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A Brief Look at Harnessing the Power of the Crowd to Drive Investment Decisions

A Brief Look at Harnessing the Power of the Crowd to Drive Investment Decisions

Disclaimer: None of this constitutes financial advice. I have no formal training or education in anything related to finance, accounting, investments, etc. Everything in this post is purely for entertainment.
This post is going to be a bit longer than your average Reddit post. I have tried to make it interesting to read, or at the very least entertaining, and I would encourage you to read all of it. But if you just want to skip my pontifications and head straight to the pretty graphs, see the Results section.
Estimated read time: 15 minutes.


Some of you may have already seen my u/asx__bot. Also for those that missed it, here is what I have planned to do next with it (this image was entirely auto-generated). The u/asx__bot version evolved from several different things before it came to be in its current form. Although before we go any further, this write-up will not discuss the current ASX Bot. But instead, my experiences in a previous iteration where I tried to use sentiment analysis to build an investment portfolio. I will refer to this version as Bot 1.0 or otherwise just the bot.
I will repeat this once again. This write-up will not focus on the existing u/asx__bot but instead a previous iteration I was working on.
Initially, I decided to embark on this journey because I was inspired by this post here. Despite the applications being completely different, I was intrigued by the idea of using programming to augment investment decision making. Secondly, I was also somewhat inspired by this u/BigJimBeef post about doing proper due diligence and not just listening to what is most popular or what has 🚀🚀🚀 next to it. I was curious to find out what would happen if you just listened to the crowd hype. Lastly, I needed a real-world problem to practice several things I wanted to learn.
If you are getting deja vu reading any of this, it is because I already posted some results from Bot 1.0 in a thread a few weeks ago that got like 20 upvotes. But it did not include a full write-up, it was kinda shit, and I deleted it.


Let me preface this section by saying that Bot 1.0 was very stupid. But I am yet to scratch the surface of what may be possible with it. This was an early prototype, and it was more about seeing if what I wanted to do was technically feasible. The term bot is also quite disingenuous and gives it an air of sophistication that does not exist. In reality, the code looked like the Python version of this or this. But it operated like a fucking Rube Goldberg machine. I overwrote a lot of the code half by choice and half mistakenly. I should have done a better job with my version control, but I really had no plan coming back to this project, so I was being a bit careless. But since a few people were tagging me and wanting to get various tidbits of information I have picked it up again. I have learnt that people really ❤️ data. Which would explain why those Spotify yearly wrap-ups are so popular or why someone who can wrangle data to create reports for executives and such will have a long and successful career.
Bot 1.0 begins by analysing sentiment for all comments over a given period. It uses a very robust library called VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner). This library determines how positive or negative a sentence is. From this data, the bot ranks which stocks more frequently appear in positive sentences and then creates a portfolio based around these. At the end of the given period, the bot then readjusts based on the data it has monitored over the previous period. That is it. As you can see, it is very primitive.
I loaded it up with a modest sum of $100 million, I also set it up to take the top 20 shares of the given period. The period, in this case, was every calendar month.


Here are the results in visualisations:
You can see when shares get dropped in favour of the latest and greatest. You may even notice top performers getting dropped just because the bot did not consider them to be hyped up enough anymore. So with a starting sum of $100 million, the bot managed to double its money. Take that VDHG and VAS!


I was honestly quite surprised. In this case, the crowd was not as stupid as you might believe. Initially, a part of me was expecting (and hoping) the bot would lose 50% to 100%, so I could conclude that listening to investment advice from this subreddit and other online forums (I am looking at you too HotCopper) is ill-fated. And it is in your best interest to just log out, leave it to the pros, and cop that S&P 500 ETF. But no matter how many times I tweaked settings and re-ran it, I never saw the bot finish any lower than a few percentage points and most of the time it was in the green.
It reminds me of something a maths teacher told me, and that was that an individual is usually quite bad at estimating. But if you take the average of several estimates, you may be surprised with how accurate it is. An example of this is the classic competition where one must guess how many lollies there are in a jar. A strategy to win these competitions is to take an average of everyone's guesses. This assumes that most of those guesses are people trying to win. The same is true for this subreddit, this bot only works on the assumption that most people here are trying to make money, even if their portfolio says otherwise. I think that is a fair assumption though and when there is money on the line, people behave differently. The person who hypes XYZ in a thread every day (I may or may not be talking about u/SlaughterRain) would most likely only be bothered to do so because they rationally (or irrationally) believe their shares in XYZ will make them money. Even if XYZ is going nowhere anytime soon. To further tie this back to my original point, much like the lolly jar competitions, if you ask an individual to pick the top stock that they think will moon, it will probably be a dud. But if you could aggregate everyone's picks, the likelihood of making money goes up significantly.
For Bot 1.0, the sentiment analysis seems to work best over four weeks. I tried periods of one to eight weeks. A period of one week was way too volatile, as the bot could not gauge sentiment nearly as well and it would be all over the place. Whereas eight weeks seemed too slow and it was way too late to the party. I will talk more about this in Limitations.
Every time I did run it though, there have been some big gains but hardly many big losses. The biggest losses I have seen over any given interval were usually like 15% to 20%. The biggest gain I saw was a flukey triple bagger over a couple weeks or a month (APT related I think).


Failing to Understand Nuance

I did not get time to do as much inspection of comment data as I would like. But I did see the bot producing a considerable amount of false positives and false negatives. A notable one was a sentence like “fuck yeah cunts! XYZ is going to the moon!”, which was associated with negative sentiment. Due to the words “fuck” and “cunt”. As Australians, I feel like either of those words can be positive depending on the context. For example, "fuck yeah cunt" compared to "fuck you cunt.” A free and open-source sentiment analysis library (like VADER) will expectedly fail in some instances at understanding comments made on an Australian investment forum focused on memey micro-cap stocks. There is also the issue of someone saying something like “fuck my life, I should have bought more XYZ.” This will be considered a negative sentence due to the tone. But is this really the case? The user is saying that most likely because the stock is performing well and they regret not getting more when it was cheaper. Because of this, it may be best to categorise comments from here myself. Then train a model on this data to predict the sentiment. Compared to just using a publically available library.

Collective Stupidity

Sometimes the crowd is not always right. When people stop thinking for themselves, the house of cards falls down. If everyone here blindly believes XYZ is next to rocket because HypeBeast69420 said so, then the bot will crumble in on itself. But with Reddit and the Internet usually being a place of anonymousness and openness, it provides the perfect environment for people to speak their minds. Of which those same people may be less likely to do so in real life. Such as at a work meeting or during dinner with the extended family. On the Internet, for every HypeBeast69420, there is at least someone dying to prove them wrong.

Chasing Rainbows and Being Late to the Party

There was no guarantee Bot 1.0 would not liquidate its entire portfolio at a 50% loss to chase the latest and greatest hype. Then slowly lose more and more money as the rockets fall down to Earth. Repeating the process until it has $10 spare and can only trade pennies stocks. The rainbow chasing and volatility became a lot more pronounced when I used either a smaller fund size (three to five stocks) or made more frequent trades, i.e. making decisions off less data. But regardless, since the bot was always basing investment decisions off the previous weeks or months, it was guaranteed to be a little bit late. So at the moment, I have two ideas to combat this.
The first idea is to have the bot leverage the crowd data as well as market data. So the bot might get a list of stocks that are generating interest, it then takes these stocks and uses market metrics to determine if it should buy or sell. For example, the penny miner that has shot up 50% in a week might not be a smart play. Although, when it comes to valuing a stock and deciding when to buy or not, there are many different schools of thought. Such as the Buffet-esque value investor who sifts through financials and actually does proper DD. The brah who makes sure his chakras are aligned before he bases his decision on what his tea leaf reading says. Or the chartist who creates their own take on some sort of modernist art and manages to rival the likes of a Basquiat or a Picasso. So deciding how to value stocks and what metrics to consider would require further thought. Which is not where my expertise lies.
Now, the second idea is in contrast with the previous paragraph. The bot would purely be using the data generated by this sub to form its decisions. All the bot is doing is understanding what it is being told and then buying/selling accordingly. Which means efforts would need to be heavily concentrated in making sure sentiment is analysed correctly. More accurate sentiment analysis and greater comment volume will allow the bot to make decisions more accurately and more frequently. Trades could occur weekly, bi-weekly, or daily as opposed to monthly. The low volume of daily and weekly comment data during periods of 2020 was also an entire limitation in itself. But with the sharp increase in total comments being made, it seems my prayers are being answered.

Unrealistic and Simplified Trading

The buying/selling functionality was not very realistic. Much like a politician's Cayman Islands shell company, this bot was not paying any taxes. Furthermore, it was not paying any sort of brokerage fees. As mentioned above, the bot just liquidates its entire portfolio and then tries to rebalance its portfolio on the same day. Obviously, this is not very realistic. It is not looking at market depth or volume either. It just takes the open price of any given day and buys and sells at that price.
The bot was just buying and selling shares of ASX listed companies. It was not involved in anything like short-selling, derivatives, or using leverage. Nor was it trading instruments like bonds, foreign currencies, cryptocurrencies, or ETFs. These may or may not be limitations depending on how you look at it.
Furthermore, stuff like stock splits/consolidations and long-term trading halts (fucking DOU) really screwed with the bot. I have not implemented a way to handle stock splits or consolidations. So I just ignored companies that have had these during the 2020 period. There are probably a few more gotchas I have not considered either.

The Rollercoaster Year of 2020

Nine months of comment data is not that much in terms of financial markets. I would honestly love to have 10 to 20 years worth of data. Or even data leading up to the covid dip of last year. But this year was such a fluke in many respects too. Some shares lost about 30% of their value over a few weeks. But returned to where they were by the end of the year like nothing happened. On the other hand, others are still yet to recover from 2008, let alone 2020.

Determining Ticker Codes

I saw WOW coming up a lot at the start of the year. Which kind of made sense. Because during peak covid, supermarkets never had any specials but were selling like crazy and could barely keep up with demand. After looking into it a bit further, although there were a few mentions of Woolworths Limited, mainly it was just a lot of comments with people exclaiming “WOW”, a la Owen Wilson. In addition to this, when the sentiment analyser sees WOW, it sees this as the word wow. Which it considers very positive. So if someone is actually just referring to Woolworths Limited, it will skew the data positively regardless of the actual sentiment behind the comment. So I think I just ended up filtering out WOW. This was similar for acronyms like ATH (all-time high), UBI (universal basic income), and TGA (therapeutic goods administration). All of those three-letter acronyms are ticker codes used by ASX listed companies too. If you view the portfolio breakdown, you may even notice some acronyms I have missed.

I Have No Idea What I Am Doing

I started this to practice a bit of Python and AWS. I am a bit of an all-rounder but machine learning and the science behind all of it is far from my area of expertise. If it helps, my knowledge is more so situated in the red circle here. But I spent more time reading about the other parts of the pyramid, then what I had set out to learn in the beginning. This was fun, but it could get quite tedious at times. And it exposed where my skills are lacking. I am also even further away from my area of expertise when it comes to investments and finance. Truth be told, I am a basic bitch retail investor. I make my investment decisions based on macro themes, ensuring a company and its directors are not complete shams, then I hold my rosary beads during each trade. Truth be told, I have put together 10-leg NRL multis with better DD than some of my investments in days gone past.

Slow Runtimes

The library that I was using to retrieve data from Yahoo Finance was incredibly slow, which I ended up having to cache a lot of this information. But retrieving comment history was even slower. To download all 200k comments (this number is probably 250k now) from this sub, it took about two hours. I also cached these comments too. But it put a bottleneck on my development because small changes in my code could render cached data useless. This slow speed was one of the reasons I had thrown in the towel. During Bot 1.0, I spent time looking at ways to speed it up. But I couldn't crack it.


