How to Play Texas Holdem in a Casino

can you play texas holdem in a casino

can you play texas holdem in a casino - win

The Barterer's Lounge. A Short Story.

I walked in and was immediately awestruck by the ornate interior of the best casino in the world, The Barterer’s Lounge. Some players were walking around with suits and escorts while other people looked like they had not eaten for days. My cohorts? Adam, Bart, Carl, David, and Erin. We decided to have a seat at a “Texas Holdem” table with someone waiting to play. This guy looked like he had just snorted cocaine, after a 2 day bender on whiskey, but hey, “When in Rome” right? Weird thing is, this guy was in a suit and had five escorts. Five! Judging by the sheer boredom of his lady friends, this dude clearly hasn't left this table in over eight hours.
The table seats six and the rules are very clear. At a new table: The only buy-in is allowed once at the beginning of the game. But you don’t have to pay the fifteen dollar entry fee in cash or otherwise until the end of the game. If you go out, only then do you have to pay the cash. We already knew this and we had plenty of cash for a trip to the casino. Woo! Adam had been saving for, jeez, over a decade? Adam’s been family friends since as long as I can remember. Who knows how old the guy is but he’s Bart’s dad and I love them both. Carl lives next door and we do some work from home but mostly sit at home playing some consoles drinking some beer and doing neighborhood poker with David and Erin. They’re an awesome pair. We all looked at one another and visually confirmed that we had exactly fifteen dollars in cash ready for the game because once you sit down, there is no turning back. Security has a person watching every individual one to one while sitting at a table. It is kinda creepy to have someone watching over you, but hey, I know the rules.
Carl and I were already doing a visual check on this guy and figured he’s too whacked out to be a smart player in this poker game. But he can obviously afford the buy-in so we were very happy to have a few more chips to pass around between the five of us at the end of the game. “Frank, you ready?” Carl asks. “Yeah, let’s rock,” I replied. We all sat down together and the player at the table eagerly agreed to play a game with us. Once we all agreed to play together, one of the security guards powered up the dealer. The automaton started whirring up and a few sparks flew from faulty wiring that obviously hadn’t been maintained in years. But if it works for the house, it works for me.
“Sir, this is a casino,” the robot said. I replied, “Duh,” and the dealer dealt our first two private cards each. Our extra player says “Hold on a sec, I want to make a side wager. I want to put a chip in saying that the old fart loses all his money on this first hand.”
The dealer mechanically screeches “This is a side wager separate from the game’s pot.”
We all looked at each other dumbfounded. “Does this guy even know the rules of Texas Holdem?” I thought. I looked at Carl and I knew that is exactly what he was thinking too. “Yea, I’ll call that for a chip.” We all threw a chip in. But not Adam. Why would he? He still has all his chips and as long as he doesn’t do anything stupid, or even bet at all, Kevin loses that bet.
Our extra player was turning out to be a real go-getter, so I wanted to do some small-talk to bring him off the game. “Hey, My name’s Frank. Yours?”
“Kevin,” he says abruptly between the twitches of his eyelids. “Hey Kevin, nice to play with ya dude,” I reply.
Kevin immediately says, “Hold on, I’ll bet another chip that the old man goes under this hand.” Easiest call of my life. Everyone throws another chip in because old man Adam ain’t no fool when it comes to poker. All he has to do is not wager “all-in” on a losing hand and we all get a few extra chips at the end of the hand. We all toss in that chip.
“Alright let’s get on with it,” Kevin barks at the dealer. The first three cards are shown and immediately Kevin wants to do another chip that Adam goes under this hand. We all call.
I ask him, “So what do you do, Kevin?” He says with a straight face, “Well if I’m not here I’m on my jet going between my five mansions.You know what, let’s put in another chip that Ole Yeller flops on this hand.”
I knew this guy was off his rocker and we didn’t care because everyone knows we’re all good for the money or else the “barter rules” come into effect. We all had visually checked our cash before we sat down. Well I don’t actually know about Kevin but I figure he’s good for it considering his escorts had all bought themselves Wendy’s chicken tenders from the food court on Kevin’s credit card.
Play resumes and Kevin puts a few chips on the actual game of poker this time. Adam does nothing, no surprise there. But the rest of us call Kevin’s position. Who knows what each other’s dealt hands are. I only know mine. “So five mansions huh? Nice,” I say. “You do anything else for fun?”
Kevin looks at me like he wasn’t expecting such filth to speak and disgustedly replies, “Well, I like my yacht. It’s got its own docking port for a smaller yacht. So you could say I’m into water sports.” After realizing he spent even a few seconds humoring me, Kevin shouts, “Let’s do three more chips in another side pot that the old man actually literally dies during the game.”
We all chuckled pretty good at that one and threw our three chips in each. “Let’s play.” Kevin demanded. “Show the next card,” he snarled. As the card lands on the table, Kevin bets ten more chips that Adam goes all-in on a losing hand. Seeing as this is the first round of the game and we all had the same chips at buy-in, it’s a no brainer match position for 10 chips. Meanwhile Adam is stone-cold poker face and hasn’t actually put any chips in on the opening three.
“Alright 15 chips on the play,” Kevin absent-mindendly said without even looking at the card. I noticed that he hadn’t even looked at his hand because his two cards were strewn out in front of him in the original place the dealer placed them.
Everyone but Adam plays Kevin’s bet and the showdown resumes. Well, almost resumes. “And I’ll put half of my remaining chips on my initial bet that pops loses all his chips this hand,” Kevin states. And guess what we all did? We called the bet because we’re all keeping track of how many chips were initially given out and this was a no-brainer that we were all on the same pace of losing chips. Except Adam of course because he hadn’t placed any bets so far. He was ready for a few actual full games of poker. I know he had more than only the fifteen dollar pay-out fee for a single game if he lost.
“And I’ll put the rest on my other bet that the boomer literally dies during this game.” We all blankly looked at each other and threw our remaining chips on that bet. But not Adam, why would he? He’s got all his chips from not even Adam’s old but he’s not on death’s door by any means. He lifted weights professionally in his earlier years and still does cardio daily. Naturally, he doesn’t look a day over fifty.
“We have an ‘all-in’ at the table” the junkbot for a dealer said and an extra set of lights flicked on at our table. They were so bright I was getting a terrible glare from an heirloom ring I had on my finger. I rotated the rock to the inside of my finger and made a fist so the glare wouldn’t blind me.
The robot dealer plays out the last card but it doesn’t matter to Kevin or anyone else because we’re all-in. “The player who placed the initial bet shows their hand,” says the dealer.
And we all waited patiently. We sat together in silence for what seemed like forever.
Until Kevin’s casino-assigned agent realized that Kevin was too coked out to do it himself.
“A two of hearts and a seven of clubs from the initial bet maker.” The dealer continues, “There are no additional plays on the field for the bet maker. The player with the best hand wins.”
I only had a pair of three of hearts and a four of diamonds in my hand.
Carl immediately turns his cards over. “A pair of sixes with another on the table. That’s three of a kind.” We all split the earnings of the initial side bet amongst ourselves minus Adam. And since Adam still had a pulse we all split the second pot too. “This game is closed. All players must pay their cash fee for the round. If any players do not have the cash initially agreed upon to enter the game, barter rules come into effect,” the dealer said. We all reached into our pockets and put the fifteen bucks on the table. Kevin reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill and a half eaten chicken tender. Kevin frantically searches his other pockets for any cash on his person. “Oh shit,” Kevin muttered as his face turned pale. “I must have spent my cash last night when I was more drunk.”
I perk up a bit because I had no idea that there was even a chance to trigger the barter rule with this guy. The dealer asks, “Do you accept the remaining payment of meat to cover the remaining five dollars of this player’s entry fee?” “Hell no!” I shouted. “I want a million bucks, and one of your houses.”
Bart finally chimes in and says, “Me too. Oh yea and I want your jet.” Carl agrees and adds “And the yacht!” David says, “Don’t forget the mini-yacht too.” Erin says, “I know you have a nice car, We’ll take that too.” Kevin slumps into his chair as the dealer asks, “Are there any other terms to this agreement?” We all looked at each other and Adam added, “And an order of tendies all around. But not for Kevin.”
That was a bad move, Kevin.
submitted by OkiRyu to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

Why is Texas holdem so popular compared to other poker game variants?

In early decade of 20s and before that, 7-card stud game was the officially acclaimed popular poker game across the world. Soon, after with boom of Texas Holdem took the crown from the 7-card stud and became quite popular for both land-based and online poker rooms by the late 2000s. This game has gained popularity at such an enormous rate that today players consider it as a sport professionally.
The reason behind its brewing popularity is its ease to learn gameplay and faster turnaround time to play one hand. Texas Holdem Poker happened on one of the casino streets of Las Vegas in the late 60s. Player, bill Boyd took the responsibility of training the fellow players and since then, the Texas Holdem started spreading gradually. Soon after the Poker Boom where cable TV started streaming the poker game live transformed the poker game industry completely and now, Texas Holdem is the highly preferred poker game and its popularity is the mark for poker game development company.

Why Texas Holdem Gaining Popularity Than Other Poker Variations?

Though Texas Holdem doesn’t have any other variant in competition but Omaha Poker comes next in terms of popularity where players receive four hole cards, instead of two. The demography plays a critical role here as Americans prefer Texas there Europeans took like to Omaha. Yet, we have seen full tables for Texas Holdem in online and land-based casinos which gets often amiss in Omaha. This clearly says neither Texas Holdem poker game development nor Texas Holdem game will lose its popularity anytime soon. The reasons are as

1. Easiest poker games to learn, grasp and play.

Texas Holdem gameplay prepares the foundation of the basics of the poker game.
Though, Omaha has similar rules as Texas Holdem put but the decision to opt the two out of four hole cards makes the game exciting yet confusing, Even expert poker game developers concludes that Omaha poker game development is much more challenging than texas holdem poker game development. Few players still find seven-card stud easy where as the argument pulls this statement off is Texas Holdem comprises lesser streets and it becomes easier to determine who is going to act first on each street.

