanon.

Posts talking about corruption in Lebanon.
  1. Here are some of the terrorist attacks they have done throughout the years and in different parts of the World [Multiple sources]
  2. Hezbollah critic & thawra activist Lokman Salim was assassinated in Nabatieh. He was missing since yesterday and today they found his body. [Other links are in the comments]
  3. Hezbollah representative interviewed about the current situation in Lebanon and Israel on Al-Jazeerah
  4. Lebanese Activist Hussein Nasrallah was arrested at the airport once he arrived in Lebanon because of his anti-hezbollah views
  5. "I was waiting for an answer from Hezbollah and an explanation, instead of accusing me of being an agent" Cardinal Al-Rahi
  6. Hezbollah Relation to Venezuela
  7. Seven years (2020)ago today Mohammed Chatah was assassinated. This was his last tweet 32 minutes prior to his murder.
  8. Documentary showing the brutality of harakat Amal and Hezbollah thugs on October 23rd, 2019.
  9. Hezbollah says it has doubled its guided-missile arsenal. 2020
  10. Posting about an Iranian general on the road leading to the airport
  11. Here are some proofs of Nassrallah protecting the corrupt leaders and some of the corruptions Hezbollah has done in Lebanon. [Multiple sources, mainly videos]
  12. Hezbollah supporters launched a campaign against journalist and political analyst Kassem Kassir who is considered close to Hezbollah because he criticized their relation with Iran. NBN deleted the episode from its website, while Kassir was forced to issue an apology
  13. Hezbollah launched an online attack against MP Slim Osama Saad. Hezbollah accused Saad of treason after he issued a statement condemning the killing and rejecting political assassination. Hezbollah supporters even called for Saad’s murder, considering him a spy for condemning the assassination.
  14. Despite the total lockdown & people having to close their businesses, hezbollah is celebrating the "41st anniversary of the Islamic revolution in Iran" in Baalbak.
Progressive Socialist Party:
  1. Here are some of the corruptions the Progressive Socialist Party have done [Multiple sources]
Future Movement:
  1. Here are some of the corruptions the Future Movement have done since the foundation of Solidere up until today [Multiple sources]
  2. Dailystar: Hariri is back from vacation(07/01/2021)
  3. Banks in Turkey start legal proceedings against Saad Hariri's company in Turkey for failing to repay a 5 billion USD debt. Hariri is facing extreme pressure from the Turkish government. This is the main reason he flew to Turkey and met president Erdogan. Politics
  4. FPM used its power to reopen a warehouse, for one of its own members, that was closed by the police for selling subsidized materials on the black market for premium prices. This warehouse and its products were bought with a loan from BDL
Lebanese Forces:
  1. Here are some of the corruptions that the Lebanese Forces have done throughout the years [Multiple sources]
  2. Samir Geagea was found guilty of the assassination of Dany Chamoun and his entire family.
  3. WikiLeaks: Geagea Informs Sison that He Has 10,000 Fighters Ready to Combat Hizbullah
  4. The history of the Lebanese Forces is full of terrorism equivalent to Al Qaeda
  5. Leaks reveal Geagea pleaded with Saudi Arabia for money to finance the bankrupt party
Free Patriotic Movement:
  1. LBC-A look into Gebran Bassil's performance as Foreign Affairs Minister
  2. US imposes sanctions on Lebanese politician Gebran Bassil
  3. Gebran roast on CNN
  4. Wikileaks Wire showing discussions Michel Aoun had in 2007 with the US Embassy about an Israeli peace deal and the disarmament of Hezbollah, among many other things
  5. President Khara Aoun considers that the demand for an international investigation into the Beirut Port case aims at wasting time.
  6. Michel Aoun becomes the first Lebanese president to ignore greeting Muslims on their Eid
  7. Full Interview: Former Lebanon Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil | CNBC International
  8. Bassil's armored Audi car was a gift from Marada's Suleiman Franjieh, who got it from Bashar al-Assad
  9. Claudine Aoun, daughter of president Michel Aoun owns a marketing company that has contracts with MANY entities in the government, basically getting paid without doing any job.
  10. Here are some of the corruptions the FPM party have done throughout the years [Multiple sources]
  11. Wikileaks cable about how Aoun views Tripoli and other regions. (English Version in the comments)
  12. Michel Aoun Photoshopping His Meetings
  13. Tracy Chamoun, Lebanon's resigned ambassador to Jordan: Gebran Bassil stands as a barrier to forming a government as a form of punishment for the Lebanese
  1. Nabih Berry saying exactly the opposite of what he's doing today
  2. Nabih Berry saying the opposite
  3. The Parliament Militia
  4. The daughter of Berri's cousin is having a huge bachelorette party with musicians, big cakes, and others.
  5. Documentary showing the brutality of harakat Amal and Hezbollah thugs on October 23rd, 2019.
  6. Here are some of the corruptions the Amal Movement have done throughout the year Discussion [Multiple sources]
  7. Hezbollah supporters launched a campaign against journalist and political analyst Kassem Kassir who is considered close to Hezbollah because he criticized their relation with Iran. NBN deleted the episode from its website, while Kassir was forced to issue an apology
Riad Salameh:
  1. Offshore Firm Tied To Lebanon Central Bank Governor Sold Stock to Bank He Regulates
  2. Our BDL Governor: بنك "عودة" شريك الحاكم وصاحب الأرباح الأكبر من هندساته