I am at a crossroads with the development of this project. The current u/asx__bot is a simple extract/transform/load process with some sprinkles on top. But there seems to be a demand for some of the features that were present in Bot 1.0, such as sentiment analysis and market data. If this is the case, I will need to really nail down what I need, because some foundational design decisions will have to be made before going forward.
I am becoming more convinced that the crowd can generate quite useful information. The Internet is Gutenberg 2.0. And like the Printing Revolution, less and less knowledge is being hoarded and controlled by the 0.1%. Instead, it is being disseminated amongst the masses. The real challenge for anyone, particularly myself, will be figuring out how to harness this increasingly decentralised knowledge.
submitted by DareBottle to ASX_Bets [link] [comments]

The Trash Taste Gacha Game Survey Results: Part I

The Trash Taste Gacha Game Survey Results: Part I
Hi all,
Two weeks ago, The Boys published their video on gacha games. This inspired me to conduct a survey on this subreddit on your thoughts and experiences with gacha games. Thanks to your support, there is a lot of data to sift through and a lot of interesting results so far. Due to IRL deadlines, I wasn't able to examine the data in full capacity, so I will be posting results in two or more sections.
This first section will primarily deal with the surface-level headline data. I will also cover some of the reasonings and inner workings of what went into the survey and results (for those interested in the data scientist portions of things). A subsequent post/posts in the near future will cover topics I wasn't able to get to as well as more technical analysis of the data (regression, model-building, etc.)
These posts will be presented in a semi-formal fashion, i.e., I'll lay out the posts like a research paper but I'll add personal interjections from time to time. (If you want to really get into the meat and potatoes, you can just skip to the "Results and Discussion" section.) With that said, allow me to introduce my initial findings:

Our Trash Taste in Gacha Games: An Informal Community Survey Analysis on the Nature of TrashTaste's Experience Regarding Gacha Games

The recent rise of "gacha games" has been bolstered by a number of intersecting trends. These include the mass popularity of anime or anime-like products, the increasing ubiquity of smartphones, and introduction of lootboxing mechanics by game publishers as a means of profiting off "free to play" or "freemium" games in the digital sphere. A recent episode from the anime-centric podcast "Trash Taste" explored their experiences and opinions regarding such games. This post intends to further explore the general sentiment of gacha games through the podcast's official subreddit, TrashTaste, and discuss the results.
A little bit about my background. Anime, anime-like products, and manga have been a huge part in my life. I remember watching Detective Conan, Pokemon, and Keroro Gunso and being introduced to Gundam and MapleStory when I was young. Since it seems to be a trend on this subreddit, I'll throw my hat in the ring and show my 3x3:
[If you want further discussion about these and other related series, feel free to comment below or DM me]
From left to right, up to down: Ah! My Goddess, Hayate the Combat Butler , The World God Only Knows, Carnival Phantasm (+ Fate franchise), Pastel, Q.E.D.: Shoumei Shuuryou, Yandere Kanojo, Accomplishments of the Duke's Daughter, The Gamer
As I mentioned in my first post about the survey, I am a graduate student working on my masters for data science. I also completed a bachelors in economics. All of this combined made me not only interested in gacha games as an avid consumer, but also as a research subject. The Boys simply were the catalyst for spurring this project.
Data Collection and Survey Construction
Data was collected via Google Forms on the TrashTaste subreddit. The post that contained the survey was released several hours after the video was posted. Survey responses were collected for a period of 1 week from January 22 to January 28 (though there was a massive decrease in the rate of respondents after the fourth day).
The survey was constructed based on my own experiences with gacha games as well as general demographics that would be useful to examine on a macro scale.
Regarding demographics: asking respondents on several aspects of demographics is a tricky subject since not only does it mean divulging a group of variables known as protected classes, these could be markers that could reidentify anonymized people; thus, I stuck to "safer" questions (age and gender). I then asked which otaku material was preferred.
The next set of questions dealt with those who were currently playing gacha games. I asked the number of currently played games, which ones (with an open-ended aspect since I knew I would miss some) and the top 3 games.
For each of the top 3 games, I asked how long they have played, which server, how long the game was around, how consistent did they play, how far they were, their current level of commitment, how much they spent (open-ended), spending title, whether the game had PVP, hype moments (some open-ended), and why they play (some open-ended).
Finally, based on the central theme of The Boys' video, I asked whether games should be regulated and what their policy recommendation would be (open-ended).
Limitations and Oversights
This survey is, obviously, limited by the research environment and my experiences. Academic papers have pondered about the effectiveness regarding survey reliability using subreddits, which may be interesting and impactful from a statistically-minded formal research. In addition, there were a total of 678 respondents which, while certainly plenty in any regular volunteer statistical number crunching, pales in comparison to the 104K members in this subreddit alone; this is going to affect the power analysis of these results. Submitting the survey hours after the video was posted (when the user activity likely peaks) likely limited user exposure. Therefore, this post will be much closer to the next video.
Then there are questions I didn't ask due to oversight on my part - I'm only human.
  1. The biggest oversight, pointed out by u/Mareek, was
Welp I answered that I don't play any gatcha games, but it didn't give me a chance to say why I don't play them or if I played any before.
There should at least be a question for why/why not play them.
I probably would have asked something like:
If you responded "no," why do you not play gacha games?
- Not interested
- Not trying to get addicted
- Trying to stop gambling addiction
- Bad luck/greed sensor
- Used to play, but lost interest
2) As pointed out by u/Paoda and u/gzavwunt, I forgot to add visual novels into the "primary source of otaku source material" question! As a Fate fan, this was a massive oversight I regret (don't worry, I did at least watch the full visual novel playthroughs of Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Hollow Ataraxia).
3) There were a few questions that were open-ended that in hindsight definitely backfired. The biggest ones were the "how long has the game lasted" ( u/ShinyMilo ) and "how much you spent" questions. They are a mess to deal with, even with all the regex expressions I know, so I ultimately had to throw them out. The former in the end was merely a curiosity and the latter was somewhat salvaged by the "spending title" questions, so I'm not too bothered by it, but something I'll keep in mind in the future.
Results and Discussion
Here are the initial results, and I think there's some interesting trends we can look at.
First, let's look at the demographics.
  1. Let's start with age distribution:

Figure 1
There were 678 respondents. There appears to be a considerable right skew (aka a skew towards a younger audience). There are a lot of zoomers among the respondents, though there are a considerable number of millennials as well.
2) Next, take a look at gender distribution:

Figure 2. Male: 87%, Female: 9.3%, Nonbinary: 1%, Prefer not to say: 2.7%
Well, somewhat not surprisingly, of the 678 respondents, an overwhelming 87% identified as males. Connor as "the 93%"? More like the survey as "the 9.3%."
3) For the final aspect of demographics, let's look at the distribution of answers for "What is your preferred consumption of otaku source material?"
Figure 3. (to the nearest tenth of a percent) Anime and Manga Equally: 33.8%, Anime: 32.4%, Manga: 16.7%, Anime, Manga, and Light Novel Equally: 9.7%, Manga and Light Novel Equally: 4.1%, Anime and Light Novel Equally: 2.2%, Light Novel: 1.0%
Of the 678, respondents, 32.4% prefer to watch anime, 16.7% prefer to read manga, and 33.8% prefer to consume anime and manga equally. Light novel readers (either as the preferred choice or read it equally with other mediums) amount to about 17%.
Hot take here: I am one of the 16.7% that prefer to read manga/manhwa (pitchforks in the comments), but only because there are so many series that I like that either have only become adapted recently (Horimiya, HameFura) or haven't been adapted yet (Shuumatsu no Valkyrie).
Next, let's look at gacha by the numbers.
  1. First, let's look at the number of gacha games people play:

Figure 4
Of the 678 respondents, 232 did not currently play and gacha games, 194 did currently play 1 game, 117 did currently play 2 games, and so forth. The most surprising finding was that there are a few people that currently play at least 10 games, with one even playing 17!
2) Next, let's look at the top 20 games that were the favorite, second favorite, third favorite, and overall most popular:
"...Yet in most companies, the so-called “80/20 rule” applies: 80 percent of a data scientist’s valuable time is spent simply finding, cleansing, and organizing data, leaving only 20 percent to actually perform analysis." - IBM

Figure 5
Holy cow, the quote above really hit for this particular question. There were about 75 replacements I had to do to make the game title uniform, with 15 related to Princess Connect alone!
As for the analysis: you read that correctly. There are a whopping 103 total gacha game titles that the 446 respondents play. Genshin Impact comes as the clear frontrunner for the most favorite game, second-most favorite game, third-most favorite game, and overall most popular game. However, the top 5 games in each category are the same: Genshin Impact, Fate/Grand Order, Arknights, Azur Lane, and Fire Emblem Heroes.
Garnt is certainly attracting his Fate peers here, including me.
As a side note, I have to give props to respondents who were honest about their stances. There were a few that put 'H***** Gacha Game,' 'Taimanin,' and 'AGA' (Anti-Gacha Army).
3) Next, let's look at the distribution of how each person categorizes themselves terms of spending:

Figure 6
This is a very interesting finding. For their most favorite game, about half of the respondents were free to play, a third were minnows, about a sixth were dolphins, and the small bit left were whales. As we move towards less favored games, the number of F2Pers increase and the number of whales decrease until there's none left for the third-most favorite game. It's an important lesson for natural resources and gacha game publishers alike: overfishing can lead to less species diversity.
As an aside, I am personally a dolphin for Fate GO. I have no qualms sharing that I spend some cash rolling for (ironically) Gilgamesh and NP5ing Sheba during Gilfest 2018 or even spending some New Year's allowance on Spishtar last month. fite me
4) Next, let's look at what aspects made the gacha game most "hype:"

Figure 7
The top answer was the introduction of new characters, anniversary events, and animation/art. It seems that many go for the "Anni is the Planni" strategy.
5) Next, let's look at the reasons why respondents play or continue to play their gacha game(s) [Note: I aggregated the numbers from favorite/second favorite/third favorite, so some users are double or triple counted, so numbers may look a little inflated. I will work on this for a future post]:

Figure 8. Top 15 answers.
The top answer for why respondents play or continue to play their gacha game was for "the waifus/husbandos" followed by "I enjoy this as a standalone game" and "I love the source material." The 114 of you who chose "Because jokes are the deepest lore," I see you Fate fans.
Probably the most interesting and concerning reasons that were not shown here are the sizable number of people who responded with either learned helplessness of their situation or frustration with the gacha-industry complex. These include "Sunk cost fallacy" (shown on the graph), frustration over rerolling, feeling like it's "a second job," stating that they're "addicted and can't quit," or flat out "dunno, it's kina there."
The Future of Gacha Games
Learning about these trends are good and all, but how do we consolidate these opinions into actionable thoughts? This is where the last half of The Boys' video about what to do comes in. Here's the community's reaction.
  1. First, it was asked "In your opinion, should gacha games be regulated?" 678 respondents responded:

Figure 9
83.8% of respondents said "Yes," 5% said "No,", and 11.2% said they need to do more research to come a conclusion.
2) Finally, I asked respondents an open-ended optional question that "If you could have a serious discussion about gacha games with a gacha game developer or lawmaker, what is the one policy recommendation you would suggest?"
Surprisingly, 473 people responded to the question. In the given timeframe, I could not read through all of the suggestions made; I will make sure to point out the most salient ones in the next post. In lieu of this, I decided to resort to a "quick and dirty trick" in natural language processing: n-grams! Simply put, I first removed common stopwords such as "you," "have", etc., and tokenized each response (i.e. separated each response into a list of word "units"). I then counted the frequency that each set of consecutive words appeared in each response. I counted frequency of the top 20 unigrams (one word), bigrams (2 words) and trigrams (3 words). Here is the result:

Table 1
This is incredible stuff. The top two unigrams are "limit" and "spending," and other frequent unigrams include "gambling," "amount," and "time." Bigrams tell a broader story, with the top bigram being "(spending, limit)." There are other bigrams that expand upon policy recommendations such as "(hard, limit)", "(gambling, addiction)", "(drop, rates)," and "(pity, system)." Finally, looking at trigrams, we get an even fuller picture: the top trigram is "(limit, much, spend)." Other prominent trigrams include "(hard, limit, spending)," "(thing, connor, said)," and "(treat, like, gambling)."
While the suggestions of limiting spending are quite frequent (following the footsteps of Connor), this is a fairly well-researched topic in the realm of behavioral economics. In particular, it looks at the encompassing topic of intertemporal choice. This is a pretty complex and field-specific topic that is too long to discuss in entirety in this post, but I'll boil down the critical points relevant to gacha games. [WARNING: some math ahead]
First, say that you have a set budget that you're going to spend over several periods of time. When we spend money in a time period, get gain joyfulness (called "utility" or simply "U") at that time period.
Second, we typically discount the amount of utility we get in the future. We usually assign this as a set rate called the discount factor ( δ ) . Thus, we get the following equation:
(U_t) * (δt-1) = U_1 + δU_2 + δ2U_3 + ... + δT-1 \) U_T
This simply means the total utility we get over a time period is the sum of all utilities of all periods based on today. All the above is considered in "classical economics" as exponential discounting. This assumes that
  • people have a constant discount factor and are impatient (δ < 1),
  • that people treat amounts as "bursts" of consumption," and
  • that utility is linear in amount.
However, economists that study behavioral economics show that some of these assumptions are flawed through though experiments and empirical results.
One way this has manifested into policy action is the concept of "nudge theory" by Richard Thaler. This suggests that consumer behavior can be influenced by small suggestions and positive reinforcements; the argument is that it reduces market failure and encourages desirable actions. However, this is hotly debated ethically as being paternalistic and may not even work.
Another theory brought about via behavioral economics is the idea of "present-bias preferences" by Ted O'Donoghue and Matthew Rabin. The idea is that when people consider tradeoffs between two future moments, present bias gives more weight to the earlier future moment. In this scenario, we have two types of people: naifs and sophisticates. Sophisticates know that they'll have self-control problems in the future, so they plan ahead while naifs do not see the self-control problems. Depending on if there is a cost or a reward, these two types of people will "cave in" at different times.
In general, the utility function (called β-δ preferences) is as follows:
For all t, Ut (u_t, u_(t+1),...,u_T) = δt u_t + β δτ + u_τ |t+1 < τ < T
where 0 < β, δ <= 1
β is the present bias, and β=1 makes equation exponential discounting.
How do these relate to gacha games? Well, the former (nudging) is like the third party (iTunes store, Google Play) directly intervening on your behalf saying that you can only spend so-and-so this month. The latter (present bias) puts the self-imposed limit in your own hands, which a third party adds as a restriction.
Consider these aspects in future discussions regarding regulations surrounding gacha games.
[it's been a year since I've been fully immersed in this stuff, so econ folks please check if the explanations are suitable]
Ending Remarks
I hope these initial results illustrated some fascinating aspects of how our subreddit has viewed gacha games. I know that there are a few questions that I haven't covered here due to lack of time, so look forward the next part of the survey results!
Let me know if there are specific statistical analyses you would like for me to examine in the comments.
If you want to put friend requests for the gacha games I'm playing [Fate GO (JP), OPTC (JP) Dokkan (GBL)], DM me.
In addition, I'm thinking about releasing a clean and anonymized version of the data in csv form not only as a measure of transparency, but also if you want to do your own data manipulation. If you (the community) approve at over 75%, then I will publish it in the next post.
submitted by kami4226 to TrashTaste [link] [comments]

Introducing Nano P2PoW
In this year of 2020 a lot of work was done on top of P2PoW. The news has accumulated and before the year is over I want to have the honor of sharing with the Nano community!