2. Texas Holdem Poker Game Has the Players of The Best-in-Class

The new players are looking to get training with strategy development to improve their poker game skills. This skill-building is evidently helpful for the games of Omaha and other poker game variants.
This is why these poker game variants comprise of great professional players which makes Texas Holdem a great gaming space for all levels of poker players from novice to veterans.

3. Texas Holdem Poker Game Development Could Become A New Trend in Gaming Industry

With the constant transformation in the poker game industry with technology, poker bot development, improved gaming experience, chat and immersive communication mediums among the pool of poker players, it seems we will be witnessing more variations in Texas Holdem poker game development.
Texas Hold’em is simply a game of plain strategy with more complexities and challenges, that allure new players to never get tired out of the game. It can be foreseen that in the coming few decades, Texas holdem poker will still be ruling over the other poker game variants.
You can also be a part of this evolving industry immediately, all you need is to buy a poker game app or rent a poker portal from the best Texas Holdem poker game development company.
submitted by creatiosoft007 to u/creatiosoft007 [link] [comments]

iOS Wireless Poker Software

Login IDNPoker is a relatively new poker room, which bills itself as the largest poker room on the internet. The combination of a sizeable member base (over 15 million people) and a steady influx of new players have made it one of the most popular poker rooms on the web today. I've come across some of its promotions and I'm pretty sure that the poker room is not the only one offering such opportunities to its members. If you're looking for ways to make money playing poker online, this is one of the best ways to go about it.
In order to be able to cash out from your login IDNPoker profits, you must be willing to play in the VIP poker online room. Their average payouts are significantly higher than that of any other online poker room, and their bonuses are simply incredible. However, the only catch is that in order to cash out with them, you need to be willing to play for a long time. Their recent promotion is a move to make their bonus more enticing, and they will match any deposits up to a certain amount--provided you do your part by playing their games regularly.
I had my doubts when I first heard about the possibility of a login IDNPoker promotion because I'm not a big fan of these sorts of gimmicks. But the promotions motivated me to give it a shot, as I am a huge fan of their games. When I made my deposit, I was immediately gifted with 5 new chips. These chips were initially useless, but I soon saw their potential--I soon began to see how good this game is. Within a few hours I had collected enough data and had made enough money to buy me a new computer for my school work. All that's left is to play my favorite games and cash out my winnings.
The website itself looks very professional and the games are very interesting and offer a variety of challenges. They have all the classic poker games such as Texas Holdem, No Limit Texas Holdem, Draw Poker, and Full House. There is also a popular trivia game they have available called "Anansi DNS", which is an Indonesian language quiz. For players who don't like their usual poker games, there is also a progressive jackpot offered called "Mindflex." While many of the online casinos would simply force players to play their highest value games in their lobby or in the tournaments, I prefer to play the games in the privacy of my own home, where no one can hear me win or lose. This way, I am able to relax and enjoy the game.
If you are looking for a download apk of iOS android login IDNPoker, then you might be able to find it in the link at the end of this article. Just be careful when choosing a download because not all of them are legal. I know one well-known poker site that provides illegal downloads. You may also want to try downloading an older version of iOS before installing the latest and greatest. There are several other poker sites on the internet; just choose one of those that is most reliable, safe, and convenient for you.
All of that aside, one thing you should know about this idn poker login apk app terbaru is that this software program is completely legal. It has also been thoroughly tested by professionals in the field and you can be sure that it will work for everyone. The website itself provides step-by-step instructions on how to install the program. This is one of the best things about the application. You don't have to worry about anything because everything was tested by experts before.
submitted by kalijcxsw to IDNLoginPoker777 [link] [comments]

How To Access Your User Name And Password When You Are Logging In To Your Joke account?

If you are looking for a way to get into your Joke Daddy account, you might want to try out the Joker Login Feature. The login is not difficult to use at all, but it does take a little bit of time. I will walk you through the entire process. First, open up your web browser and log onto your Joke Daddy server. You can do this from any location using your default browser.
* Here comes the tricky part! To get this to work, you will need to go to the settings and click on the 'APPS' tab. On the bottom right corner there is a 'SubmitAPPS' link. Click this link to access the software that will let you log into your account. * There are two different ways to get into your account, either by clicking on the JokerAPK icon on the main page or by going to'manage profiles' and then clicking on the IP address or domain name of the site.
* Once you are in your'manage profiles' page, you can log into your Joke Daddy account by clicking on the IP address or domain name of the site. Look for the green 'My Account' link on the top right corner of the page. This is the link you will need to click in order to gain access to your Joke Daddy account. You will be asked for your user name and password. Remember your password and enter it.
* Once you have entered your user name and password, you will see the ability to add and edit your Joke Daddy account details. There is a search box located on the top right corner of the page, which will allow you to search for a Joke Daddy site that offers slot games such as No Limits Texas Holdem, Flashback slot machines, Blackjack, Slots, etc. The site will prompt you to input the names of the casino you would like to play at. Click on the option 'entials', and it will display a list of all the available games. If you would like to play at the highest level of quality, choose the No-Limit Texas Holdem slot machine.
* Once you have chosen a game, the computer will inform you if you are ready to proceed. In case you want to play at a lower level, you will need to select the 'level play' tab. On this page, there is a column indicating the highest level you are willing to play at - from beginner to pro. Once you have reached this point, the computer will give you a prompt to log into your Jokers Account.
* When you click the 'log in' icon, a dialogue box will appear. In this box, you will be asked to enter your user ID and password. Enter the information required by the dialogue box and press the OK button to log in to your Daftar Joker123 Auctions Account.
submitted by vegojacdf to JokerLoginSlot [link] [comments]

Joker Gaming Slot Games Review

The joker388 online casino platform is a high end and cutting edge virtual casino, offering hundreds of classic games and more modern games with every update! This award winning online gambling site is a great place to get your adrenaline fix, and there are several reasons to visit. There are regular gaming events which bring you the best in casino design and technology. Plus, this site offers a wide variety of services including live streaming, chat, community building, social media and more.
In this article, I'm going to go through some of the highlights of what joker123 offers its members, as well as give you a quick overview of what makes this site so special. As an online casino member, you will enjoy a complete range of live casino games including Texas Holdem, Blackjack, Slots, Baccarat, Craps and more. If you're looking for a site that offers nothing but the best quality games, then the joker Sparrow online slot machine is the one for you. The joker123 real money slot machines offer some of the best payouts available, and they come with a wide range of bonuses and prize opportunities.
In my opinion, the best part of playing any online slot game in the world is how good the graphics look. At joker123 money, this is an important factor, and they take advantage of their technology to provide some of the most gorgeous graphics on the web. When you play on the highest quality casino quality tables, you can get a real sense of how much effort the developers have put into creating the games. The bright colors, the amazing sounds and the fine line work on the screens - it all adds up to a very enjoyable experience.
I've personally tried out a number of online gambling sites, and the joker gaming website has given me the most enjoyable experience. With a joker game in hand, I was able to win a small amount of money right away, and that's what I'm most focused on - winning money. In this review I'm going to quickly go through each of the five main games offered at joker123 money slot game.
No review of joker gaming would be complete without mentioning its top slot online joker388. This is a game that uses a special slot machine known as the Pulse Smart Pulse. When you place your money into this slot machine, you'll be required to watch a 3D movie spinning on the screen. You need to aim carefully and pull the trigger when you want the ball to land in the bargain zone. Once the bermain area is complete, the game will end and you will receive your winnings.
To finish up, I'd like to give you my last bit of gaming joker information about the other four slot games offered at this site. The first one is called the Jackpot Slot Machines. The jackpot pays out an astronomical amount of cash, and it is possible for multiple people to win the jackpot at once. The second slot game is known as the Double Impact Slot Game. There are two ways how you can end up winning here, and you'll get your money if you hit the correct combination.
submitted by kekenvfr to JokerGamingSlot388 [link] [comments]

Review of theDaFTA Deuces Wild Card Tournament by Tanushree Tanushri

The third chapter of the definitive Daftar Idn Poker Book is titled, "The Daftar". This is a highly detailed and technical account of all of the rules that are in play during every hand of poker. Included are a number of bonus rounds that are thrown in to up the stakes and allow players who may not be familiar with the game to get a feel for how the games are structured. It goes into detail with regard to the betting rounds and explains why certain betting choices can or cannot be made within the context of the rules of the game.
The book starts off with a short and sweet introduction of the rules. These are followed by a brief discussion of the general strategies that any game of poker should employ. Next comes a detailed look at the various types of betting that one can use and how these choices will affect the possible outcomes of a game. The chapters that follow cover everything from basic beginner strategies and opening betting to advanced betting and tournament betting.
The emphasis in this final section is on choosing the correct types of cards, remembering special betting opportunities, and how to place your bets when you are in a particularly advantageous situation. All of this is done in an orderly fashion that makes it easy to read and understand. The book then goes into discussing the basics of playing cards and how they are used in a regular deck of 52. After this, the book briefly discusses the use of the dominoes in an English version and then goes into a short discussion of the four international rules sets that are in play in the Dominoqq Poker Room. All of this is done in a very short and concise manner that does not try to cover every scenario that could possibly arise in any casino environment.
A very brief and cursory review would say that the layout of the DominoQ Online Learning System is similar to that of most online poker learning systems. However, there are some differences with the layout of the software programs used by DominoQ Online Learning System and some other poker training programs. Most programs for learning poker online will have a standard layout that includes a text editor, practice games, poker chips, the board game, and the game dealer. However, because this is the case with the software program of the DominoQ Online Learning System, the software has been designed in a way so that the layout of the cards used in the game of DominoQ is easily recognized and the players are not likely to confuse what they are looking at on the board.
In this part of the book, the authors briefly discuss principles of chance and skill. Most successful professionals of card games - including the champions of the world - have been trained on a basic set of rules known as "The ABC Way". This is an easy to understand format that informs beginners of the strategies and techniques that professional players use. This also includes information about how to play against the best players in your table and gain the upper hand.
The book includes detailed discussions on playing strategy against aggressive players, the weak hands and strong hands. It also explains the use of the capsize (the flat cap formation) in order to prevent the opponent's from betting high to take advantage of you and make a strong beginning. Another important part of the content is discussing the variations of the game, particularly the No-Limit and the Texas Holdem formats. The authors explain the reasons behind using these variants and the implications for a player who is just starting out with his or her online playing experience. Finally, they conclude their discussion of the data idn poker online Indonesia yang sun, or "rise and shine" rule.
submitted by jokaxulp to DafterIDNBook [link] [comments]