  3. The politicians and the banks engineered the economy for their own benefit. While banks smuggled politicians and big depositors' fortune, the Lebanese people are begging to get their own money. Here are all that is wrong in the banking sector and how the leaders are working with them [Multiple sources]
  4. Switzerland and EU officially asked the Lebanese authorities to help in a forensic investigation regarding transfers (400m USD) related to Central Bank governor Riad Salameh, Bank Intra, Casino Du Liban, and MEA
  5. Around $1.5 billion has been allocated to the humanitarian sector to support Lebanon in 2021 alone. BDL wants that hard currency channeled through it to control inflation, so rather than dispersed to beneficiaries in USD it will give it out in LBP using the rate $1=6240 LBP
Other government organizations and institutions:
  1. The judicial formation was always influenced by the sectarian parties and Lebanon’s political and sectarian system has long interfered in the judiciary’s work
  2. Here are some of the corruptions of high ranking officials and footages of ISF and LAF using excessive force on people [Multiple sources]
  3. Report about Judicial Corruption, on LBC (12/12/2020)
  4. Minister Tariq Majzoub: The laptops that were said to have been damaged by the explosion turned out to be sold by the company that was supposed to store them. These laptops were meant to go to students in public schools and universities for free.
  5. Here's a video with context about the stolen laptops that the education minister talked about yesterday.. Listen to TechnoMania representatives giving various excuses: no Microsoft license, damaged in Beirut port blast, Insurance... In short: 2400 laptops were stolen and sold!
Internal Security Forces (ISF):
  1. Protesters in Lebanon are targeted by French military-grade tear gas
  2. Here are some of the corruptions of high ranking officials and footages of ISF and LAF using excessive force on people [Multiple sources]
  1. All the sectarian parties invested in their political campaigns through deceptive electoral programs, blatant lies, false promises, bribes, small services, and government employment to win people's votes. Here are the promises of the main political parties to fight corruption throughout the years. [Multiple sources]
Religious Institutions:
  1. The sectarian leaders always seek protection behind religious authorities and all the politicians use religion and sectarianism for political purposes. Most of the high ranked religious figures are involved in politics. Here are many political interventions and statements of some religious figures [Multiple sources]
  2. Stories of mothers fighting for their children’s custody and defying the injustice and corruption of Ja’afari courts. This video shows mothers’ battle for custody rights and how they face off the fatwa upheld by the courts
Banking Sector:
  1. Banks are still involved with Qard Al-Hassan
  2. The politicians and the banks engineered the economy for their own benefit. While banks smuggled politicians and big depositors' fortune, the Lebanese people are begging to get their own money. Here are all that is wrong in the banking sector and how the leaders are working with them [Multiple sources]
  1. Lebanese Officials Reportedly Attempting to limit Probe into Beirut Blast From The Start
  2. Ex-Minister of Interior Marwan Charbel confesses that they used to send police and security forces dressed as civilians into protests and gatherings and ask them to start destroying and sabotaging to discredit the peaceful protests that are going on.
  3. Emigration(Joke)
  4. The gates of Hell are beginning to open. Lebanon is being torn apart between political parties who still seem to be oblivious to what's happening around them.
  5. Ogero chairman, Imad Kreidieh, gets paid a higher salary than the USA President. He employed, as a favor, tens of high-level consultants in Ogero, most of them while they were still students, and have no connection with the telecommunication sector(some are theater major)
  6. A once of a lifetime internet speed.
  7. "Immigration" turned into an obsession for the Lebanese... 70% of immigrants are between 25 and 35 years old!
  8. Beirut Municipality: Fake Afforestation with 5 million dollars
  9. Almost 1,000 protestors were arrested since 17/10/19, including 58 minors. Some arrests included violent kidnappings and residential raids. Oppression in Lebanon during this period is equal to that of Sudan and is 3x that of Algeria.
  10. How the parties control YOU!
  11. Beirut
  12. Lebanese Finance Minister Ghazi Wazni: "The political forces that I belong to refuse to sign with any forensic auditing company". Forensic auditing firm Kroll was set to review every transaction at Lebanon's Central Bank and expose the corruption of many politicians
  13. Jad Ghosn explains how politicians use sectarianism to improve their own conditions while deteriorating the conditions for their own sects.
  14. The reason why almost all traffic lights are not functional in Beirut. Spoiler: Corruption - and they won't be functional any time soon.
  15. Political elite EXPOSED! we were also able to hack into documents of the political elite and found some shady stuff to share with you.
  16. Why we still don't have a government.
  17. Lebanese foreign minister requests secrecy of Swiss judicial investigation
  18. Subsidized picon is being sold in Nigeria.
  19. Corruption, incompetence and mismanagement are the reason behind Lebanon's collapse. While it is necessary to implement reforms and create a rescue plan, the sectarian leaders are instead negotiating to divide their governmental shares. Here are some corruption and incompetence in different sectors [Multiple sources]
submitted by DarthLebanus_1 to lebanon [link] [comments]

Banque Du Liban - assets?