NanoJam victory and Rebranding

In 2019 it was a pleasure, after the recount of the votes, to discover Delegated Proof of Work was the winner of NanoJam, the first international hackaton of the Nano community, taking the first place! Due to the fact that many people confuse the old name of the project “Delegated Proof of Work” with the project “DPoW” (distributed PoW, which maintains a different system, with a centralized api), a rebranding was necessary. u/mitche50 from the Nano Center suggested the current name: P2PoW. I intend to remain with that name that certainly fell very well in our P2P project!

The importance of P2PoW for Nano

  1. P2PoW is the P2P alternative for DPoW (wich is distributed, but not descentralized). With P2PoW it is possible to delegate proof of work directly to “worker peers”, who currently work as miners, independently and autonomously. It is possible to use one worker at a time or several simultaneously; takes the reward who finishes the proof of work first, like a competition.
  2. P2PoW security is decentralized and there is no way for a user or worker to take undue advantage. The only way for the user to validate their transaction is to sign an extra reward transaction for workers. The only way for workers to earn the reward is to validate the user’s transaction. There are no single points of failure. This security mechanism is intrinsic to the Nano block lattice protocol.
  3. The P2PoW protocol, therefore, allows any Nano project in any device to have instant Nano transactions at any time, without the need for any extra registration, without the need to trust any server and without any central authority. P2PoW does not require any permission or bureaucracy to be integrated into software by developers and anyone can become a worker peer just as easily. P2PoW is the purely mathematical and the P2P solution for Nano Proof of Work delegation.
I explain this process better in 10 points in this article:

Worker API Update -> V2.0.0

Many things have changed since the first version of Delegated Proof of Work (now P2PoW) to keep the API more robust, efficient, secure and updated with the changes of the Nano protocol. Let’s see:

- Adapting to the new difficulty

Now P2PoW API by default uses different PoW difficulties to send/change and receive transactions according to Nano protocol updates.
Minimum difficulty to send/change: 8X the old difficulty.
Minimum difficulty to receive: 1/8 the old difficulty.
In addition, workers can enable dynamic fee, this requires clients to pay more for larger PoW when the network is more saturated.


While solving a work, the API automatically checks if the transaction has already been confirmed (possibly by a competing worker). If so, the api gives up the work and can focus all its resources on the next work.


Now the P2PoW API comes with a more organized logging system, with different flags:
INFO: Common notices, such as startup and new work
Warning: User made an invalid request or with some invalid data
Error: Error in configuration, API or communication with node nano / worker
For those using Linux, logs can be tracked via journalctl
The user can also redirect the entire log to a file using arg: -o file.log

-Support for IPV6

In addition to IPV4, the decentralized registration system protocol is already able to convert IPV6 to the Nano account format and make it available to P2PoW clients automatically.

-Improvement of code in modules

To facilitate the work of developers who want to forge the code, the API now has its functions divided into “modules”, as well as a division of the configuration files.
Code comments have also been added and improved.

P2PoW Client JS

To facilitate and improve the integration of P2PoW in applications, I announce the P2PoW client JS. A library with all the functions needed to use P2PoW. Check usage examples:
P2PoW.sync(delay, callback) //synchronize with workers
P2PoW.getWorkersOnline( ) //get workers list
P2PoW.requestInfo(workerAddress) //get a worker info
P2PoW.requestWork(user_block, workerIP) //solve a transaction

P2PoW Web Demo

P2PoW Web Demo
How about a simple and friendly online demo for any user to test P2PoW working in practice?
Try it Now :

The P2PoW Demo is the first integration with the client JS and allows anyone to test the protocol without the need to install any software or understand programming!

P2PoW Website update

The site was also not left out! This is the new official P2PoW website:
The code is available at:

Implementations: C, PHP, IoT and Wallet with P2PoW!
The programmer and enthusiast Fabio Silva took advantage of P2PoW protocol to integrate into his projects focused on IoT and low processing devices:

myNanoEmbedded: lightweight C library

myNanoEmbedded is a lightweight C library that integrates Nano Cryptocurrency to low complexity computational devices (like IoT), with fast transactions and small fees by delegating the Proof of Work with P2PoW.
Support: BIP39, P2PoW, TRNG or PRNG entropyARM-A, ARM-M, Thumb, Xtensa-LX6 and IA64 compatible. Linux desktop, Raspberry PI, ESP32 and Olimex A20 tested platforms

myNanoPHP: library to integrate Nano to PHP

myNanoPHP is a PHP Nano Library optimized in size and speed, binding the C library MyNanoEmbedded for PHP. Works with P2PoW


Nano-electron is a cross-platform wallet for Nano cryptocurrency.
Focused on lightness, agility and portability, this wallet uses the myNanoEmbedded C Library through a binding to provide greater performance. supports P2PoW


myNanoJS is a C library that integrates Nano Cryptocurrency tools to NodeJS. supports P2PoW


Java C bindings for Nano Cryptocurrency with Bitcoin support. Supports P2PoW

Nano Pruning — What will change in P2PoW

This subject will be explained in more detail soon, but so far everything indicates that the pruning will have no negative impact on the P2PoW protocol.
On the contrary, it will help! Since pruning does not apply to burn accounts, it will not affect the decentralized registration system of workers at all.
However, pruning will make P2PoW more efficient, because although P2PoW requires 2 transactions for each work (1 user transaction and 1 reward transaction), pruning will leave only the last transaction saved in the ledger (state block), therefore, in pruned nodes, P2PoW will not require extra storage compared to other methods of transact Nano!

The future of P2PoW

Many updates and features can make P2PoW even more complete and robust. Some possible implementations stand out:


This project is developed in a totally independent way.
All the progress mentioned here was the result of months of work!
You can encourage further development of this and other Nano projects with a Nano donation:

Discord Channel

If you have questions about the project, suggestions or other contributions you can join our channel #p2pow-discussion on The Nano Center’s Discord server:

Last but not least, I wish everyone a happy end of the year! And that 2021 brings a lot of news to Nano. This was my Christmas present for the community!
submitted by anarkrypto to nanocurrency [link] [comments]

I'm getting discouraged trying to find an internship, do I have the right approach?


I'm a third-year at a state school studying computer science and minoring in mathematics. I have really wanted to be a software engineer for at least 2 years. If you told me 8 months ago that I wouldn't have at least gotten 1 interview I would've thought you were absolutely crazy. However as of today that is the case. Although I haven't sent out as many applications as some of the other people I've seen on this subreddit, I anticipated a little bit of a better response rate. Currently, I've applied to almost 80 internships. At first, I was trying to find the ones where I knew all of the technology specified on their requirements and "bonus" sections. Then once I wasn't hearing back I started expanding my horizon to anything tangential.


I have been denied quickly at positions where I far exceed the job requirements and had a referral from someone in the company. For one instance, the connection said that the hiring manager had just gone on vacation when I applied and the person who was taking over for the week denied my application before he could reach out to the department. It made it feel like I was just getting unlucky at everything.

What I've been doing

During this time I had been working as hard as I could to boost my resume, skills, and knowledge. I have been listening to an algorithms course on youtube from MIT when I workout daily, programming in java on LeetCode answering 2-5 questions per day. I started building and I am almost finished with an A* Pathfinding algorithm written in Python that has a dynamic user interface written with Tkinter. My primary focus is a social media product I co-founded with a few of my friends from university.

What I've learned/how I've grown

Through those experiences, I've seen tremendous growth over the last 8-10 months in my programming skills. I remember when I first started grinding on LeetCode I thought I was going to quit programming because I spent 5 hours on an "easy" question that had a 5 line solution. At this point, I can't find an easy question that isn't trivial and I am solving a lot of medium questions without having to reference an answer. I am taking an algorithms class currently at university and I can't even pay attention because I read the syllabus and already know the algorithms well. I can tell the functions I've written for my iOS app are some of the most advanced things I've ever read and they're used by a almost hundred people daily.

Critique + resume link

I've thought my resume has expressed the level of my technological skill properly but perhaps not. Its attached to this post hiding sensitive information. If anyone has critiques on my resume or my daily routine. Please let me know.
submitted by g-unit2 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

SICP in LISP by MIT, what I learnt !

I recent went through the MIT SICP in Lisp programming videos, I learnt a lot of programming fundamentals and wanted to summarise some of the terminologies i noted down at the time.(This is not a complete list as I got through half a notebook)
I have written down a few of my learnings from the course and tried to explain them in basic terms, I would like some advice and guidance on whether you would update some of these and if I am missing some obvious terms.
I know you can't include everything you have learnt from over 20 hours of video lectures but would appreciate and respectful advice:
LISP Example: (+ 3 17.4 5) This equals 25.4 Plus is the Operator, the what it does, the numbers are the Operands, the with what and the numbers all together are the combination, the whole thing is known as a procedure.
Conditional Rule: To evaluate an IF expression, Evaluate the predicate expression, if it is True evaluate the consequent expression, otherwise evaluate the alternative expression. ( IF )
Procedures - a process that computes an out put from inputs. A function in python.
Process - run by a series of procedures.
CONS - Number PAIRS known as Box and pointer notations, similar to a dictionary format but with each object being constructed of the last PAIR. 1-34 -> 2-54 -> 3-325
CAR - left half of the CONS, the car of a list would result in the first item of the list.
CDR- iterating through a list from the 2nd item, You can use CDR to return the rest of the list following a CAR of a list, you may use it to CDR through a CONS applying a function, you would write a procedure to do this.
(mylist '(pen paper book watch))
Car of mylist is pen.
Cdr of mylist is paper book watch.
Product - In mathematics the product is the result of multiplication.
Black box abstraction - leaves the user unaware of the underlying details of the function and is only shown the basic functionality view.
Modularity - Code for reusability, the function takes in different values and the process runs the same each time regardless of what value is given. Such as a function that finds the square root of a given number. In electrical engineering you don’t look at a component thinking about the individual parts of the component, you just look at an input produces an output.
Objects - can have multiple common variables, such as humans are the object, blood pressure hair colour, age, weight are the variables, which are encapsulated into the object human.
Instantiation - you instantiate a class to create an object, a concrete instance of a class. The object is an executable file , that you run in a computer which takes on characteristics form the original blueprint class.
Map - Applies an action to each element in a list, doesn't need to recursively go through a list.
Tree-recursion - would allow you to apply MAP to a list of lists.
Exponentiation - raises a number to a power, multiplies a number by itself a number of times.
Lambda notation - inline function, good for defining anonymous procedures and reduces written code, used for single use. (lambda (x) (* x x))
Fibonacci numbers - The two previous numbers added together starting from 0 1 =1 then 1 2 =3 etc 10th fib number would be 21+34=55
Iteration - cycles through new problems/functions a number of times to solve a problem.
Recursion - gets a result then passes the answer onto other function to do something with that which then passes its result onto another function and so on.
Syntactic sugar - two functions that do the same thing but are fundamentally designed differently.
Predict - tests an argument for true or false, should set the procedure out with the define ending in a Question mark ?.
Using exclamation marks in function names to show assignment ! Seems to be an action.
Streams - they are not lists, they rely on each component completing before the next starts. Stream1-----stream2-------stream3
submitted by HowtheHutch to lisp [link] [comments]

Assertion based conditionals

Replacing conditionals with assertions

I'm working on an alternative to conditionals on my language, and I think I hit a sweet spot of simplicity and expressiveness.
Imagine Python, but with braces for anonymous functions:
say_hello = {print("Hello World")} say_hello() 
, and this helper function (name pending):
def Φ(*fallible_functions): """ Returns the result of the first function that doesn't fail with AssertionError. """ for function in fallible_functions: try: return function() except AssertionError: continue 
We can then replace if conditionals:
# Python if value == 5: print("Value is five") elif value == 6: print("Value is six") else: print("Value is something else") # New Φ({ assert value == 5 print("Value is five") }, { assert value == 6 print("Value is six") }, { print("Value is something else") }) 
Since the assertion can be anywhere within the block, this can neatly replace the infamous walrus operator:
# Python if int_match := re.fullmatch('\d+', text): print("Got number", int(text)) elif char_match := re.fullmatch('.', text): print("Got char", text) else: print("Got text", text) # New Φ({ int_match = re.fullmatch('\d+', text) assert int_match print("Got number", int(text)) }, { char_match := re.fullmatch('.', text) assert char_match print("Got char", text) }, { print("Got text", text) }) 
And even short circuiting operators:
# Python if f1() and f2(): print("Both") Φ({ assert f1() assert f2() # Not called if f1() is False. }) 
And some list comprehensions:
# Python if all(value < 10 for value in list_values): print("All values are below 10") Φ({ for value in list_valies: assert value < 10 print("All values are below 10") }) 
The examples above are noisy and verbose due to Python's syntax, but can definitely be more ergonomic in a language that is designed for this structure.
What do you think? Did I miss any critical use-case? Does it feel elegant, or a second-class hack?
submitted by BoppreH to ProgrammingLanguages [link] [comments]

Having a hard time understanding lambda functions

I have the following example:
amortized_cashflows = list(accumulate(cashflows, lambda bal, pmt: bal*1.05 + pmt)) 
The elements of the returned list, if I iterate over it, is:
I don't understand how the code above arrived at the element values in that list. I understand that the accumulate method being used above is being passed the cashflows iterable as it's first argument and a lambda function as it's second arguement.