Play Poker Online Through IDN Poker

IDN Poker is easily one of the most popular and amazing websites in the internet that has been praised by millions of poker enthusiasts from all over the world. It comes with 9 varieties of the famous online poker card, that is very popular as worldwide 99% of online gambling play. There you can find the extra special ID and bonus play server, that is among the best Indonesian servers for Asia Pacific countries and Indonesia. The website offers a variety of features and options to ensure that the players have an exciting time playing at any time of day or night. Some of them are the chat facility, a large range of free poker games and other special and unique offers such as the free tournament, the player to player tutorial, the poker tourneys and much more.
Playing at IDN Poker can be very exciting for a poker game fan in Indonesia, because it offers a lot of fun. The players playing here at this website enjoy all the benefits that one can enjoy playing at a casino online, but at the same time they can also enjoy the fun and excitement of playing in a poker game in a true online environment. They can play games like the Texas Holdem, No Limit Texas Holdem, Draw Poker, Regular Poker, Caribbean Stud Poker, and Online Cash Games, just to name a few. They can also take part in the tournaments and cash games and be one of those who makes some fortune.
The good thing about playing at IDN Poker is that you do not need to have a high level of poker skills, or even computer skill to play online. All that you need is a computer that is connected to the internet. After you have purchased your virtual poker online account, you can log in at any time of the day to play your favorite games, twenty-four hours a day. That means you are never out of action, and you always have a chance to win some money. You can also participate in the tournament games, and if you win some, you get additional jackpots too.
Now let us move on to the details of how the players of IDN Poker win jackpots, and how the poker tournaments work. The jackpots are called "tournaments" because players win them based on the number of people who bought in at the venue where the event is held. The prize money is then distributed amongst all of these players, and the winner gets the jackpot prize. You can participate in these tournaments and play games as many times as you want to until you run out of credits. You can play a game as many times as you like to and win prizes as large as a thousand dollars each!
As said earlier, the other exciting part about playing poker online through IDN Poker is that there are no real-money jackpot prizes. Players play to earn the right to participate in the larger prize tournaments. There is an initial deposit fee, and then when you play in a tournament game, you will earn points towards accumulating more money. These points are then transferred to a real money account and used to buy real money. Winning a tournament game is the best way to accumulate these points, and players will be able to see their progress in the winnings over time.
Overall, I believe that this online gambling website is great for players of all skill levels. Although it does have a few games that are not to everyone's taste (especially the poker tournaments), overall, I have had a lot of fun playing here. The interface is clean and easy to understand, and the bonuses and promotions are encouraging. If you're looking for an opportunity to play safe and earn a little money, then this is definitely a site worth checking out.
submitted by tavewvfcd to OnlineIDNPoker [link] [comments]

The Issue With Kids

I don’t think you should get banned for being a kid you should be banned however for being rude and unsportsmanlike to other players. There are some kids that are more mature than some of the adults that throw fits when they get a bad hand. If you don’t want to play with kids than mute them or play higher stakes. If you don’t want to see kids do not play blackjack. I think this game gives kids opportunities to learn the game and play it an area with other people like a casino they normally wouldn’t be allowed in. There should also be some sort of an area you can go to learn the basics of no limit Texas holdem in a VR environment which would mature some of the kids so they can understand what they are doing. If the kid does not choose this route and disrupts the game they should be banned but banning kids that are trying to learn and will be the future of the game is a little much.
submitted by Qrzt5902 to PokerStars_VR [link] [comments]

[Part 2] A lifelong gambling enthusiast, you've played in countless venues for all manner of currency and collateral. Bored with trying to make a fortune, you seek out an apocryphal underground casino offering players chillingly high stakes against the opportunity to win anything their hearts desire

"Please choose your game, Sir", Val inquired.
I looked around, choosing what will I play. I only had 1 chance to start...
"What happens if I lose the first one?", I asked.
"You will simply be ejected from the Church, without your memories of the place intact", Val explained.
Fair enough. I set my eyes on a poker table, Texas Holdem. I thought I would be able to win easy enough at it.
I placed my bet of the gold coin, in exchange for 2 cards; a set of Queens. I maintained my poker face but inside I was stoked at my great hand. I won that round easy enough with 3 of a kind.
"Okay, now do we keep betting on the gold coins or...?", I asked the dealer only to be met by his silence.
"Keep playing and you will understand, Sir", Val said standing behind me.
I shrugged and was dealt another hand. The King of hearts and Jack of spades. When the river card was revealed to be the 10 of diamonds, I had a Straight in my hand. I looked at my only remaining opponent, some old Chinese guy.
"Your bet, Sir?", the dealer asked him.
"I bet my hearing"
I was confused, "Hearing? What does he mean?"
"Exactly as it sounds, Sir. We don't bet on materialistic thing here, only what you have. The truly valuable thing a human can have, their own body and its function", Val explained.
I was stunned.....and extremely thrilled. Oh I never expected the stake to be this dangerous! I was smiling inside, but maintaining my poker face again I called the bet.
My Straight trumped his 3 of a kind. I won! All of the sudden the old Chinese guy stood up, flailing his arms panicking.
"! Where...where's the sound? I can't hear!", he screamed only to be escorted away by some guards. I laughed a bit.
The night went on and I kept playing different games. I lost some fingers, the ability to say the word "Frog", and a kidney. But in return I won some guy's ability to speak German and an extra heart. This was it! This was the thrill I was seeking for!
"Hey Val, is there like a higher stake room in the Church?", I asked Val. There's always a more exclusive table where people of higher status play. And I want in...
Val looked at me sternly. He moved his finger to his earpiece, seemingly being told something by someone.
"This way, Sir", Val said leading me to the very end of the large hallroom. Beyond the door was a small room about the same as the first waiting room. In there sat a table, with no one else but a man at the other end of it.
"Welcome Mr. Parish. I've been expecting you", the man said.
I noticed Val had left the room. Confidently I walked to the table, sitting opposite the man.
"I'm expected?"
"Of course. An honorable player such as yourself can't escape my sight"
"Who are you?"
"I'm the owner"
"The're Saint Cajetan", I said more of a statement than a question only to be met by him nodding.
"So, you seek of the highest stake of game. Here we are. Choose your game"
"Let's play poker, Texas Holdem", I suggested. Again the saint nodded.
"What do you say we make this more interesting? Blind bet. You will not know what you lose or gain when you win or lose", he suggested.
Honest, I was afraid to do so. But the rush and the thrill blinded me of what the repercussion might be. Almost immediately I agreed.
The game went underway. Without knowing I had lost the sight of one of my eye and the satisfaction of sneezing. But I won the ability to taste a flavor unknown to man, which was really interesting I might add.
"Well it's been very exciting evening, Mr. Parish. But what do you say we make the next one our last? The ultimate bet of the Church will be the stake", the saint asked.
The ultimate bet....I loved the sound of that. What could it be? I agreed.
I got a great hand then, a set of Kings.
"Do you know want to know what the ultimate bet is?", the saint asked all of the sudden.
I looked up, clearly not knowing the answer to that. He clearly was trying to rattle me.
"This place, Mr. Parish is a casino located outside of space and time. It cannot be built on simple material things such as bricks and cement. It needed something more powerful, much much more powerful"
First 3 cards were revealed, the King of clover, the 2 of diamonds, and the Ace of spades.
"I thought centuries ago, what could be so powerful it can create the foundation of something this absurd.....then it hit me. Human beliefs, Mr. Parish.
The capability of human to believe is so powerful it created religions, it took them to the sky, it took them across the ocean, it took them to the moon"
The 4th card revealed, the King of diamonds.
"So every now and then, I invited the best players in human history and get them to see this place. It started as mere illusion, but as I took their belief of this place's existence it strengthened its foundation. Turning it from a mere concept to reality.
In turn without their belief they would no longer remember this place and they will never set foor here ever again."
I was stunned at the saint's absurd story. Needless to say I was rattled. My resolve was shaken. Now silent he revealed the 5th card.
"Show your hands, Mr. Parish", he said.
No, no, I can't lose! I have 4 Kings! I can't lose!
"4 Kings!", I declared sure of my victory.
My face dropped immeditately however, seeing his face smirking. Looking down the final card was another Ace....and the saint had the other 2 Aces.
"4 Aces beat 4 Kings unfortunately, Mr. Parish"
I slumped back on my chair, defeated. For some reason the thought of not being able to play in that place again disturbed me so much. My pride as a gambler was taken down a notch.
"'ll take my belief now? Erase my memories?", I asked weakly.
The saint however chuckled, "Oh not quite. Throughout the night I saw you out there. There's a thing that you hold really dearly more than you yourself know, and it's the most powerful thing I've ever seen a human possess. I want that thing"
I sat up, "What is it? Tell me!"
"Tsk tsk remember Mr. Parish. Blind bet", he said waving his finger.
I couldn't remember much after that. I must have blacked out. The next thing I knew I woke up on my bed in my bedroom in the morning. I was inside the Church for hours but being outside of time itself, it's only been less than 4 hours in here. I woke up at 7am. Clearly still remembering my experience. And that gave me dread. What did Saint Cajetan take from me?
As per usual I sat in front of the computer with my breakfast, playing more online poker. It was my favorite game after all.
Strange....$100, $500, $2000, $10000 even...I couldn't feel excited for winning. I panicked...what was wrong with me? I bet more and more and more, despite winning I couldn't feel...anything.
I fell onto the floor, defeated. I realized then...that was what the saint had taken. The thrill...the thrill I loved so much was taken away from me.
submitted by HangryHangryHipHoe to HangryWritey [link] [comments]