Given the current crisis and Hezbollah's attempts to gain influence over BDL, I was wondering if there was a comprehensive break down anywhere of BDL's non-financial assets? I see it has a pretty extensive real-estate portfolio, but does it control other assets? Is the Casino du Liban operated / controlled by BDL?
I ask because should Hezbollah manage to acquire control; the sanctions implications from a US perspective are pretty significant. The US has long campaigned against Hezbollah and has recently ratcheted up its "maximum pressure" policy against it and other Iranian proxies. They even sanctioned an art gallery last year ( https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/13/arts/design/art-collector-sanctions-hezbollah.html )
submitted by owaiszaheer to lebanon [link] [comments]

Human chain almost done; we still have 2 gaps

Casino du liban & almaza at city mall
Please spread this message. Thanks!
Update: the chain is complete!
submitted by GlowingCarrot to lebanon [link] [comments]

Where’s the best place to watch the world cup?

In Lebanon on holiday (back to the motherland from Australia!!) and I want to watch the world cup final with lots of people on a big screen, I was thinking at the Casino Du Liban, does anyone recommend any places?
Where are you all watching it?
submitted by 2T7 to lebanon [link] [comments]

Jounieh traffic

Anyone wonder how magically after you pass casino du liban there is no more traffic and you can speed up to the limit 100kmph while a few meters before you can barely move 20kmph. What's exactly the traffic jam issue anyone can please explain. We really need a concrete solution for this issue, it's not logical to take 2 hours to pass 5 km...
submitted by TheLebGeek to lebanon [link] [comments]

Another Night On Broadway

Hi everyone, I'm the brother of Roy El Khoury the creator of last year's One Night On Broadway and this year's Another Night On Broadway, a show consisting of many famous Broadway acts featuring almost 50 artists and a live orchestra. We are thinking of making the show an annual thing with a new concept every year and we need your support. The show will take place today and tomorrow at 8:30 PM at the Casino Du Liban, tickets are sold at Virgin Ticketing Box Office. Feel free to ask me any questions. Thank you. https://www.facebook.com/onobroadway/videos/1002168346505409/
submitted by Raz3een to lebanon [link] [comments]

casino du liban video

A landmark recognized the world over, Lebanon Traveler explores the incredible story of the Casino du Liban. Perched on a rocky hill in Maameltein, a 20km drive north of Beirut, stands the larger-than-life Casino du Liban. With an enviable view of the coastline, it occupies a massive 35,000 square-meter plot of land and remains the only gaming ... Casino Du Liban Gambling & Casinos Kfaryassine, Kfaryassine 779 followers An integrated entertainment destination offering thrilling gaming, spectacular shows, magical venues, & fine dining. Casino du Liban is pleased to assist you in your travel arrangements and can offer you multiple packages from various destinations. Please visit this section regularly to get more insight about available packages which are constantly updated. Should you have a specific requirement, please do not hesitate to email us on the below address so we ... Casino du Liban Review. Casino du Liban is located in Lebanon just outside the main city of Beirut. Placed perfectly atop the hills in Maameltein overlooking the Mediterranean SeaLebanon, Casino du Liban has breathtaking views and stunning architecture. Originally opened in 1959, the casino has seen several upgrades and re models. Located on the ground floor of the Casino, the cheerful and relaxed atmosphere of the International Room makes it the primary choice of new and regular members alike. Different shades of brown, beige and red create a sense of elegant warmth. The lighting of the starry night sky and the open space are so inviting! Casino du Liban is the only casino in the whole country that has in addition to the Casino, many ballrooms hosting all sorts of concerts, theater, and also weddings The parking area is huge however access to the casino from parking is compromised and not representative of the casino culture at all - often there are very bad smells in the corridors ans stairways making it very hard not to have ... One is named as casino liban or also known as casino du liban and hippodrome du parc du beyrouth. These are some of the best casinos in casino Lebanon which are located in maameltein and Beirut respectively. If you love gambling in Lebanon you will for sure love these two casinos. Yes, there is a single operating casino in Lebanon. Casino du Liban is a huge resort and casino gaming facility outside of Beirut. It boasts hundreds of slot machines and dozens of table games. The government granted Casino du Liban an exclusive gaming license through 2026. The approval of the gambling law in 1954, sixty years ago, was the first step that paved the way for the establishment of Casino du Liban. The law dated August 4, 1954, “licensed gaming exclusively to a casino that shall be set up by the seaside, along a straight line lying no further than five kilometers from the seashore and no closer than 1.5 kilometers from populous areas. Details about CASINO DU LIBAN, MAAMELTEIN, LEBANON. CASINO DU LIBAN, MAAMELTEIN, LEBANON. Item Information. Condition: Used. Price: US $14.99. CASINO DU LIBAN, MAAMELTEIN, LEBANON. Sign in to check out Check out as guest . Adding to your cart. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. Add to cart.

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