The lambda function represents an anonymous function that would roughly translate to this:

def anon(bal,pmt): x = bal * 1.05 + pmt return x 

..What I don't undestand is how I arrived at those values. Don't I need to define bal and pmt ? How did python figure out those values?
submitted by Kitchen-Injury-8938 to learnpython [link] [comments]

Vala review

Vala review
A little-known language - Vala. I'll tell the story from the beginning. KDE (Kool/K Desktop Environment) was on Qt with a closed license (first released in 1996), the free community did not like it and they made GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) as an alternative (first released in 1997)
Soon the GObject object system appeared (it is problematic to develop a GUI without OOP), the main goal of which was to provide the possibility of transparent cross-language interaction to provide the ability to use GTK from all languages. It was designed with the ability to create bindings to languages with GC and even dynamic typing ( Thus, 2 problems were solved at once - the lack of OOP and the need to update bindings to libraries for other languages(GObject Introspection:
Writing in C using GObject's OOP was inconvenient due to the large amount of boilerplate, so in 2006 the Vala language was created. The language itself tries to be similar to the allknown C#/Java syntax, but is transpiled to C (more or less human-readable C) using GObject.So the GLib ( library is like Vala's STD.
Characteristics of language:Typing: Static, strongType system: C# like Reference TypeCompiler language: self-hosting(
Memory managment: Vala has 3 ways to manage memory:
  1. ARC as in Swift with weak and strong references to avoid loops
  2. by ownership using owned semantics(owned/unowned references)
  3. Manually, using the usual &, *, delete operators. ( 1:
Features: Anonymous functions, signals(like Qt but on lang level), properties, generics, assisted memory management, exception handling, type inference, with kw, Python like slices syntax.
C Compiler: It can be compiled by any C99 compiler, this can be useful during the development cycle when compiling for example with TCC, which gives a significant increase in speed.
Debug: I often hear the argument that it is impossible to debage what is transpiled in C.This is not true. In the debug build, Vala substitutes the #line pragmas in C code, so it can debug with GDB, ofc its not perfect in some edge cases. (demo:
IDE: VS Code, Vim, Neovim, Emacs, GNOME Builder(and others LS protocol supported IDE) with Vala Language Server (, also there an IDEA/CLion plugin in dev.
Build Systems: main build system for Vala (as for all GNOME software) is Meson(, but CMake(1, 2, Automake(, BuilDj and Waf aslo supported.
C ABI: Of course, because of the transpilation in C, the interaction with it is very transparent.Files describing Vala to C bindings have the. vapi format.Here are some ready-made examples: Also there are great API references site:
Others Benchmarks: Vala is actually close to C in performance.,
GIR examples(using vala from other langs):,,
Apps examples: Font editor:, Mail client: Games LauncheLibRetro GUI wrapper: Multimedia Lib:, Parallel processing Lib: all Elementary OS stuff, etc...
My opinion: I believe that the three main characteristics of Vala are simplicity(I figured it out in 1 day using one of these tutorials, previously only familiar with Qt), high-level features and performance.
PS correct me if I made a mistake in the story.
submitted by gavr123456789 to vala [link] [comments]

Welcome to PSI True Decentralized Income

Passive.income PSI (RFI FORK)
So, who are we?
We are a group of blockchain enthusiasts who are just as excited as you are about the DeFi Technology. And at the end of the day, we’re just internet nerds who became friends online, and decided to launch our own project together.
We decided to remain anonymous for some reasons. First, a few of us have separate day jobs and other projects and wanted to keep everything separate.
Plus, if we were public-facing, we’d have to apply for a securities license and have every potential presale investor KYC’d. Then, those from the US and other countries wouldn’t be allowed to participate in the PSI pre-sale. We would be doing a much bigger raise, and would possibly have to work with VCs for funding (which we believe is against the spirit of crypto).
At the end of the day, what we’re doing is disrupting big finance and banks. It seems DeFi can’t be stopped and is only growing bigger, despite governments and financial institutions not being thrilled of this space. Thus, we decided to stay anonymous and build a decentralized token that doesn’t require governance from a centralized team.
That said, here’s some more information about us:
Marley — Team Lead
Marley has been studying DeFi token-economics this past year to optimize PSI’s ecosystem. Because he is involved with other blockchain projects, he has recognized where most of them fall short, and designed PSI to overcome these common mistakes. He is a digital marketing whiz and consultant in the financial space. He has connections with influencers, exchanges, developers, private investors and understands the nuances of crypto marketing.
Bryant — The Solidity Developer
Bryant has been in the crypto space since 2016. He and Marley are the masterminds behind the PSI concept. Together they plan to disrupt the entire Defi space. He has 6 years of development experience in JavaScript, PHP and Python. He has been developing on Solidity for the last 2 years, and knows his ways around smart contracts.
Aneesh — Content and Marketing
Aneesh is a direct response copywriter and digital marketer who has run performance campaigns for many big tech companies. He writes the PSI Medium articles and will be leveraging his 4 years of copywriting experience to bring new users into the PSI ecosystem.
Marcelo — Advisor
Marcelo is a crypto Master from Canada who has been in the space since 2013. He has successfully launched his one project and will be advising the team on how to ensure PSI is a long-term, sustainable project.
Okay, enough about us. You’re probably dying to hear about the PSI Pre-Sale details. First, a little background on this project so the presale structure will make more sense.
So its very simple, As many we found after finding out how the code was created from REBASE we did the same. An RFI fork is necessary, because there are no tokens reserved for future development, this means there will be no future development for RFI. If there will be any future development ideas from the community we can always implement this after the release of the tokens for development.
After doing a very thoroughly analysis of several tokens that launched in the recent DeFi boom, we found that projects with a low cap pre-sale contribution and a maximum buy limit performed the best in the short and long term. This makes sense because a low cap and limit buys implies no early whales who can easily manipulate the price and kill the project early on.
Marketing is one of the aspects that is most important for early investors. We will be locating funds especially for marketing purposes. One of the most common death ends for crypto projects is that they fail on the marketing side, and dont realise this is very important for gaining new investors.
Read down below the concept based on RFI from REBASE.
Real Passive income. Hodl and Earn.
PSI works by applying a 1% fee to each transaction and splitting that fee among all holders of the token.
Holders do not need to stake or wait for fees to be delivered. Fees are awarded by the smart contract and are instant reflected to the holders balance
True Decentralization
There is no institution or centralized party that shares the fees with PSI. There is no interface needed to receive the fees. No action needs to be taken on the part of the holder other than to hold PSI in a wallet they control. With PSI, there are no vaults that could be hacked and drained or treasury funds that could be messed up. There is only the free market.
PSI is an innovative Ethereum token that re-imagines the concept of DeFI yield generation and change this to DeFi Passive Income generation.
At its core, PSI charges a 1% transaction fee and re-distributes that fee to existing PSI holders instantly and automatically at the time of each transaction.
Unique features of the PSI smart contract allow certain addresses like the Uniswap pool or exchange wallets to be blocked from earning fees.
Because of this, all the fees generated go to holders of the token. The percentage of fees you earn is calculated by the percentage of PSI that you own among holders. This generates a much higher passive income than would otherwise be possible.
There is no team or central party that has to award the fees. There is no interface to claim the fees. No action needs to be taken on your part other than to hold PSI in a wallet you control.
Dual Passive income Capability
In most Dapps, users must stake or hold their tokens in a contract to earn a passive income. PSI holders can use their tokens in third party lending, Staking, or any other smart contract as an extra to earning a passive income from the transaction fees.
To facilitate this, the PSI smart contract exposes some new methods that allow staking contracts to easily determine the fees earned by each holder for any period of time even when funds are pooled together. This is a huge advantage in comparison of the certain technologies we are using at this moment.
The Problem
The overwhelming majority of DeFi projects require trust in a central party and interaction with complex, buggy, and easily hacked contracts.
Rewards for interacting with these contracts often come from the minting of new tokens, necessitating confusing (and usually centralized) economic mechanisms that attempt to give the underlying reward token some value.
Developers who design and implement these economic reward mechanisms typically have no expertise in economics.
These places bring a huge amount of risk on those that choose to interact with DeFi smart contracts.
The Solution
PSI is uniquely designed to address these problems and reduce the mentioned risks. Let’s have a look at how PSI removes each of the risks mentioned below.
Price and Market risk: These risks come with any free market. Anyone claiming to guarantee a specific passive income or eliminate this risk are lying to you.
Trust related risk: No Staking, No vaults, No Farming or treasuries. No community funds that could be mismanaged. No website or interface is required for the token to function. As long as Ethereum exists, PSI fees will be generated and distributed with each transaction.
Security risk: Because fee generation AND distribution is backed into the core smart contract, security risk has almost been eliminated totally. No external contracts or interfaces need to be interacting with our token.
Economical Design risk: PSI has a fixed cap of 50K. The passive income comes from transfer fees instead of newly minted tokens. As you earn fees, the percentage of the total supply your own is increasing. Earning network fees is an established and tested method of earning a passive income.
The Elephant in the Room — Opportunity Cost
Beyond the extreme risks involved with DeFi, individuals must stake or park their tokens in a contract to earn a passive income. There is a massive opportunity cost associated with this as participants could be using their locked tokens to earn a passive income some other way but are unable to seize that opportunity while the tokens are locked.
Let's look at how PSI addresses opportunity cost.
PSI fees are awarded automatically and do not require any transaction to be executed by the holder in order to earn fees. This allows PSI to be used in any other smart contract in addition to earning passive income from the transaction fees.
To facilitate this, the PSI smart contract exposes some new methods that allows other smart contracts to easily determine the fees earned by each address for any period of time even when funds are pooled together.
This is a huge leap in DeFi that enables the direct staking of PSI and double passive income generation.
For example, you could lend your PSI on a third party app and earn a passive income from that while still earning fees from PSI transfers. The lending contract could use PSI’s new methods to easily determine the fees earned on the amount you provided during your interaction with the lending contract.
By reducing friction and eliminating the burden of contract interaction to earn a passive income, PSI is truly a step forward in DeFi.
PSI Presale Details
We are holding the presale as following:
Total amount of tokens: 10.000 Total hard cap: 200 ETH Individual cap: 0.1–5ETH
In the event we don’t fill the total hard cap of 200 ETH, we will burn the remaining PSI tokens.
Everyone will have a maximum allocation of 5 ETH (0.1 ETH minimum) at a rate of 1 ETH = 50 PSI.
This is to prevent whales from buying up a large amount of the supply during the presale. Our Pre-Sale will be done by Coinbase Commerce. Presale will start Sunday 13th 2020 at 15:00 UTC
*To avoid a gas war (especially with how high the gas fees have been lately), we decided to start the pre sale on Sunday.
Once the hard cap is reached we will notify everyone who successfully made it onto the whitelist. If you made it, you’ll receive your amount of PSI tokens equally to the amount of funds you sent before PSI is officially listed on Uniswap.
Buy Now:
5% Private sale 20% Presale 15% Burned 4% Blackhole 35% development 10% team 10% marketing 1% reserve
Why should I invest in PSI?
The initial listing price of PSI will be equal to the price of the presale stage 50 PSI = 1 ETH. This is because we will add liquidity to uniswap that will equal 50 PSI = 1ETH
· All liquidity will be instantly locked after presale, FOREVER.
· Marketing is something that most Cryptocurrency projects will be focussing on at a later stage. But for investors this is one of the most important things to be earning money on their investment. We will be using a tremendous amount of funds for marketing before the project will launch officially, to get the best returns as soon as we list on several exchanges.
· This project will do everything in their power to make it completely Rug and Hack Proof!
· At a later stage we will be revealing our team their identity as soon we have all legal sides sorted with the law.
· Why do we buy crypto because we want to be decentralized, we are the bank! We all know what the true reason is of cryptocurrency and that’s a decentralized financial system!
· We believe that everyone should be able to enter cryptocurrencies and earn by doing it without any hindrance or limitations. We believe it should be natural and logical. Our mission is to bring crypto and earning in crypto to mainstream. We believe everyone should be able to achieve this. We will focus on ecosystem developments that will bring most value for all our stakeholders. In our view our stakeholders give the project incentive to exist, so we respect these norms and values.
We will continuously communicate with our community for what their wishes are and try to implement this on our PSI ecosystem.
For more information about our presale, join our Telegram through the links below!
Thanks for reading, and we look forward to launching this PSI!
The Passive.income Team!
🕸️Website: 🐦Twitter: 📬Telegram Channel: 💰Pre-sale:
submitted by BjornHM to Passive1ncome [link] [comments]

Functional programming How to query and transform data efficiently and concisely?