Online Casinos With Flash Games Available

If you're looking for an easy way to learn how to play poker online, I suggest you consider IDNPoker. The website is very mobile-friendly, has a progressive jackpot that upgrades in real time and offers eight customizable deposit choices. Eight customizable deposit choices include US dollars, Euros, Pounds, Canadian dollars, Japanese Yen, Swiss Francs and Euros. ISIDNPoker is definitely the place to be if you want to learn how to play poker online.
Now let's take a look at some of the games available at idNPoker. The website offers a variety of online gaming formats including Texas Holdem, Caribbean Stud Poker, and Online Caribbean Craps. In addition, there are other games available, including Bingo, Keno, Lottery Wheel, Online Free Roll Poker, and Online Skratch Card Games. If you haven't tried any of these games, you should really give them a try! There are also a variety of bonus offers and promotions on the website that will increase your earnings even more.
The website offers a variety of poker games from around the world. In fact, if you've ever considered playing poker at an actual live casino, I wouldn't recommend it. There are too many issues that just don't make the experience realistic or enjoyable. However, online gambling is a completely different story.
If you choose to play at an actual live casino, you will likely have to convert at the time of purchase if you are not a U.S. citizen or a resident of certain western countries. This often requires you to wait an additional three to five hours before you can cash out your winnings. This is especially troublesome in the case of progressive jackpots which are typically much larger than the maximum amount of cash that one player can claim. For this reason, I recommend that if you are planning to spend some money on an idNPoker poker game, you play it at an internet casino. These casinos are usually considerably faster and convenient, especially considering the fact that you can play from the comfort of your own home.
There are currently no known negative aspects of playing at an internet casino, including the possibility of playing with fake money. Although I was unable to find any information on this matter, it is important to consider that the internet offers a virtually risk free environment for all of its consumers. Unfortunately, due to the lack of regulation, there are no procedures in place to ensure that individuals and businesses are conducting business in a manner that is both legitimate and safe.
Unfortunately, there are also some risks involved with playing at an idNPoker game online. For example, players may be subject to the use of bots which will place them at a disadvantageous position in the match. Bots are a way of limiting the effect of human emotion and error by selecting the highest paying handouts for the players in order to keep the winnings coming. However, due to these risks, I recommend that players who intend to participate in an idNPoker game with a live dealer try the game at an internet casino prior to participating in an actual live casino.
submitted by yejircrt to IDNPokerIDN [link] [comments]

What are Casino Games?

Casino games can broadly be divided into two types -
Games played against fellow players - Mainly Skill Based - Texas Holdem Poker, Teen Patti, etc.
Games played against the dealer - Mainly Luck Based - Roulette, Blackjack, House Poker, Mini Baccarat
Why don’t you check the Learn To Play section in this portal. It’s by India’s largest Casino Group, Deltin.
submitted by Mrunal_Mehta to u/Mrunal_Mehta [link] [comments]

Play real money Texas Holdem poker

Poker has been enjoying a period of a boom since a very long time. Many people play a game of cards by going to casinos and gambling venues. But now, it is played worldwide on an online platform at an international level.
If you also want to play this thrilling game of fate, then you must start to know more about poker and its variants such as Texas Holdem poker. Once you are confident of your skills on the table, you can take your game to another level by playing online poker real money. There are many poker websites where you get an opportunity to play many poker variants and earn big money too.
Real money poker
What do you think was the idea behind the poker game? It was real money where people could earn money in cash and get a real sense of satisfaction. This is what that separates poker from other types of sports or games. All the poker players play this online card game to earn something. There are no spectators here; instead, everybody is involved in this power-packed and action-based game which attempts to leave the game only after winning a prize.
Real money earning games in India has been becoming profusely famous where players get a chance to win big prizes and cash. Once you login to the poker website, you will be able to check out the kinds of poker game played, what are the different poker hand rankings, how is Texas Hold’em tournament held, which is the most popular form of poker online, how to win in the online cash games in India, etc.
All you need to do is to register yourself on the poker website and get to see a ton of rewards such as registration bonus, welcome bonus, sign-up reward, etc. to play real cash games.
Texas Holdem poker
Every game has its most popular game type, and the favourite poker type is Texas Hold’em. Poker has several games under its umbrella, but the most popular form of poker remains to be Texas Hold’em poker.
Texas Hold em poker is such a popular form of poker that when you mention playing poker at the table, the people will automatically assume that you are talking about the game of Texas Hold em poker. The reason is that it is effortless. You can easily understand the different poker hand rankings it has, the kind of poker strategies it needs, betting structure and so on is very simple to understand and implement.
In the poker website, you can join this best Texas Hold’em poker game. If you don’t know how to play this game, you can learn how to play Texas Hold’em online in detail and on the poker website itself.
Poker is a game of both luck and skill. You need to learn the rules and strategies that can help you form the best poker hand so that you can win the pot.
submitted by ranveerjaffrey to u/ranveerjaffrey [link] [comments]

Winaday Casino no deposit bonus: $35 free chip code!

Winaday Casino no deposit bonus: $35 free chip code!

Winaday Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Get a $38 free bonus (no deposit bonus code) to Winaday Casino! This US and Crypto friendly online casino offers the best slot machines and progressive jackpot games! Also, there's a 250% bonus after your first deposit. Exclusive voucher codes apply.
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WinADay Casino Review

Launched in 2007, Winaday Casino is a colourful online casino site part of the Slotland Entertainment Group. This casino uses proprietary software which means there are many games here that will not be found elsewhere, giving the site a real individual and exclusive feel. Licensed in Anjouan, the games at Winaday Casino are all guaranteed to be fair as they are tested regularly and use a random number generator (RNG) to ensure 100% fairness in each and every game.
Offering a broad range of casino table games and slot games, including many unique games, there is certainly something for everyone here. Players can choose from 3D slots and progressives to fruit machines, video poker games and classic casino table games, although the emphasis here is firmly on the slots selection. The clean blue colour scheme, attractive layout and simple navigation lets players search for their favourite games easily using the tabs in the games section.
The 24-hour support service ensures you can access help if you need at any time of day or night via live chat or email. Security is also highly important at Winaday with SSL encryption protecting all your data from third party access. Mobile gaming is supported at Winaday Casino too, with players able to access many games at the touch of a button on their Apple and Android tablets and mobile devices.
New players can enjoy up to €500 free spread out over the first 5 deposits, while regular players can also take advantage of a range of other bonuses and promotions, including cashback, tournaments, bonuses and cash prizes.
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Winaday Bonuses & Promos

On registering a new account at Winaday Casino, new players can enjoy a series of bonuses. To begin there is a 100% bonus worth up $250 when you make your first deposit. After this there is another bonus of 25% on second, third and fourth deposits, followed by a final fifth deposit bonus of 85%.
Each bonus can be claimed by using bonus code WELCOME plus the number of your deposit, so your first bonus uses code WELCOME1 and your fifth deposit uses code WELCOME5. In total the bonus cash available over these first 5 deposits is €500 and you have to wager each bonus amount at least 10x before you can cash it out, which is a relatively low wagering requirement compared with many other online casinos.
After this, regular players can enjoy a number of other promotions, such as tournaments, cash back and free spins on top slots. For example, whenever you deposit $500 at the site, you can claim at least $50 cashback, while there are also random cash prizes awarded to players each week – if you have deposited and played in the last 7 days you could receive up to $100 as a cash gift.
Other promotions include a 100% slots bonus every Wednesday, slots tournaments each month, 70% extra on deposits used to play keno on Tuesdays, 50% bonuses on deposits used on penny slots each Monday, and $10 free for playing on video poker! In addition to these promotions there is also a game of the month which you can play to gain entry to a prize draw to win cash prizes.
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Winaday Games & Software

The games section is divided up into slots, penny slots, table games and video poker. The software here is proprietary so players can enjoy a range of games not seen elsewhere. In fact the only other place where you can find this software is Winadays sister site, Slotland. Although some players may miss their favourite slots from big name softeare developers such as NetEnt and Microgaming, there are many new titles to enjoy so this site is perfect for players looking for something new and different.
The slot games section is the biggest section at Winaday Casino with some great titles here, such as: Alice in Wonderland, Busted, Castle Siege, Fluffy Paws, Gypsy Charm, Haunted, Ice Crystals, Olympus, Stardust and Zodiac. There are 36 slot games in the ‘slots’ section of the site, along with another 18 slots in the ‘penny slots’ section. The penny slots here include Sands of Gold, Safari Park, Deep Blue, Beauty Salon, and Amazonia.
The table games section is much smaller than the slots section and offers 2 types of roulette, La Roulette and Roulette 5, along with Power Keno and Keno 101. So blackjack players, or anyone wanting to play Baccarat, Casino Texas Holdem, Caribbean Stud Poker, Craps or any other casino table games, will be disappointed. There is a slot called 21 Slot which is based on the game of blackjack, so players will have to be satisfied with this if they are looking for the classic card game.
The video poker range is better than the table games selection with a number of classic titles available including Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, Bonus Poker and Aces and Faces. Winaday Casino is certainly more suited to slots and video poker players with the only table games on offer here roulette and keno. Most casino players would not class keno as a casino table game in any case, as it is more a lottery game. A regular Blackjack game is severely lacking here and will certainly be a surprising omission for most casino fans.
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Winaday Support

The customer support service at Winaday Casino is highly accessible as it is available 24/7, which is a pleasant surprise considering many other similar online casinos close their support service at night. You can access help via live chat and email, with the site promising to reply to emails within 3 hours. There is also a help section which has a FAQ list with answers to common queries.

Winaday Payments

There are various ways to deposit at Winaday Casino with the site accepting payment by credit and debit cards, Neteller, Skrill, cheque and wire transfer. Withdrawals can be made via Neteller, Skrill, Instadebit, cheque and wire transfer. There are some restricted countries here with players from the following countries prohibited from depositing and play at the site: Belarus, China, Czech Republic, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Slovakia, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam, and the United Kingdom.
Withdrawals are processed within 12 hours for eWallets, within 3-4 days for credits and debit cards, within 1-3 days for bank transfers, and within 3-4 days for cheques. There are no withdrawal limits, which makes this site ideal for players wishing to withdraw large amounts regularly.
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Winaday Casino has a strong range of exclusive slot games that most players will never have played before. This makes the casino perfect for players who are tired of seeing the same old slots crop up again and again at different sites. The whole new range of games offers something entirely different and should keep new players entertained for a long time as they work their way through the different slot titles.
Casino table fans will be less excited about the site as there is only roulette and keno to choose from with the only blackjack game a slot loosely themed on the classic card game.
The 100% first deposit bonus is a solid offer if not one of the best, while the €500 bonus over 5 deposits gives some more cash to enjoy if only via 25% each time.
Overall, Winaday Casino is a strong choice for players looking for new games to try on proprietary software but the lack of table game choice will disappoint and surprise many casino players.
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submitted by freespinsgratis_com to u/freespinsgratis_com [link] [comments]

Five Simple Steps to Play Poker Online

This short article will show all of the finest areas to play Texas Holdem Poker online. The simple cash websites, most popular and more. Study this article now.
Texas Holdem, a residential district card game, is becoming typically the most popular of all the poker games, equally in casinos and online. You may make money by playing online Texas Holdem, and there are several people who make their residing at it.
It's not just a gaming game. In games such as for example Black Jack or roulette you play contrary to the casino whilst in Texas Holdem you play against other players.
You need to know some fundamental principles of the overall game when you start to play. Here is the set of ten most popular online poker sites. These websites give you to play the overall game against any person round the world.
The Most useful Places To Play Texas Holdem Poker Online
888poker - This website once was known as Pacific Poker88 and probably the first poker site in the industry. The people who play free games and want quick promotions find this page the best. In addition it goes many tournaments.
Bill Mountain Poker - It is certainly one of typically the most popular poker sites. It offers a shocking $16 million guaranteed in full monthly reward money on the site. Their computer software is of outstanding quality. - This website presents excellent promotions and significantly clearer graphics. benefits its people regularly. You can enjoy Texas Holdem, Omaha, Sven Card Stud, and Five card Stud anytime. This website presents 24/7 service
Poker770 - This is typically the most popular site among German players. It includes the overall game in different Western languages. It is always flooded with free people, leading to enormous money-making options for professional players.
Bwin Poker - Bwin presents excellent volume of games. Many poker people rate it the very best poker site. It maintains upgrading its computer software and maintains on adding new features.
PKR - PKR is one amongst the brand new entrants in the poker world. It includes unparalleled 3D artwork and wide variety of games. This is what makes playing at PKR feel just like playing in the actual casino.
Celebration Poker - Celebration poker presents a number of games. It was after typically the most popular poker site, and even nowadays it's maintained a strong person base. Their computer software and servers are extremely functional.
Titan Poker - It is among the very best poker rooms available on online poker network. It draws the greatest amount of traffic.
Betfair Poker - It is undoubtedly among Europe's most popular poker sites. It includes good computer software and outstanding features.
Everest Poker - Everest's computer software platform has obtained large amount of applause from poker players. The people on Everest Poker are free and expert people can easily break their resistance and make money.
They are all The Most useful Places To Play Texas Holdem Poker Online. Evaluation this article again and select 2 or 3 of The Most useful Places To Play Texas Holdem Poker Online and you will have a way to succeed very easily.
submitted by xidaji2470 to u/xidaji2470 [link] [comments]

[Repost] PlayNANO - Let's show everyone what NANO is capable off!

(sorry for this repost, more details at the end)
As some have said a couple of times in the last months, NANO is great, but it lacks a lot on adoption. There is no "Killer App" that makes users interested in NANO. It might be great, but if it's not used it won't succeed.

Introducing PlayNANO
PlayNANO it's an attempt at fixing this. On PlayNANO users will be able to earn Nano by completing all sorts of tasks; Play multiplayer games with friends and earn Nano for winning; Bet on multiple casino games; And lastly spend their Nano on all sorts of digital products. Oh and also, no account or login required!
See why Nano is the best crypto, with fee-less and instant use cases. Earn, play, bet, and spend - no account or login required.
I might not be the first doing something like this, but I'm aiming for better than what we have now.

PlayNANO's Roulette
Play the European Roulette with Nano - fee-less and instant as Crypto should be!
My favorite feature so far, a provably fair multiplayer roulette. Instant betting and very quick payouts - sometimes you even get your payout before the roulette stops spinning! (and yeah, I'm gonna leave this as a feature to showcase the power of NANO xD)
With this multiplayer roulette, you are not betting alone, you will also see other players bets on the table, for a more fun and immersive experience. And it uses a provably fair system to make sure that all numbers/spins are fair and can't be manipulated by anyone.

PlayNANO's Jumper
I've also created Jumper - a simple game with simple rules, but there's space for great strategies! Each game starts with a 12 by 12 grid, and the objective of the game is to be the last one standing on the grid, by sweeping your opponents off.
Compete with other players and earn NANO by sweeping them out of the game!
Next steps
This is the first release but I have got a lot planned for the future! Starting with a multiplayer Texas Holdem Poker feature; more games to be added to the Play section; more ways to earn Nano, and add way more prizes to the spend list.
Quick FYI: I'm using a 400$/month server, with a GPU, to handle the heavy PoW generation. Within the last month my server has sent over 45.000 transactions, mostly due to the Earn - Watch Videos feature - which is getting quite popular on Venezuela, Indonesia, and Central Africa. So I don't think I'm in love with the future v21 PoW increase xD

The end
I'm not saying PlayNANO is the "Killer App" we need, but it's something. I intend to make a living out of it and use the profits to make Nano reach more people, whether through marketing, donations to the development fund, maybe help fund the next Build-Off competition, and/or other things.
So go ahead and try it out, maybe show it to your friends to show how awesome Nano is ;)
All feedback will be much appreciated.

(Once again, for those who caught it, I'm sorry for the repost. I made this repost because last time I posted I was in a hurry, the post was not well-formatted, I made a mistake on the title, I didn't pick a good time to post, and all that made that post's exposure quite low. This is my do-over, won't do it again!)
submitted by playnano to nanocurrency [link] [comments]

Arctic Spins Casino Free Spins Bonus & No Deposit Promotions

Arctic Spins Casino Free Spins Bonus & No Deposit Promotions

Arctic Spins Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Claim 10 free spins now! This exclusive bonus without deposit is waiting for you here, at Arctic Spins Casino. Click on the link below to collect your free rounds. Also, get a 100% welcome bonus on your first deposit. Use code: ARCTIC to get more free spins and free money!
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Arctic Spins Casino Review

Arctic Spins is another newcomer on the online casino scene, joining many sites to have launched in 2017. This made its mark in May, just in time for summer – although this casino’s theme is anything but warm in terms of temperature.
It can be hard to keep track of all these new releases, but every new addition is very welcome, giving players more choice of themes, games and overall style. Whether you want to stay loyal to one brand, or prefer to play the casino field as well as the games, the more options the better.

Cool Card Games and All Things Ice

While the name would suggest there’s some reel fun to be found here, there are a good choice of live games too at Arctic Spins: Blackjack, Roulette (including an immersive Roulette, speed Roulette, auto Roulette), Dream Catcher, Baccarat (speed, squeeze and control squeeze variations), Caribbean Stud Poker, Texas Holdem Poker and Three Card/Tri Card Poker. These are powered by the ubiquitous and reliable evolution gaming, assuring you of a quality gambling journey. A range of well-groomed, attractive looking dealers await your custom, with plenty of interactive gambling opportunities afforded to the would be player.
The design of the website is straightforwardly simple and while featuring the cold setting of the polar plains, is warm and fuzzy in its cartoon cuteness. Given how popular the Disney movie Frozen has been, this winter ambience is clearly a winner and sparks an imaginative response from us, to the lands of fish hunting bears, whales and penguins (not to mention being the home of Santa Claus). Whatever the season, a trip to Arctic Spins provides plenty to talk about.
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Pop-up Promotions

So what of bonuses in this casino? Well there’s an offer to entice new players to this new casino. Deposit £10 and you’ll receive 25 free spins on Starburst - if you’re not familiar with this game, it’s a mega popular slot with loads of great aspects and very simple to play, meaning it’s often used as part of a welcome promo, bonus or offer scheme in online casinos at large.
Other promotions pop up for a period and so it’s worth keeping an eye on the site for fresh upload, with the current one being a Live Dealer Lucky Draw where you have a guaranteed win of between £2 and £500 in credits. It’s still early days, so we’re likely to see more coming from Arctic Spins, in the way of promos.