Functional programming How to query and transform data efficiently and concisely?
When it comes to programming paradigms, it's easy to associate religious piety, and every religion has certain rationality in its creeds, but it can be painful to follow only one dogma, as can programming paradigms.
Case 1
Case 1: The code abstract is from the training materials of an enterprise. The main code logic is to print the scores of each class and find the average score of students' non-F-level courses.
class CourseGrade { 
public String title; public char grade; } public class ReportCard { public String studentName; public ArrayList cliens;
public void printReport() { 
System.out.println("Report card for " + studentName); System.out.println("------------------------"); System.out.println("Course Title Grade"); Iterator grades = cliens.iterator(); CourseGrade grade; double avg = 0.0d; while (grades.hasNext()) { grade =; System.out.println(grade.title + " " + grade.grade); if (! (grade.grade == 'F') { avg = avg + grade.grade - 64; } } avg = avg / cliens.size(); System.out.println("------------------------"); System.out.println("Grade Point Average = " + avg); } }
What are the problems with the preceding code?
The member variable is public, which lacks data encapsulation.
The system does not check whether the client is empty. The value may be divided by 0. Note: Assume that this field is not empty. In addition, the logic may be incorrect. Why is the total score calculated for non-F courses and the divisor calculated for all courses? Ignore this question first.
The variable avg is used for multiple purposes, that is, the total score and the average score.
The client variable name is difficult to understand.
! (grade.grade == 'F') somewhat counterintuitive
The while loop does two things, prints the grades of each lesson, and counts the scores.
The training materials do not provide standard solutions. Try to optimize the code, use Java8 Stream to simplify the calculation process, and segment the code.

public void printReport2() { System.out.println("Report card for " + studentName); System.out.println("------------------------"); System.out.println("Course Title Grade"); cliens.forEach(it -> System.out.println(it.title + " " + it.grade)); double total = -> it.grade !='F') .mapToDouble(it -> it.grade - 64).sum(); System.out.println("------------------------"); System.out.println("Grade Point Average = " + total / cliens.size()); }

The following functions are extracted for each type of printing:
private void printHeader() { 
System.out.println("Report card for " + studentName); System.out.println("------------------------"); }
private void printGrade() { 
System.out.println("Course Title Grade"); cliens.forEach(it -> System.out.println(it.title + " " + it.grade)); }
private void printAverage() { 
double total = -> it.grade !='F') .mapToDouble(it -> it.grade - 64).sum(); System.out.println("------------------------"); System.out.println("Grade Point Average = " + total / cliens.size()); }
public void printReport3() { 
printHeader(); printGrade(); printAverage(); }
Note: If only the average score of non-F is calculated, you can perform the following operations in a row:

double avg = -> it.grade != 'F') .mapToDouble(it -> it.grade - 64).average().orElse(0.0d);

Case 2: Let's look at the code.

List tanscationsIds = transcations.parallelStream() .filter(it -> it.getType() == Transcation.GROCERY) .sorted(comparing(Transcation::getValue).resersed()) .map(Transcation::getId) .collect(Collectors::toList());

The code is very clear:
· Filter out transactions of the GROCRY type.
· Sort by value in descending order.
· Use the ID field of each field.
· Output ID list.
Does this look like a SQL statement: select from transactions t where t.type =='GROCERY 'order by t.value desc
1 Wrap it over
Now that Java 8 is widely used, Stream and Lambda should become accustomed to it, not showmanship. There are many tutorials on the Internet. If some students are not familiar with their usage, you can find more materials to get familiar with them.
Stream, as its name is, acts as a data production pipeline, gradually superimposing intermediate operations (algorithms and calculations) to transform a data source into another data set.
I have learned C# and learned about Language Integrated Query (LINQ). The usage of LINQ is clearer and simpler than Java Stream and Lambda. The following is an example:
var result = db.ProScheme.OrderByDescending(p => p.rpId).Where(p => p.rpId > 10).ToList(); 
LINQ is born for data query. It can be regarded as Domain Specific Language (DSL) and is also a set of functional programming (FP) concepts. Remember the following two points:
· Monad is a design pattern that decomposes an operational process into multiple interconnected steps through a function.
· Lambda expression is an anonymous function, and it is named based on the lambda calculation in mathematics.
FP has other features: pattern matching, currying, bias function, closure, tail recursion, etc. Students who are interested in FP feel may find materials to learn.
Currently, mainstream languages introduce some FP features to improve the data expression capability of languages.
C++11 introduces Lambda expressions and provides two basic libraries: and . A simple example is as follows:

int foo[] = { 10, 20, 5, 15, 25 }; std::sort(foo, foo+5, [](int a, int b){return a > b;});

Python provides functools libraries to simplify some functional programming. The following is a simple example:

foo = ["A", "a", "b", "B"] sorted(foo, key=functools.cmp_to_key(locale.strcoll))

2. Functional programming
Of course, adding features like lambda to object-oriented languages is not functional programming, but mostly grammar candy. The programming paradigm is not the grammar of the language, but the way of thinking.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has been very successful over the past 20 years, while Functional Programming (FP) has evolved, each of which addresses different scenarios:
· Object-oriented is an abstraction of data. For example, an object is abstracted to focus on data.
· Functional programming is a process abstraction thinking, which is to abstract the current action, focusing on the action.
Actual business requirements are usually reflected in business activities, which are process-oriented. That is, data sources are input first, a series of interactions are performed under certain conditions, and then results are output. What is the difference between a procedure-oriented and a functional formula?
Process-oriented is to divide the action into multiple steps. Therefore, syntax such as if and while is used to support different steps. Compared with process-oriented, the functional style emphasizes the execution result rather than the execution process. It uses several simple execution units to gradually sympathize with the calculation result and deduce complex operations layer by layer instead of designing complex execution processes, therefore, purely functional programming languages do not require syntax such as if/while. Instead, they use pattern matching and recursive invoking.
Object-oriented programming constructs readable code by encapsulating variable parts, while functional programming constructs readable code by minimizing variable parts.
Another feature of the function is described as follows from the Java Stream implementation:
The function does not maintain any status, and the context data remains unchanged. The input parameters are thrown after being processed.
Based on the preceding understanding, we can first abstract world things as objects through OOP and then abstract the relationships and interactions between things as execution units through FP. This combination may be a good solution to the implementation of business activities.
3. Avoid single paradigm
When it comes to programming paradigms, it's easy to associate religious piety, and every religion has certain rationality in its creed, but it can be painful to follow only one dogma. The same is true of the programming paradigm, just as Java was purely object-oriented before 1.8, you find it very cumbersome. As Erlang is purely functional, you will find that simple logic can sometimes be very complex.
In recent years, the rise of data analysis, scientific computing, and parallel computing has led to the recognition that functional programming addresses the charm of data, and it has become increasingly popular. In these areas, programs are often easy to express in data expressions, and functional expressions can be implemented with little code.
In actual service software, many logics are also used to process data, including the CURD, data combination, filtering, and query. Therefore, functional programming is supported in many languages, improving the ability to express data processing.
Understanding the new programming paradigms and using them in due course will help you get more done with less. Whatever programming paradigm, they're tools, and in your toolbox, there might be hammers, screwdrivers, and when to use this tool depends on the problem to be solved.
4. Conclusion
The case in this article is only an introduction to the concept of functional programming. Functional programming provides us with another way of thinking: how to efficiently and concisely query and transform data. Many languages support some functional capabilities, which need to be constantly learned and used in reasonable scenarios.
This document is translated from
submitted by helloworddd to HuaweiDevelopers [link] [comments]

(UPDATED!) So you want to be an astronomer...

Five years ago, my original post "so you want to be an astronomer..." was written, and has since spread out all over the Internet and inspired many career decisions. Time passes, however, and I wanted to write a new post that includes a lot more about what I know about the field from my time in it, and addressing new questions and concerns people have been asking about more regularly. Cheers!

Hi there!
Chances are you're reading this because you messaged me saying you want to be an astronomer, and you want some advice on how to do that or hear what it's like. I get several of these queries a week, so for the sake of time I thought I'd write this up here so I have it handy in one location.
First, caveat time: you are getting advice from one person based on her experiences. These are, in short, BSc/MSc in Physics in the USA, doing a PhD in radio astronomy in Europe/Canada, now doing research as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard. Other people would give you other advice- here is some really good advice I like to pass around, from a professional astronomical organization.
Second, astronomy vs astrophysics: several have asked what the difference is, so I want to mention these days there is no real difference between an astronomer and an astrophysicist- it's just a historical distinction. Astronomy these days is really just a branch of physics where we use the entire universe as our laboratory, and there are plenty of astronomers working in physics departments these days! So don't get hung up on the difference, there isn't one and what you call yourself is a personal preference more than anything. Finally, please note that many astronomers are actually employed by physics departments- as I said, it's fairly interchangeable.
So, that said, let's answer a few questions!
I'm in high school. What do I have to do now?
The first thing in my opinion that's important to do in high school is get your math down cold. Like, know your algebra, and know your trig functions, in such a way that you can recite them in your sleep. I know this isn't what bright students usually want to do- you want to show what a hotshot you are in college math years ahead of where you are!- but trust me, if you don't know your high school math solid for when you go to university it will burn you and you will most likely not do well. I cannot tell you how many students I've taught or gone to class with who were good at physics but kept not doing well because they'd mess up in the algebra... and a physics exam is not a good place to try and remember your unit circle!
Beyond that, obviously science courses and all that jazz are important. You can likely figure that part out on your own. I will note though that computer programming (especially Python) are increasingly important in astronomy, so if you have time to kill learning some of that certainly won't hurt! Coursera has some free Python courses that are excellent if you want to get your feet wet.
The only other thing I would add if you're in high school, especially if you're US based, is check out the astronomy camp run by the University of Arizona (need-based scholarships available). Basically you get to go out to Arizona for a week and play with telescopes at night- it's a wonderful program that I'm still involved with today, and was the best thing I did as an astronomy-interested teen!
What should I think about for college?
First, to be an astronomer it is not essential to get a BSc in Astronomy- as I said, mine's in physics!- but something physics, math, or engineering related is definitely vital (geology is also acceptable if you're thinking of going into planetary science). As such, research schools that are strong in physics/engineering- often these will have an astronomy dept (or have astronomers in their physics dept- astronomy is basically applied physics these days), but it's not an absolute requirement to have an astronomy department at this stage if you can't manage to go to a uni with one. I'm not going to list schools here with programs, as Reddit is too international for this.
Once you're in college, consider dabbling in programming a bit beyond the math/physics/astronomy/engineering stuff, and definitely get to know your professors and see if there's opportunities for research on campus in some form. I ended up doing some really nice lab work during my summers thanks to getting to know my professor first semester freshman year... even worked with him through my MSc! If you are in the USA, also consider REUs, which are basically fully funded summer internships for all STEM fields that get you into labs doing actual research in institutions around the country. To give you an idea, my REU was at the SETI Institute many years ago, and gave me my first experience in radio astronomy- experience that then landed me my PhD position later as a radio astronomer.
Final but very important note: you were probably the brightest kid in your high school class. University, on the other hand, is hard and filled with bright kids who fail out all the time. Do not be that kid! Go to class! Do your homework! Ask help when you need it! And most of all, realize the biggest thing is being stubborn and working hard. At the end of the day, this is what people remember most about you.
Also, nothing to do with anything, but consider studying abroad regardless of major, as I had a wonderful time doing it. :)
What's after that? (TL;DR: more school!)
These days, to be a professional astronomer, you should plan and assume you will get your PhD. The good news is you are paid to do your PhD, and you will be doing a lot of research at this stage! There are lots of good summaries on how to specifically go to get your PhD- here is a US-specific one, and here is one for Europe (which I wrote!). PhDs are a bit different depending on the country you are in, but typically in North America you are doing your MSc and PhD in one (so classes the first few years, then just research), versus in Europe you do your MSc separately and then do a PhD with minimal coursework. (Grad School Shopper is an excellent astronomy/physics grad school website btw for finding programs you might be interested in, primarily focused on the USA, which can be filtered for things like geographic area, specialties, GPA cutoffs, etc.)
Also, a word on advisers: for your research you will be basically an apprentice to someone, and by far the biggest thing in being successful in grad school is your adviser and the relationship you have with them (this goes for non-astronomy too!). So, ask a ton of questions when considering the PhD program about how often the adviser wants to meet, and ask the students questions who are currently or have worked for that person, and steer clear if you don't think it will be a good fit. Also, I would very highly advise not working for a department head without a secondary supervisor of some sort- while there are a lot of great advisers out there who are department heads, it is too big a power differential to really overcome should things go sour, which is the main concern. Trust me on this.
Bottom line: you are going to be one well-educated person when you're done with all this... which makes sense if you want to professionally study the universe. I should also explicitly state at this point that you do get paid to do a PhD- I mean, not a lot, but and the amount varies by university, but you will be getting a stipend in exchange for your research and being a teaching assistant.
If, on the other hand, you are someone who is not interested in getting a PhD, there is a smaller group of jobs to choose from but it's definitely still possible. Astronomy specific jobs after a BSc tend to involve things like being a telescope operator, lab tech, teaching high school, or working at a planetarium. Check the AAS job register for some ideas. I also know plenty of people who took their astronomy/physics degree from undergrad and are now doing something completely different! Most of these are engineering related- I personally know people from undergrad now working in actuarial science, as a nuclear sub technician, defense contractors, for a satellite imaging company, on Wall Street, science journalism, and even a librarian and a rock climbing instructor. People who major in astro/physics do go on to do a lot of really interesting things!
I'm bad at math/ have bad grades. Do I have a chance?
Time for a dirty confession: I was never a good student. I was a pretty solid B student throughout my career (definitely got all Bs in math in college), have failed exams, even one of my physics classes that I had to retake. So I am living proof that you do not need to be the best in your class to succeed as an astronomer and even make it to Harvard eventually, though I doubt Harvard would have looked at me twice during those earlier stages.
So, how did I do it? By knowing what I wanted, and working extra hard to overcome my shortcomings. Mine specifically are I cannot take exams for the life of me- whatever I knew just wouldn't stay in my head for when it was time to take the exam. This was immensely frustrating for me, because everyone just told me in high school I was smart and should stop being lazy and study harder, but I would study hours for exams and feel I got the same results. So, what to do? In college I realized I just couldn't count on the exams coming out well, so I would control what I could- that is, make sure my homework was perfect, do good work in the lab, make sure I went to office hours with questions about the material. (Professors are human, and if they look at the grade distribution and see a student on the cusp of a higher letter grade, and know that student is engaged versus don't know the student at all, there's a good chance you'll get bumped up.) And it turns out in the long run, that is what matters- the grit to put in extra work and how to solve problems matter far more in an astronomy career than if you can solve a physics problem with pencil and paper in a closed room. (I mean, the latter might matter for some theorists, but I'm not one.)
As a full caveat, I realize this is more extra work than many ever want to do, which is perfectly fine. But my point is that you shouldn't count yourself out of astronomy if you are willing to work extra hard at it, because most of this stuff is not intuitive. Remember, even Einstein needed a math tutor to figure out general relativity- he didn't have the math skills, and asked a professor at Princeton to help him!
What kind of jobs do astronomers/ astrophysicists have? How competitive is it?
To get the bad news out of the way first: being an astronomer is extremely competitive. There are just not enough professional jobs to support everyone who wants to do it, PhD level and onwards. That said, I do not know anyone who became an astronomer and then ended up starving in the streets: you are learning some great problem solving skills, so even if the astronomy thing doesn't work out for you in the long run you'll probably be getting good money (often far more than if you stayed in astronomy!). I have "extronomer" friends in all sorts of jobs: programming of various types, teaching high school, at planetariums, finance, defense, science journalism... there really are a lot of things people end up doing who decide to leave the field for whatever reason, and at a higher starting pay than the "leave after undergrad" crowd discussed a bit further above.
That said, what about those actual astronomy jobs? Astronomers are usually attached to research institutes at universities or government labs (like NASA or US Naval Observatory in the USA), usually doing mainly research but also a bit of teaching if at a university. It is the standard these days in astronomy to do one or more postdoctoral positions before getting a permanent position, which are legit jobs but on a contract of a few years (typically 3, but sometimes 2 and sometimes longer). It is usually after that the person goes on to get a permanent job somewhere. Finally, because I know many people are curious about the pay, your mileage may vary but last year I had several offers for postdocs in the USA, and all of those were in the US$60-70k range. A permanent position down the line gets more, but US$100k is already on the high end. You do astronomy because you love it, not because you expect to get rich off of it.
To get an idea for what kind of jobs there are, check out the AAS Job Register if you're curious about various open positions in astronomy and astrophysics. This is the definitive website that astronomers go to for job listings for postdoc and faculty positions, though often they list other random little things too such as open PhD positions or support/technical staff at astronomy institutions. It might give you an idea of what sort of work you can hope to find in the field. Also, please note that while some jobs pop up throughout the year, most of astronomy has a "hiring season" where jobs are listed in the northern hemisphere fall (September to end of the year), so check out the archive for those months if it's springtime and looking skimpy.
What do you do as an astronomer? What's a typical day like for you?
Obviously my career has changed at different stages, but my primary focus as a professional astronomer is my research. What research looks like on a typical day depends on the stage of the project- there is writing the proposal to get telescope time, scheduling observations, data reduction, analyzing the data and applying models to it (I mainly use Python), and then writing up what you've found for the journal. It depends on the project, but usually it takes 6-12 months from me getting the data to getting it to the journal- good research takes time! Also, while some astronomers still do, I should note I do not actually travel to the telescope to observe- like anything these days, I send my observations to the observatory, and then download my data off the Internet after it's taken. Some astronomers still travel to take their observations, but no one unfortunately has the job of just going to the observatory every night and looking at stars (and you couldn't mount an eyepiece on most of those big telescopes even if you wanted to).
Beyond my research, I also spend a smaller segment of my time during the week doing things like attending seminars (where people talk about their research), a smattering of meetings with the group or students I help supervise, and a smattering of outreach activities. (The latter is definitely not a requirement, but I enjoy it! Most of my outreach is here on Reddit, writing for various publications on astronomy topics, attending conferences, being the referee for a paper submitted to the journal, or doing events like speaking at high schools or Astronomy on Tap.)
As a general note, I think one of the best pieces of advice I heard about choosing a career is any job will have parts of it you don't like. I personally don't know anyone who enjoys responding to referee comments for their submitted paper, for example! Instead, the trick is finding a job where what you love about the work makes up for the parts you don't want to do. For me, my career in astronomy definitely does that.
I am a programmer and want to get involved in astronomy. Any advice?
The good news here is scientific programming is indeed a career, and it's getting bigger every year! Check out the sections on the AAS Job Register for "scientific/technical staff" and "science engineering." (You can also do a search of archived positions to get an idea of the sort of skills they're looking for.) Check back regularly. As a general rule, most astronomy specific programming jobs are going to either be in Python or Java, and require a bachelor's degree in computer science or an equivalent.
If you don't want to get an actual job in astronomy but just do it on a more hobby level, I recommend looking into distributed computing or citizen science projects.
I am older and am considering going back to school to get a degree in astronomy. Thoughts?
These questions are always a bit difficult to answer as an Internet stranger because I don't know you and what's important to you. I will point out though that the "undergrad to PhD" process will take you at least a decade- and definitely longer if you can't do it full time. A lot of people are going to look at that commitment and decide it's too difficult at this stage. That said, I do know people who did decide to go to school for astronomy years after it's traditional to do so, after a degree and perhaps even a career doing something else, and are still in the field today. It's definitely possible.
Remember, if you're busy thinking to yourself "but I'll be 40 before I'm done with the PhD!", well, you're (hopefully) still going to be 40 someday. Might as well be 40 leading a life you enjoy, or at least that's how I figured it when I started getting older than a lot of other people.
By the way, a lot of older people write to me asking if they will be discriminated against for being an older student. Overall, I think most astronomy people are not going to care about your age, and in fact we like more mature students because they're often more focused than the younger ones! Anecdotally, unfortunately I've noticed this isn't much of an issue in the USA (where of course it's illegal anyway), but I did hear outright age discrimination in Europe regularly when they were interviewing PhD candidates. I suspect though these are larger cultural considerations independent of astronomy as a field in general.
I am an [insert minority here]. Will I face discrimination or have a tougher time because of it?
I hate to say it but... you might. Please don't get me wrong- I hope nothing more than you will be the person who says they were never discriminated against as a minority, because there are people who have that experience. But frankly as a woman I have faced discrimination which has ranged from subtle to outright sexual harassment, and some of those people are still in the field in positions of power today. As such, I unfortunately just cannot guarantee that you will never encounter a similar situation.
That said, one thing I can say that I find reassuring is how astronomy as a field is definitely increasingly aware of the problems minorities in the field face, and is talking about it, and many people are trying to find ways to rectify it. This is different than my experience a decade ago when I was a student, when people just ignored it, which is awesome. Finally, I can only talk about my experiences as a cis white woman, but please message me if you identify in a certain group and want to talk to an astronomer who identifies the same way to hear about their experience! I know a lot of astronomers, and am more than happy to put you in touch with someone who can answer your questions better than I can with my limited experience, and Reddit is great at keeping things anonymous if you want. This happens pretty regularly "behind the scenes" on this subreddit/profile, and I am happy to help.
Finally, I would advise everyone read up on imposter syndrome, which is the feeling that you are a fraud and are going to get found out for it. My experience is everyone in astronomy feels this to some degree, but studies show you feel it more the more you are a minority in a group, so best to be aware of what it is. Personally, I've long ago realized I will always have imposter syndrome, but you know what? I am ok with being the worst astronomer in the world, as long as I get to be an astronomer. :)
I have another question you didn't answer here...
My apologies! Please comment below, so others who may have your question can then also see it. For the record I actively keep an eye on this thread, and will answer everything posted here, or in the monthly Q&A thread. Finally, if you want to message me privately you are free to do so- I will note that I prefer the Reddit messaging feature however over the chat feature, and would appreciate if you used the former over the latter.
Good luck! :)
submitted by Andromeda321 to Andromeda321 [link] [comments]


glimpse into the future of Roblox

Our vision to bring the world together through play has never been more relevant than it is now. As our founder and CEO, David Baszucki (a.k.a. Builderman), mentioned in his keynote, more and more people are using Roblox to stay connected with their friends and loved ones. He hinted at a future where, with our automatic machine translation technology, Roblox will one day act as a universal translator, enabling people from different cultures and backgrounds to connect and learn from each other.
During his keynote, Builderman also elaborated upon our vision to build the Metaverse; the future of avatar creation on the platform (infinitely customizable avatars that allow any body, any clothing, and any animation to come together seamlessly); more personalized game discovery; and simulating large social gatherings (like concerts, graduations, conferences, etc.) with tens of thousands of participants all in one server. We’re still very early on in this journey, but if these past five months have shown us anything, it’s clear that there is a growing need for human co-experience platforms like Roblox that allow people to play, create, learn, work, and share experiences together in a safe, civil 3D immersive space.
Up next, our VP of Developer Relations, Matt Curtis (a.k.a. m4rrh3w), shared an update on all the things we’re doing to continue empowering developers to create innovative and exciting content through collaboration, support, and expertise. He also highlighted some of the impressive milestones our creator community has achieved since last year’s RDC. Here are a few key takeaways:
And lastly, our VP of Engineering, Technology, Adam Miller (a.k.a. rbadam), unveiled a myriad of cool and upcoming features developers will someday be able to sink their teeth into. We saw a glimpse of procedural skies, skinned meshes, more high-quality materials, new terrain types, more fonts in Studio, a new asset type for in-game videos, haptic feedback on mobile, real-time CSG operations, and many more awesome tools that will unlock the potential for even bigger, more immersive experiences on Roblox.


Despite the virtual setting, RDC just wouldn’t have been the same without any fun party activities and networking opportunities. So, we invited special guests DJ Hyper Potions and cyber mentalist Colin Cloud for some truly awesome, truly mind-bending entertainment. Yoga instructor Erin Gilmore also swung by to inspire attendees to get out of their chair and get their body moving. And of course, we even had virtual rooms dedicated to karaoke and head-to-head social games, like trivia and Pictionary.
Over on the networking side, Team Adopt Me, Red Manta, StyLiS Studios, and Summit Studios hosted a virtual booth for attendees to ask questions, submit resumes, and more. We also had a networking session where three participants would be randomly grouped together to get to know each other.