Splendid Slots

There is a whole lot of choice here when it comes to spinning those reels, with plenty of different slots on offer for you to try. The middle left hand side of the screen has a handy little menu from which you can filter by software providers, categories concerning the type of game and a nice little addition: type of wins. This allows you to search not just on the biggest wins, but also frequency and regularity of wins - ideal for both the risk loving high rollers and those who are looking for a fat percentage of Return To Player rate, without needing to checking every single game.
You’ll find high profile software developers games here including slots from the likes of IGT, NetEnt, MicroGaming and NextGen. Whatever your gaming oeuvre there’s a slot theme for you including some of the most popular ones like slots featuring animals or the lands of mysterious ancient Egypt. If you’re a particularly keen reel fan, you could also try well established Casumo casino, which has an equally great selection and a strong user interface (not in yer face).
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VIP Privileges

We love being referred to as a very important person – and casinos are some of the easiest places to earn this title (depending on the casino, mind you). Among the tick list of casino attributes to look for, is a good VIP scheme that’ll reward you for your custom. It can be tricky to find some info on this site - like specifics in terms of restricted territories and details of the VIP scheme.
You’ll find a search box, but this is only geared toward games, so searches on anything else will come back blank. However, there is such a programme the Privileged VIP club, enticing loyal players with prizes such as cameras, coffee machines, vouchers and much more. Expect special seasonal treats too, but you’ll have to work your way into it first.

On the Move?

Every new casino release should be mobile compatible and it’s important to find one optimised to the small screen. It’s so handy to be able to log on and play, especially when you need to kill time while out and about. Thankfully Arctic Spins is fully optimised for mobile play and looks great on the small screen with smart device calibrated design.
Things look very similar on all devices, except the sized down version uses a series of drop down and expandable menus with recognisable icons to make the most of the space and ensure a smaller screen isn’t too cluttered with wordiness and elaborated options. The most important buttons are very evident, so you won’t lose any time hunting for what you need.
Of course it depends on your devices and browser, but it is often an even better, faster experience on a mobile device than a laptop or desktop computer. Arctic Spins even advertises itself as a mobile casino in its welcome strapline. So you can enjoy playing wherever you fancy, on your smartphone, smartwatch, kindle, tablet or ipad. Just make sure you’re connected to a reliable WiFi source or have a generous data allowance - especially if you’re spinning those cinematic sequence video slots or playing the tables with a live dealer.
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Arctic’s Hot Support

If you have any questions or issues, a click on the support or live chat buttons (found on the to access your options. You can aso visit the frequently answered questions and answers section, which might solve the problem. Advisors are available via email, live chat or the old fashioned method: the telephone. As this is a very new casino we don’t know too much about their service reputation yet, but the site certainly gives us plenty of confidence and assurance in them.

Your Payment Options

There’s an increasing variety of payment methods popping up these days and you can use both the old school and modern options such as Paysafecard, Zimpler, Trustly, Sofort and Boku here. There may well be at least a coupe in there which you don’t recognise – Zimpler is a Swedish mobile pay service, while Sofort provides international money transfers. Do be careful with Boku which incurs a 15% fee on your deposit, meaning your budget won’t go quite as far and you won’t have as much credit to play with.
All other deposit methods are free, having no fee attached. The minimum deposit for Boku is higher too, set as £15, rather than the £10 across the board for all the others. One withdrawal is allowed per 24 hour period, with a minimum amount of £20 and a maximum limit of £2000. Checks are made prior to your request being granted, taking up to 72 hours (there may be an additional wait time on top of this depending on your method - cards make this period especially lengthy).
Licenced by the UK Gambling Commission, this site operates complies with responsible gambling and so requires you to prove you are who you say you are when verifying your account. It might seem a hindrance in the short term, but take it from us, it’s a total help to everyone in the long.
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Crisp Stuff Indeed

This is generally a very user-friendly layout, making it super easy to find the games you want to play and offering variety in terms of slot and table options. A handy filter system for games is always a boon and this one has sorted its categories into useful groups that enable you to get to the right place quickly and easily. Using the New Games filter is a great way to check out what’s recently been added and keep your favourites fresh and funky.
The theme of Arctic Spins is subtle, yet bright and cheery and features some nice crisp graphics. It can be hard to find some of the info on the website (most notably, specific details and a guide to the VIP scheme - something that might deter very loyal high rolling players wanting the full exposition before signing up), but with live support available and decent functionality, this shouldn't have any effect on your play experience. The choice of payment options and currencies make it an international player in the online market (with the significant exception of the United States) and a cool new casino in more ways than one.
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

All Slots Casino 50 gratis spins bonus no deposit required

All Slots Casino 50 gratis spins bonus no deposit required

All Slots Casino Free Bonus Games
We have a special offer for new players to All Slots Casino. Collect 50 No Deposit Free Spins on Dragon Dance now! Also, get $1500 free credits after deposit!
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The Basics About All Slots Casino

All Slots Casino has been around for nearly two decades now, having first launched their site in the year 2000. They are owned and operated by the Jackpot Factory Group. Other casinos owned by that organization that you may have heard of include Wild Jack Casino and All Jackpots Casino. All Slots Casino is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority, so it’s safe to say they can be trusted.

The Casino

This casino has teamed up with five well-respected software providers to develop a diverse gaming library for their players. They have games by Evolution Gaming, Genesis Gaming, Microgaming, NextGen, and Rabcat. I was particularly excited to see Microgaming on their list of providers because as the world’s first online casino software provider, they are known for offering high-quality games with high entertainment value.


Whoa, there is a lot of variety here! As someone who could spend hours playing slot games, it’s important that I have a lot of slot games to choose from. Lucky for me, this casino has over 500 slot games available. Themes vary drastically, as they have traditional themes and modern themes alike.
If you are looking for a suggestion on which game to play, let me recommend Karate Pig. This slot game is packed full of colorful graphics and advanced animation effects. It has wild symbols, scatter symbols, free spin opportunities, multipliers, bonus games, and more. If that doesn’t sound interesting enough, then try any of the other awesome slot games I have listed below!
  • Avalon II
  • Bar Bar Black Sheep
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Big Break
  • Break Away
  • Bridesmaids
  • Bust the Bank
  • Cabin Fever
  • Chain Mail
  • Classic 243
  • Cool Buck
  • Dolphin Quest
  • Dragonz
  • Fish Party
  • Game of Thrones
  • Germinator
  • Gold Factory
  • Hellboy
  • Hitman
  • Hot Ink
  • Jungle Jim
  • Jurassic Jackpot
  • Jurassic Park
  • Jurassic World
  • Lady in Red
  • Lost Vegas
  • Lucky Leprechaun
  • Lucky Witch
  • Mad Hatters
  • Max Damage
  • Mermaids Millions
  • Monster Mania
  • Peek-a-boo
  • Piggy Fortunes
  • Playboy
  • Pollen Nation
  • Pollen Party
  • Reel Gems
  • Reel Strike
  • Retro Reels
  • Scrooge
  • Shoot!
  • Silver Fang
  • So Many Monsters
  • Stardust
  • Starlight Kiss
  • Steam Punk Heroes
  • Sure Win
  • Tarzan
  • Terminator 2
  • The Osbournes
  • Thunderstruck & Thunderstruck II
  • Tomb Raider
  • Trick Or Treat
  • Twister
  • Victorian Villain
  • Watts Up
  • What On Earth

Table Games

All Slots Casino’s table game section was impressive. They offer several variations of the classic games like blackjack and roulette, while also offering some of the more obscure games like Spanish 21 and Triple Pocket Holdem Poker.
If you have never played Triple Pocket Holdem Poker before, then I certainly recommend doing so. Triple Pocket Holdem Poker is a unique variation of Texas Hold’em that allows you to hand over your two pockets cards to the dealer if you are not happy with them. You can then have those cards redealt, giving you an additional chance to improve your hand. The graphics and sound effects in this game were very realistic, creating an authentic gaming experience.
  • 3-Card Poker
  • American Roulette
  • Atlantic City Blackjack
  • Baccarat Gold
  • Big Five Blackjack
  • Bonus Pai Gow
  • Classic Blackjack
  • Craps
  • Double Exposure Blackjack
  • European Blackjack Redeal
  • French Roulette
  • High-Speed Poker
  • Hold’em High
  • Multi Wheel Roulette
  • Spanish 21
  • Super Fun 21
  • Triple Pocket Holdem Poker
  • Vegas Downtown Blackjack
  • Vegas Strip Blackjack

Video Poker

Out of all the games available at online casinos, I have always enjoyed video poker more than all of the rest. It’s one of the only casino games that tests your skills and gives you the opportunity to gain an advantage over the casino. I was impressed by the sheer amount of choices this casino had to select from. My top choice was Cyberstud Poker. This video poker game by Microgaming is very similar to Caribbean Stud Poker, but it offers even more ways to win. If you land a royal flush, you will walk away with the game’s progressive jackpot! Rumor has it that it reaches six figures on a regular basis! Woot!
  • Aces & Eights
  • Aces & Faces
  • All Aces
  • All American
  • Bonus Deuces Wild
  • Bonus Poker
  • Cyberstud Poker
  • Deuces & Joker
  • Deuces Wild
  • Double Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Double Joker
  • Jacks or Better
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double
  • Poker Pursuit
  • Tens or Better

Live Dealer Games

For those of us who live hours away from a decent casino, online casinos are our only option when it comes to getting our gaming fix. Live dealer games offer the most surreal experience, which is why I was disappointed to find such limited options here. They don’t offer craps or European roulette: two options that I typically find at other online casinos. Hopefully, they step up their game and make additions to this list in the near future. As far as what they do have available, I found all of those games to be of average quality.
  • Baccarat
  • Blackjack
  • Caribbean Stud Poker
  • Casino Holdem
  • Private Blackjack
  • Roulette
  • Three Card Poker

Specialty Games

While this casino doesn’t offer any keno or bingo games, they do offer a decent selection of scratch tickets. There are a variety of different themes to choose from, and they all come with a relatively low RTP, considering they are scratch cards. If you love basketball, then I recommend playing Slam Funk. This fun-loving game has both a basketball theme and a ’70s theme, giving you the chance to win up to 250x your initial stake.
  • Dawn of the Bread
  • Dragons Fortune
  • Flip Card
  • Game Set and Scratch
  • Granny Prix
  • Hairy Fairies
  • Halloweenies
  • Lucky Numbers
  • Mumbai Magic
  • Slam Funk
  • Wild Champions

Banking Options

There are numerous baking options to choose from at All Slots Casino. They allow credit cards, debit cards, eChecks, e-wallets, wire transfers, and more. All deposit/withdrawals are free from added fees, which maximizes how much of your bankroll you can actually spend on playing your favorite games. The only major downside I saw when researching their banking options was their strict $5,000 a week withdraw limit that is in effect when your withdrawals total 5x or more your deposits.