What does Roblox mean to you?

We all know how talented the Roblox community is from your creations. We’ve heard plenty of stories over the years about how Roblox has touched your lives, how you’ve made friendships, learned new skills, or simply found a place where you can be yourself. We wanted to hear more. So, we asked attendees: What does Roblox mean to you? How has Roblox connected you? How has Roblox changed your life? Then, over the course of RDC, we incorporated your responses into this awesome mural.
Created by Alece Birnbach at Graphic Recording Studio

Knowledge is power

This year’s breakout sessions included presentations from Roblox developers and staff members on the latest game development strategies, a deep dive into the Roblox engine, learning how to animate with Blender, tools for working together in teams, building performant game worlds, and the new Creator Dashboard. Dr. Michael Rich, Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and Physician at Boston Children’s Hospital, also led attendees through a discussion on mental health and how to best take care of you and your friends’ emotional well-being, especially now during these challenging times.
Making the Dream Work with Teamwork (presented by Roblox developer Myzta)
In addition to our traditional Q&A panel with top product and engineering leaders at Roblox, we also held a special session with Builderman himself to answer the community’s biggest questions.
Roblox Product and Engineering Q&A Panel

2020 Game Jam

The Game Jam is always one of our favorite events of RDC. It’s a chance for folks to come together, flex their development skills, and come up with wildly inventive game ideas that really push the boundaries of what’s possible on Roblox. We had over 60 submissions this year—a new RDC record.
Once again, teams of up to six people from around the world had less than 24 hours to conceptualize, design, and publish a game based on the theme “2020 Vision,” all while working remotely no less! To achieve such a feat is nothing short of awe-inspiring, but as always, our dev community was more than up for the challenge. I’ve got to say, these were some of the finest creations we’ve seen.
Best in Show: Shapescape Created By: GhettoMilkMan, dayzeedog, maplestick, theloudscream, Brick_man, ilyannna You awaken in a strange laboratory, seemingly with no way out. Using a pair of special glasses, players must solve a series of anamorphic puzzles and optical illusions to make their escape.
Excellence in Visual Art: agn●sia Created By: boatbomber, thisfall, Elttob An obby experience unlike any other, this game is all about seeing the world through a different lens. Reveal platforms by switching between different colored lenses and make your way to the end.
Most Creative Gameplay: Visions of a perspective reality Created By: Noble_Draconian and Spathi Sometimes all it takes is a change in perspective to solve challenges. By switching between 2D and 3D perspectives, players can maneuver around obstacles or find new ways to reach the end of each level.
Outstanding Use of Tech: The Eyes of Providence Created By: Quenty, Arch_Mage, AlgyLacey, xJennyBeanx, Zomebody, Crykee This action/strategy game comes with a unique VR twist. While teams fight to construct the superior monument, two VR players can support their minions by collecting resources and manipulating the map.
Best Use of Theme: Sticker Situation Created By: dragonfrosting and Yozoh Set in a mysterious art gallery, players must solve puzzles by manipulating the environment using a magic camera and stickers. Snap a photograph, place down a sticker, and see how it changes the world.
For the rest of the 2020 Game Jam submissions, check out the list below:
20-20 Vision | 20/20 Vision | 2020 Vision, A Crazy Perspective | 2020 Vision: Nyon | A Wild Trip! | Acuity | Best Year Ever | Better Half | Bloxlabs | Climb Stairs to 2021 | Double Vision (Team hey apple) | Eyebrawl | Eyeworm Exam | FIRE 2020 | HACKED | Hyperspective | Lucid Scream | Mystery Mansion | New Years at the Museum | New Year’s Bash | Poor Vision | Predict 2020 | RBC News | Retrovertigo | Second Wave | see no evil | Sight Fight | Sight Stealers | Spectacles Struggle | Specter Spectrum | Survive 2020 | The Lost Chicken Leg | The Outbreak | The Spyglass | Time Heist | Tunnel Vision | Virtual RDC – The Story | Vision (Team Freepunk) | Vision (Team VIP People ####) | Vision Developers Conference 2020 | Vision Is Key | Vision Perspective | Vision Racer | Visions | Zepto
And last but not least, we wanted to give a special shout out to Starboard Studios. Though they didn’t quite make it on time for our judges, we just had to include Dave’s Vision for good measure. 📷
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Game Jam, and congrats to all those who took home the dub in each of our categories this year. As the winners of Best in Show, the developers of Shapescape will have their names forever engraved on the RDC Game Jam trophy back at Roblox HQ. Great work!

‘Til next year

And that about wraps up our coverage of the first-ever digital RDC. Thanks to all who attended! Before we go, we wanted to share a special “behind the scenes” video from the 2020 RDC photoshoot.
Check it out:
It was absolutely bonkers. Getting 350 of us all in one server was so much fun and really brought back the feeling of being together with everyone again. That being said, we can’t wait to see you all—for real this time—at RDC next year. It’s going to be well worth the wait. ‘Til we meet again, my friends.
© 2020 Roblox Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Improving Simulation and Performance with an Advanced Physics Solver


05, 2020

by chefdeletat
📷In mid-2015, Roblox unveiled a major upgrade to its physics engine: the Projected Gauss-Seidel (PGS) physics solver. For the first year, the new solver was optional and provided improved fidelity and greater performance compared to the previously used spring solver.
In 2016, we added support for a diverse set of new physics constraints, incentivizing developers to migrate to the new solver and extending the creative capabilities of the physics engine. Any new places used the PGS solver by default, with the option of reverting back to the classic solver.
We ironed out some stability issues associated with high mass differences and complex mechanisms by the introduction of the hybrid LDL-PGS solver in mid-2018. This made the old solver obsolete, and it was completely disabled in 2019, automatically migrating all places to the PGS.
In 2019, the performance was further improved using multi-threading that splits the simulation into jobs consisting of connected islands of simulating parts. We still had performance issues related to the LDL that we finally resolved in early 2020.
The physics engine is still being improved and optimized for performance, and we plan on adding new features for the foreseeable future.

Implementing the Laws of Physics

The main objective of a physics engine is to simulate the motion of bodies in a virtual environment. In our physics engine, we care about bodies that are rigid, that collide and have constraints with each other.
A physics engine is organized into two phases: collision detection and solving. Collision detection finds intersections between geometries associated with the rigid bodies, generating appropriate collision information such as collision points, normals and penetration depths. Then a solver updates the motion of rigid bodies under the influence of the collisions that were detected and constraints that were provided by the user.
The motion is the result of the solver interpreting the laws of physics, such as conservation of energy and momentum. But doing this 100% accurately is prohibitively expensive, and the trick to simulating it in real-time is to approximate to increase performance, as long as the result is physically realistic. As long as the basic laws of motion are maintained within a reasonable tolerance, this tradeoff is completely acceptable for a computer game simulation.

Taking Small Steps

The main idea of the physics engine is to discretize the motion using time-stepping. The equations of motion of constrained and unconstrained rigid bodies are very difficult to integrate directly and accurately. The discretization subdivides the motion into small time increments, where the equations are simplified and linearized making it possible to solve them approximately. This means that during each time step the motion of the relevant parts of rigid bodies that are involved in a constraint is linearly approximated.
Although a linearized problem is easier to solve, it produces drift in a simulation containing non-linear behaviors, like rotational motion. Later we’ll see mitigation methods that help reduce the drift and make the simulation more plausible.


Having linearized the equations of motion for a time step, we end up needing to solve a linear system or linear complementarity problem (LCP). These systems can be arbitrarily large and can still be quite expensive to solve exactly. Again the trick is to find an approximate solution using a faster method. A modern method to approximately solve an LCP with good convergence properties is the Projected Gauss-Seidel (PGS). It is an iterative method, meaning that with each iteration the approximate solution is brought closer to the true solution, and its final accuracy depends on the number of iterations.
This animation shows how a PGS solver changes the positions of the bodies at each step of the iteration process, the objective being to find the positions that respect the ball and socket constraints while preserving the center of mass at each step (this is a type of positional solver used by the IK dragger). Although this example has a simple analytical solution, it’s a good demonstration of the idea behind the PGS. At each step, the solver fixes one of the constraints and lets the other be violated. After a few iterations, the bodies are very close to their correct positions. A characteristic of this method is how some rigid bodies seem to vibrate around their final position, especially when coupling interactions with heavier bodies. If we don’t do enough iterations, the yellow part might be left in a visibly invalid state where one of its two constraints is dramatically violated. This is called the high mass ratio problem, and it has been the bane of physics engines as it causes instabilities and explosions. If we do too many iterations, the solver becomes too slow, if we don’t it becomes unstable. Balancing the two sides has been a painful and long process.

Mitigation Strategies

📷A solver has two major sources of inaccuracies: time-stepping and iterative solving (there is also floating point drift but it’s minor compared to the first two). These inaccuracies introduce errors in the simulation causing it to drift from the correct path. Some of this drift is tolerable like slightly different velocities or energy loss, but some are not like instabilities, large energy gains or dislocated constraints.
Therefore a lot of the complexity in the solver comes from the implementation of methods to minimize the impact of computational inaccuracies. Our final implementation uses some traditional and some novel mitigation strategies:
  1. Warm starting: starting with the solution from a previous time-step to increase the convergence rate of the iterative solver
  2. Post-stabilization: reprojecting the system back to the constraint manifold to prevent constraint drift
  3. Regularization: adding compliance to the constraints ensuring a solution exists and is unique
  4. Pre-conditioning: using an exact solution to a linear subsystem, improving the stability of complex mechanisms
Strategies 1, 2 and 3 are pretty traditional, but 3 has been improved and perfected by us. Also, although 4 is not unheard of, we haven’t seen any practical implementation of it. We use an original factorization method for large sparse constraint matrices and a new efficient way of combining it with the PGS. The resulting implementation is only slightly slower compared to pure PGS but ensures that the linear system coming from equality constraints is solved exactly. Consequently, the equality constraints suffer only from drift coming from the time discretization. Details on our methods are contained in my GDC 2020 presentation. Currently, we are investigating direct methods applied to inequality constraints and collisions.

Getting More Details

Traditionally there are two mathematical models for articulated mechanisms: there are reduced coordinate methods spearheaded by Featherstone, that parametrize the degrees of freedom at each joint, and there are full coordinate methods that use a Lagrangian formulation.
We use the second formulation as it is less restrictive and requires much simpler mathematics and implementation.
The Roblox engine uses analytical methods to compute the dynamic response of constraints, as opposed to penalty methods that were used before. Analytics methods were initially introduced in Baraff 1989, where they are used to treat both equality and non-equality constraints in a consistent manner. Baraff observed that the contact model can be formulated using quadratic programming, and he provided a heuristic solution method (which is not the method we use in our solver).
Instead of using force-based formulation, we use an impulse-based formulation in velocity space, originally introduced by Mirtich-Canny 1995 and further improved by Stewart-Trinkle 1996, which unifies the treatment of different contact types and guarantees the existence of a solution for contacts with friction. At each timestep, the constraints and collisions are maintained by applying instantaneous changes in velocities due to constraint impulses. An excellent explanation of why impulse-based simulation is superior is contained in the GDC presentation of Catto 2014.
The frictionless contacts are modeled using a linear complementarity problem (LCP) as described in Baraff 1994. Friction is added as a non-linear projection onto the friction cone, interleaved with the iterations of the Projected Gauss-Seidel.
The numerical drift that introduces positional errors in the constraints is resolved using a post-stabilization technique using pseudo-velocities introduced by Cline-Pai 2003. It involves solving a second LCP in the position space, which projects the system back to the constraint manifold.
The LCPs are solved using a PGS / Impulse Solver popularized by Catto 2005 (also see Catto 2009). This method is iterative and considers each individual constraints in sequence and resolves it independently. Over many iterations, and in ideal conditions, the system converges to a global solution.
Additionally, high mass ratio issues in equality constraints are ironed out by preconditioning the PGS using the sparse LDL decomposition of the constraint matrix of equality constraints. Dense submatrices of the constraint matrix are sparsified using a method we call Body Splitting. This is similar to the LDL decomposition used in Baraff 1996, but allows more general mechanical systems, and solves the system in constraint space. For more information, you can see my GDC 2020 presentation.
The architecture of our solver follows the idea of Guendelman-Bridson-Fedkiw, where the velocity and position stepping are separated by the constraint resolution. Our time sequencing is:
  1. Advance velocities
  2. Constraint resolution in velocity space and position space
  3. Advance positions
This scheme has the advantage of integrating only valid velocities, and limiting latency in external force application but allowing a small amount of perceived constraint violation due to numerical drift.
An excellent reference for rigid body simulation is the book Erleben 2005 that was recently made freely available. You can find online lectures about physics-based animation, a blog by Nilson Souto on building a physics engine, a very good GDC presentation by Erin Catto on modern solver methods, and forums like the Bullet Physics Forum and GameDev which are excellent places to ask questions.

In Conclusion

The field of game physics simulation presents many interesting problems that are both exciting and challenging. There are opportunities to learn a substantial amount of cool mathematics and physics and to use modern optimizations techniques. It’s an area of game development that tightly marries mathematics, physics and software engineering.
Even if Roblox has a good rigid body physics engine, there are areas where it can be improved and optimized. Also, we are working on exciting new projects like fracturing, deformation, softbody, cloth, aerodynamics and water simulation.
Neither Roblox Corporation nor this blog endorses or supports any company or service. Also, no guarantees or promises are made regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this blog.
This blog post was originally published on the Roblox Tech Blog.
© 2020 Roblox Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Using Clang to Minimize Global Variable Use


23, 2020

by RandomTruffle
Every non-trivial program has at least some amount of global state, but too much can be a bad thing. In C++ (which constitutes close to 100% of Roblox’s engine code) this global state is initialized before main() and destroyed after returning from main(), and this happens in a mostly non-deterministic order. In addition to leading to confusing startup and shutdown semantics that are difficult to reason about (or change), it can also lead to severe instability.
Roblox code also creates a lot of long-running detached threads (threads which are never joined and just run until they decide to stop, which might be never). These two things together have a very serious negative interaction on shutdown, because long-running threads continue accessing the global state that is being destroyed. This can lead to elevated crash rates, test suite flakiness, and just general instability.
The first step to digging yourself out of a mess like this is to understand the extent of the problem, so in this post I’m going to talk about one technique you can use to gain visibility into your global startup flow. I’m also going to discuss how we are using this to improve stability across the entire Roblox game engine platform by decreasing our use of global variables.

Introducing -finstrument-functions

Nothing excites me more than learning about a new obscure compiler option that I’ve never had a use for before, so I was pretty happy when a colleague pointed me to this option in the Clang Command Line Reference. I’d never used it before, but it sounded very cool. The idea being that if we could get the compiler to tell us every time it entered and exited a function, we could filter this information through a symbolizer of some kind and generate a report of functions that a) occur before main(), and b) are the very first function in the call-stack (indicating it’s a global).
Unfortunately, the documentation basically just tells you that the option exists with no mention of how to use it or if it even actually does what it sounds like it does. There’s also two different options that sound similar to each other (-finstrument-functions and -finstrument-functions-after-inlining), and I still wasn’t entirely sure what the difference was. So I decided to throw up a quick sample on godbolt to see what happened, which you can see here. Note there are two assembly outputs for the same source listing. One uses the first option and the other uses the second option, and we can compare the assembly output to understand the differences. We can gather a few takeaways from this sample:
  1. The compiler is injecting calls to __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit inside of every function, inline or not.
  2. The only difference between the two options occurs at the call-site of an inline function.
  3. With -finstrument-functions, the instrumentation for the inlined function is inserted at the call-site, whereas with -finstrument-functions-after-inlining we only have instrumentation for the outer function. This means that when using-finstrument-functions-after-inlining you won’t be able to determine which functions are inlined and where.
Of course, this sounds exactly like what the documentation said it did, but sometimes you just need to look under the hood to convince yourself.
To put all of this another way, if we want to know about calls to inline functions in this trace we need to use -finstrument-functions because otherwise their instrumentation is silently removed by the compiler. Sadly, I was never able to get -finstrument-functions to work on a real example. I would always end up with linker errors deep in the Standard C++ Library which I was unable to figure out. My best guess is that inlining is often a heuristic, and this can somehow lead to subtle ODR (one-definition rule) violations when the optimizer makes different inlining decisions from different translation units. Luckily global constructors (which is what we care about) cannot possibly be inlined anyway, so this wasn’t a problem.
I suppose I should also mention that I still got tons of linker errors with -finstrument-functions-after-inlining as well, but I did figure those out. As best as I can tell, this option seems to imply –whole-archive linker semantics. Discussion of –whole-archive is outside the scope of this blog post, but suffice it to say that I fixed it by using linker groups (e.g. -Wl,–start-group and -Wl,–end-group) on the compiler command line. I was a bit surprised that we didn’t get these same linker errors without this option and still don’t totally understand why. If you happen to know why this option would change linker semantics, please let me know in the comments!

Implementing the Callback Hooks

If you’re astute, you may be wondering what in the world __cyg_profile_func_enter and __cyg_profile_func_exit are and why the program is even successfully linking in the first without giving undefined symbol reference errors, since the compiler is apparently trying to call some function we’ve never defined. Luckily, there are some options that allow us to see inside the linker’s algorithm so we can find out where it’s getting this symbol from to begin with. Specifically, -y should tell us how the linker is resolving . We’ll try it with a dummy program first and a symbol that we’ve defined ourselves, then we’ll try it with __cyg_profile_func_enter .
zturner@ubuntu:~/src/sandbox$ cat instr.cpp int main() {} zturner@ubuntu:~/src/sandbox$ clang++-9 -fuse-ld=lld -Wl,-y -Wl,main instr.cpp /usbin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: reference to main /tmp/instr-5b6c60.o: definition of main
No surprises here. The C Runtime Library references main(), and our object file defines it. Now let’s see what happens with __cyg_profile_func_enter and -finstrument-functions-after-inlining.
zturner@ubuntu:~/src/sandbox$ clang++-9 -fuse-ld=lld -finstrument-functions-after-inlining -Wl,-y -Wl,__cyg_profile_func_enter instr.cpp /tmp/instr-8157b3.o: reference to __cyg_profile_func_enter /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ shared definition of __cyg_profile_func_enter
Now, we see that libc provides the definition, and our object file references it. Linking works a bit differently on Unix-y platforms than it does on Windows, but basically this means that if we define this function ourselves in our cpp file, the linker will just automatically prefer it over the shared library version. Working godbolt link without runtime output is here. So now you can kind of see where this is going, however there are still a couple of problems left to solve.
  1. We don’t want to do this for a full run of the program. We want to stop as soon as we reach main.
  2. We need a way to symbolize this trace.
The first problem is easy to solve. All we need to do is compare the address of the function being called to the address of main, and set a flag indicating we should stop tracing henceforth. (Note that taking the address of main is undefined behavior[1], but for our purposes it gets the job done, and we aren’t shipping this code, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). The second problem probably deserves a little more discussion though.

Symbolizing the Traces

In order to symbolize these traces, we need two things. First, we need to store the trace somewhere on persistent storage. We can’t expect to symbolize in real time with any kind of reasonable performance. You can write some C code to save the trace to some magic filename, or you can do what I did and just write it to stderr (this way you can pipe stderr to some file when you run it).
Second, and perhaps more importantly, for every address we need to write out the full path to the module the address belongs to. Your program loads many shared libraries, and in order to translate an address into a symbol, we have to know which shared library or executable the address actually belongs to. In addition, we have to be careful to write out the address of the symbol in the file on disk. When your program is running, the operating system could have loaded it anywhere in memory. And if we’re going to symbolize it after the fact we need to make sure we can still reference it after the information about where it was loaded in memory is lost. The linux function dladdr() gives us both pieces of information we need. A working godbolt sample with the exact implementation of our instrumentation hooks as they appear in our codebase can be found here.

Putting it All Together

Now that we have a file in this format saved on disk, all we need to do is symbolize the addresses. addr2line is one option, but I went with llvm-symbolizer as I find it more robust. I wrote a Python script to parse the file and symbolize each address, then print it in the same “visual” hierarchical format that the original output file is in. There are various options for filtering the resulting symbol list so that you can clean up the output to include only things that are interesting for your case. For example, I filtered out any globals that have boost:: in their name, because I can’t exactly go rewrite boost to not use global variables.
The script isn’t as simple as you would think, because simply crawling each line and symbolizing it would be unacceptably slow (when I tried this, it took over 2 hours before I finally killed the process). This is because the same address might appear thousands of times, and there’s no reason to run llvm-symbolizer against the same address multiple times. So there’s a lot of smarts in there to pre-process the address list and eliminate duplicates. I won’t discuss the implementation in more detail because it isn’t super interesting. But I’ll do even better and provide the source!
So after all of this, we can run any one of our internal targets to get the call tree, run it through the script, and then get output like this (actual output from a Roblox process, source file information removed):
excluded_symbols = [‘.\boost.*’]* excluded_modules = [‘/usr.\’]* /uslib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 140 unique addresses InterestingRobloxProcess: 38928 unique addresses /uslib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 1 unique addresses /uslib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 3 unique addresses Printing call tree with depth 2 for 29276 global variables. __cxx_global_var_init.5 (InterestingFile1.cpp:418:22) RBX::InterestingRobloxClass2::InterestingRobloxClass2() (InterestingFile2.cpp.:415:0) __cxx_global_var_init.19 (InterestingFile2.cpp:183:34) (anonymous namespace)::InterestingRobloxClass2::InterestingRobloxClass2() (InterestingFile2.cpp:171:0) __cxx_global_var_init.274 (InterestingFile3.cpp:2364:33) RBX::InterestingRobloxClass3::InterestingRobloxClass3()
So there you have it: the first half of the battle is over. I can run this script on every platform, compare results to understand what order our globals are actually initialized in in practice, then slowly migrate this code out of global initializers and into main where it can be deterministic and explicit.

Future Work

It occurred to me sometime after implementing this that we could make a general purpose profiling hook that exposed some public symbols (dllexport’ed if you speak Windows), and allowed a plugin module to hook into this dynamically. This plugin module could filter addresses using whatever arbitrary logic that it was interested in. One interesting use case I came up for this is that it could look up the debug information, check if the current address maps to the constructor of a function local static, and write out the address if so. This effectively allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the order in which our lazy statics are initialized. The possibilities are endless here.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in this kind of thing, I’ve collected a couple of my favorite references for this kind of topic.
  1. Various: The C++ Language Standard
  2. Matt Godbolt: The Bits Between the Bits: How We Get to main()
  3. Ryan O’Neill: Learning Linux Binary Analysis
  4. Linkers and Loaders: John R. Levine
Neither Roblox Corporation nor this blog endorses or supports any company or service. Also, no guarantees or promises are made regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this blog.
submitted by jaydenweez to u/jaydenweez [link] [comments]

what is an anonymous function in python video

ANONYMOUS FUNCTIONS (LAMBDA) - PYTHON PROGRAMMING - YouTube #42 Python Tutorial for Beginners  Anonymous Functions ... Python Programming Tutorial - Anonymous function  Lambda ... PYTHON Lambda/Anonymous Function  Lecture #21  Python ... Anonymous/Lambda Functions In Python  Python Tutorials ... Anonymous/Lambda Functions In Python #31 - YouTube Python Programming Tutorial - 38: Anonymous Functions ...

In this tutorial, we are gonna see what is an Anonymous Function in python, How it works and Some Examples on Anonymous function. What is Anonymous Function. Anonymous Function also is known as lambda function and it is called as anonymous because this function is defined without a name. Lamda function aka Anonymous function is defined with a keyword ‘lambda‘ whereas other normal functions are defined as ‘def funtion_name‘ Syntax : lambda arguments: expression In Python, an anonymous function is a function that is defined without a name. While normal functions are defined using the def keyword in Python, anonymous functions are defined using the lambda keyword. Hence, anonymous functions are also called lambda functions. How to use lambda Functions in Python? Anonymous function (lambda expression) — Python for network engineers 1.0 documentation Anonymous function (lambda expression) ¶ In Python, lambda expression allows creation of anonymous functions - functions that are not tied to a name. In Python, an anonymous function means that a function is without a name. As we already know that the def keyword is used to define a normal function in Python. Similarly, the lambda keyword is used to define an anonymous function in Python. Anonymous function: Python anonymous functions are also known as Lambda function. The keyword used is lambda and they are written in one line and it can have only one expression. These functions don’t need to be defined or named and they are for one-time usage. The Anonymous Functions in Python. These functions are called anonymous because they are not declared in the standard manner by using the def keyword. You can use the lambda keyword to create small anonymous functions. Lambda forms can take any number of arguments but return just one value in the form of an expression. The dosomething(lambda : print('Hello World')) calls the dosomething() function with an anonymous lambda function as an argument. Python has built-in functions that take other functions as arguments. The map(), filter() and reduce() functions are important functional programming tools. All of them take a function as their argument. The argument function can be a normal function or a lambda function.

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Source Code/Additional Material - Full Python tutorials for absolute beginne... In this video I have explained what is a Lambda Function or a Anonymous function in Python, Why we are using lambda function instead of regular def defined f... In this lecture you will understand what is the Lambda or Anonymous function and why Lambda function are very powerful in Python programming. A lambda functi... In this Python Programming video tutorial you will learn about anonymous function or lambda function in detail with exampleIn Python anonymous function is a ... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Python Tutorial to learn Python programming with examplesComplete Python Tutorial for Beginners Playlist : In this tutorial we'll check out Anonymous Functions in Python.

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