Bonus Promotions

All Slots Casino offers a generous welcome bonus, but they fail to offer any limited-time-only bonuses or ongoing bonuses. Their welcome bonus comes with a fairly standard 30x playthrough requirement, so it shouldn’t be difficult to qualify for. They make up for their lack of bonuses by offering a lucrative rewards program; every player is automatically enrolled in it the moment they open an account on the site. More information on the welcome bonus and the rewards programs can be found below.

Welcome Bonus

1st Deposit

  • 100% match bonus up to $250
  • 30 free spins on Jungle Jim

2nd Deposit

  • 50% match up to $250
  • 20 free spins on Dragonz

3rd Deposit

  • 50% match up to $500
  • 20 free spins on Pollen Party

4th Deposit

  • 50% match up to $600
  • 30 free spins on Lost Vegas

Mobile Compatibility

All Slots Casino offers an app that consists of their full suite of high-quality games. Unfortunately, this app is only available for Android users. Those who own Apple, Blackberry, and Windows devices will have to visit this casino via their phone’s web browser. There are fewer games to choose from, especially in terms of table games. I also experienced some lagging while playing their live dealer blackjack game; it caused me to forfeit the game I was playing and lose my initial bet. To say I was irritated would be an understatement.
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Customer Service

There are five different avenues you can use to connect with one of All Slots Casino’s customer service representatives.


Live Chat

  • Representatives available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year
  • Instant replies

Phone Number

  • 0-800-917-4615
  • Representatives available Monday through Friday: 8am-6pm
  • Replies within 72 hours


  • Representatives available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year
  • Instant replies


  • Representatives available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year
  • Instant replies


All Slots Casino provides players with a wide range of slot games and table games from five trusted software providers. They also have over a dozen banking options that are free from added fees. You’ll find their customer service team and bonuses to be very beneficial. Could they improve their user interface and the mobile version of their site? Sure, but these things won’t stop me from playing at this site altogether.


All Slots Casino’s pros outweigh their cons. If slot games and table games are what you live for, then I recommend checking this casino out for yourself! Their secure banking options and their knowledgeable customer service team will ensure you have a great gaming experience.
>> Get Your Free Bonus Now <<
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Texas Holdem How To Play

Texas Holdem How To Play
Texas Holdem how to play? Driven by the popularity of televised poker, Texas Hold’em (more commonly, ‘Hold’em’) has become the world’s most popular poker game, both in live casinos and online. We’ll go into more detail below, but here are the key points you need to know:
  • Every player is dealt two cards, for their eyes only
  • The dealer spreads five cards – three at once, then another, then another – which can be used by all players to make their best possible five-card hand
  • Before and after each card(s) is revealed, players take turns to bet. To stay in the hand and see the next card, all players must have put the same amount of chips in the pot as each other
  • The best poker hand wins the pot

Texas Holdem how to play | The Dealer Button

Once you have your players around the table the first thing you need to have is chips. The next step is picking the player who will start with the dealer button. Hold’em is played with what’s known as a rotating dealer, meaning a player will act as the dealer for one hand and then pass the role of dealer on to the player on their left when the hand is completed. To choose the dealer, either deal every player one card or spread the cards facedown on the table and have every player choose one. The player with the highest-valued card (aces are high for selecting a dealer) starts as the dealer.

The Button

If you’re in a live poker room or casino with a professional dealer (or someone volunteers to always physically deal the cards) the dealer button will still rotate around the table. Even though he or she is physically dealing the cards, for all intents and purposes the person with the button is viewed as being the dealer for the hand. Once the hand completes the player with the dealer button will pass it to the player on his or her left.

Texas Holdem how to play | The Blinds

There are two blinds in Texas Holdem – a small blind and a big blind. These are forced bets required by two players to make sure there are some chips in the pot worth playing for. Without any money in the pot all players might be inclined to fold much more often, slowing down the action considerably.
The player directly to the left of the dealer puts out the small blind. The big blind (usually double that of the small blind) is then paid by the player to the left of the small blind. The size of the blinds will dictate the stakes of the game you’re about to play. Typically, you want players to buy in for no less than 100 times the size of the big blind. If you want to buy in for $20 you should play with blinds of 10¢/20¢. For convenience, most people will play 10¢/25¢.
At a live casino or poker room the maximum and minimum amounts a player can be in for will be in relation to the blinds. For example in a $1/$2 game the table minimum is usually $40 (20x the big blind) and the maximum is $200 (100x the big blind).

Texas Holdem how to play | Rules

The person dealing the cards deals to the left of the player with the dealer button first and rotates clockwise around the table. Each player gets one card at a time until each player has two cards, both face down. These are known as your hole cards and they are for your use alone when making your final 5-card poker hand.
A round of Texas Hold’em consists of a minimum of one and a maximum of four betting rounds. A hand ends when all players but one have folded. Or the fourth (final) Texas Holdem betting round completes with multiple players still in the hand – whichever comes first.
At that point players enter into the showdown (to be explained in the next section) and the player with the highest hand takes the pot. If two players share the highest hand, the pot is split equally between them.

Texas Holdem how to play | Pre-Flop

When all players receive their hole cards you’re now in the pre-flop betting round. Each player looks at his or her cards and decides what action to take. In Hold’em only one player can act at a time. The pre-flop betting round starts with the player to the left of the big blind. This player has three options:
  • Fold: Pay nothing to the pot and throw away their hand, waiting for the next deal to play again.
  • Call: Match the amount of the big blind (pre-flop this is also known as “limping in.”)
  • Raise: Raise the bet by doubling the amount of the big blind. (Note: a player may raise more depending on the betting style being played, again see the rules for No-Limit and Pot-Limit above.)
Once a player has made their action the player to the left of them gets their turn to act. Each player is given the same options: fold, call the current bet (if the previous player raised, that is the amount you must call; if no one has bet it’s the big blind amount) or raise. In Limit Hold’em a raise is always the amount of one bet in addition to the amount of the previous bet. For example: if the big blind is 25¢ and the first player to act would like to raise they put in a total of 50¢ (the big blind + one additional bet).
If the next player would like to re-raise they would put in a total of 75¢ (the previous bet + one additional bet). Again, though, in No-Limit Hold’em a player can bet as much as the total amount of their chips on the table at any time.

Texas Holdem how to play | The Flop

nce the preflop Texas Holdem round ends, the flop is dealt. This is done by dealing the top card in the deck facedown on the table (called the “burn” card, it’s not in play), followed by three cards face-up in the middle of the table (see below). These are the community flop cards which all players can use to make their best 5-card poker hand.
Once the flop has been dealt the first post-flop betting round begins. The rules of a post-flop betting round are the same as a pre-flop with two small exceptions:
  • The first player to act is the next player with a hand to the left of the dealer
  • The first player to act can check or bet; as there has been no bet made, calling is free.
A bet on the flop in Limit Holdem is the amount of the big blind. In No-Limit it has to be at least twice the size of the big blind but can be as much as all of a player’s chips.

Texas Holdem how to play | The Turn

Once the betting round on the flop completes (meaning any players who want to see the next card have matched the value of any bets), the dealer again ‘burns” one card face-down out of play followed by a single card face-up in the middle of the table beside the 3 flop cards (see image below). Once the turn has been dealt the third betting round starts.
The third betting round in Limit Hold’em is identical to the flop betting round with one single exception: The size of a bet for this round, and the final betting round, is doubled meaning that to make a bet in our game will now cost a player 50¢. In No-Limit Hold’em a player can again bet any amount of their chips as long as it’s at least twice the big blind or double that of any previous bet.

Texas Holdem how to play | The River

Assuming more than one player is left having not folded on one of the previous streets, the river is now dealt. Dealing the river is identical as dealing the turn with one card being burned facedown followed by a single card face-up.
This is the final street and no more cards will be dealt in this hand. The final betting round is identical to the Texas Holdem round on the turn.


Once the river betting round has been completed the players now enter into the showdown. At this point the best 5-card poker hand wins the pot. Here are the rules you need to know about a Hold’em showdown:
  • The player who bet on the river is the default first player to reveal their hand. If any other players choose to show their hand first, that is OK.
  • If no betting happened on the river (all players checked), the player closest to the left of the dealer must open their hand first, continuing clockwise around the table.
  • If a player is holding a losing hand it is their option to reveal their cards or simply muck their hand and concede the pot.
submitted by wallsterce1980 to RealMoneyPokerOnline [link] [comments]

[USA][H] OG Xbox games, demos, high def adapter, weird console, controller Steelbooks PS4, FF High end Figure, Wii Mini, Zelda oracle of seasons, dreamcast box [W] Paypal

So I'm a pretty big collector and I end up with stuff I don't collect from time to time so I thought I'd post it on here so someone who actually wants it can get it. I have to following up for swap atm :
Og Xbox with a blue led eject button and a usb female instead of a third controller port. Disc tray makes the sound to open but doesnt open. Clock is reset after a reset. Works fine otherwise
Price : 80 shipped to CONUS
Sold Blue Controller for said Xbox that was both the normal connector out but also usb female
Price : 20 Shipped CONUS
Box'o'Xbox Games and Demo discs almost all are CIB only ones that aren't : Fable, tiger woods ps2, maximum chase, bicycle casino texas holdem. NFS Most wanted is scratched pretty bad
price : If you buy everything I'd say 80$ shipped to CONUS
High Def Xbox video Adaptor
Price : 75$ Shipped CONUS
All sold Lots of ps4 and some xb1 steelbooks, none include the game
injustice 2 : 5$
*ps4 one sold* far cry : 5$
Forza horizon 3 : 10$
GT Sport : 5$
Naruto Legacy : 20$
COD Black ops : 5$
SoldFF XV : 5$
*sold* FF Dissidia 5$
SoldAoT 2 : 5$
overwatch : 15$
Sold fallout 4 : 10$
dynasty warriors 9 : 10$
*sold* Dishonored 2 : 5$
Just cause 3 : 5$
*Sold* One Piece : 10$
*sold* Shadow of mordor : 5$
Halo : 10$
anything over 30$ I'll ship to CONUS for free
Sold Wii mini with all cables and original controllenunchuck super clean comes with trauma center
75$ shipped to CONUS
*Sold* Zelda Oracle of seasons Tested and still saves fine
25$ shipped to CONUS
sold Dreamcast box Has all the plastic bags with it and a sealed phone line cable no console
40$ shipped to CONUS
FF XV Aranea Highwind Play arts Figure has box wear and has been opened before but the figure is in perfect condition and nothing is missing
175 Shipped to CONUS
Pictures of everything in the post :
Dreamcast box pics :
Looking to swap?
submitted by dusbsuter2 to GameSale [link] [comments]

I need help so bad, I’m a f**cking idiot!!!

I’ve been numb for the last 2 1/2 weeks and need help getting my life back....This is my first post so please excuse the length but I need support. I started like most, home game Texas holdem when I was 17. Nothing crazy, 20$ buyin. When I finally hit 21, I went to the casino for a weekend trip for my birthday. I was down $400 the first Two days and on the morning I was checking out I hit big playing 3 card poker and won my money back. What would have been a learning experience of losing, turned into chasing your loses can get you even. I went back 3 more times in 4 months and was up $3700. Shit this was easy money, WRONG! I spent the next 6 years of my life going to the casino maybe 4-5 times a year. I went with money I was okay to lose but always quit if I was up. We once drove 2 hours, sat on a machine hit for 550$ in the first 5 spins on a .25 machine, got dinner and drove 2 hours home. Over the last year as my income increased, so did my bet size and risk. I started to bet higher and would go to the ATM if I lost quick. I probably lost around 10,000 last year. At the end of the year I saw that and said to myself, you should cut back on the gambling and invest that money. So 2020 starts off well, money is coming in and Covid hits us all. I had money in accounts and made about 17,000 as the market climbed back up. The problem was at the same time, we were all in lockdown and I said f*** it let’s gamble at home. I have adhd, ocd and deal with bad anxiety and sometimes depression. All of which don’t go well with gambling. I started out playing slots and sports betting. Up and down small bets nothing to write home about. I started to play blackjack after a friend told me about it and the winning started. I was up close to 7,000 and couldn’t stop playing. I would play on breaks at work, walking the dog, cooking dinner, none stop it was on my mind. I started increasing my bets and would lose the first 1,000 quick and would chase until I was even or up, sometimes up to 6-7,000. I was playing on winning for a while until one night I snapped. I turned 5,000 into 16,000 and hit withdrawal. That night I couldn’t sleep, I kept getting the urge and finally caved. I was playing irrationally and lost all 16,000. I became numb, I could do so much for my family with that money and I f**kin blew it! Ever since that day I have chased. On two occasions I was down close to 10,000 of my money and got even to then give it all back. What the hell is wrong with me?!? I was back to a good point but couldn’t stop. There were sleepless nights, screaming at myself on the car rides to work, punching myself in the arms and legs. Then came the worst day, which led to the worst two weeks of my life. I again was up 5,000 in a session withdrawal button selected and reversed it. I would go on a binge and lose close to 35,000 chasing loses that never turned around. I have had suicidal thoughts and can’t come to tell my wife what I have done. I look back now and can’t believe I didn’t see the craziness that was going on. I couldn’t go more than a couple hours without at least logging on Nd playing a couple hands. I have a baby under a year old at home and they are my world. I feel like I have wronged them and have so much guilt. We have been together since high school and she has trusted me with our finances. I have contacted an addiction counselor and my evaluation is this Friday. I still have the urge but can not do anymore harm to my family. I can’t sleep and just keep playing over in my head all the things I could have provided for my family with that money. She can tell something is off but I’ve just told her work is stressing me.
Can anyone give me guidance on how to tell my wife about my gambling addiction?
submitted by Issue_International to problemgambling [link] [comments]

Freaky Aces Casino 50 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

Freaky Aces Casino 50 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

Freaky Aces Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register at Freaky Aces Casino now and get 50 No Deposit Free Spins! Our exclusive promotion is available for new customers only. Click on the link below and create your account with code: 50FRNS to qualify. Good luck!
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Freaky Aces Casino Review

Freaky Aces is a new casino just launched in 2017 by HighWeb Ventures N.V. This site is licensed in Curacao and all the games here are thoroughly tested by iTechlabs to ensure absolute fairness and randomness of results. Freaky aces offers players a choice of slot games, table games, live dealer casino games, video poker and arcade style games.There are also a number of progressive jackpot titles here with huge ever-increasing jackpots. The site is modern in appearance with a cartoon style featuring bold and colourful graphics.
The top menu at Freaky Aces gives access to tabs for the casino, ‘Vegas’ slots section, games, live casino, promotions and support. The main homepage also boasts of the site’s welcome offer which gives new players a 200% welcome bonus worth up to €200 in casino credits. New live casino players can also expect a 50% welcome bonus. There is much talk of how ‘crazy’ the site is on the homepage with the emphasis on fun and excitement. A range of fruity characters appear on all pages, including the mischievous orange, apple and lemon.
Along the bottom of the website you will find the technical information, such as the terms and conditions and the privacy policy. Navigation is easy here with many submenus within the site offering information on all aspects of play here, from banking options to customer support.

New Players Get 200% Extra

Newcomers arriving on the scene at Freaky Aces will be able to enjoy the opening offer of 200% extra on top of 1stdeposits. This bonus gives you up to €200 in casino credits. This gives you the chance to play the slot games with tripled the cash from your deposit. The maximum deposit you can make to take advantage of the 200% bonus is €100. The wagering requirement here is 30x your gaming amount. After this, there is a 50% bonus available in the live casino worth up to €50 when you make your first deposit there.
It is important to note that some slot games only contribute 70% to the wagering requirement. These seem to include many of the famous NetEnt video slots. So it is vital to check the small print before deciding which slots to play with your bonus cash. Some of the slots that only count 70% towards the wagering requirement include: Blood Suckers, Eggomatic, Twin Spin, Starburst and Reel Rush.
Another promotion mentioned on the promo page at Freaky Aces is the video slots progressive jackpots. With these you can win potentially life-changing amounts from the progressive slots, including Mega Moolah and Major Millions.
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Freaky Aces Casino Slots from NetEnt

The software at Freaky Aces is provided by some top developers, including NetEnt. This means you will be able to find somefamous games here, such as Starburst, Jack and the Beanstalk, Gonzo’s Quest and Jack Hammer. Some other popular slot games at this site include cloud Tales, Cherry Trio, Robo Smash, Forest Mania, The Best Witch, Spooky Family, Victorious, Twin Spin, Mythic Maiden, Zombies and Dead or Alive.
For table game players there is plenty of choice with various versions of Roulette and Blackjack, including Roulette Advanced, Roulette Low limit, Roulette High Limit, French Roulette, Single Deck Blackjack, High Limit and Low Limit Blackjack Pro Series and Blackjack Classic. Baccarat is also available here, along with PuntoBanco, Texas Holdem, and various video poker titles such as Jacks or Better, All American, Deuces Wild and Joker Wild.
The live dealer casino is an important part of the site, not least because this section has its own welcome bonus for new players. You can claim 50% extra up to €50 when you make a deposit and play in the live casino for the first time. The live casino also has its own tab from the main menu. Here you can find many different tables for blackjack, baccarat, roulette and poker, each with your choice of betting limit.
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Freaky Aces Casino Support by Email and Live Chat

Customers at Freaky Aces can get in touch with the support team by heading to the suport tab on the top menu. From here there are various options, including the live chat box or email support. You can also access live chat help form the box to the left of the screen, which h is available across the whole site. Check the FAQ for further details about gaming at Freak Aces. Here you can see that the working hours for the live chat team are Monday to Friday from 8am until 8pm. If you need help from the team at the weekend or outside of these working hours, you need to send an email.

Limited withdrawal options at Freaky Aces

Banking methods at Freaky Aces can be seen on the Banking page, while more details can also be found in the FAQ section of the support page. The minimum deposit at the site is €10 and the minimum withdrawal is €25. Only Neteller, Skrill and Bank Transfer can be used to make a withdrawal. Deposits, however, can be made using a wide variety of different methods, including: Visa, Mastercard, Neteller, Skrill, Cubits, EcoCard, Paysafe Card, Zimpler, GiroPay, NeoSurf, QiWi wallet, Safety Pay, and Multi Banko. Freaky Aces uses 256-bit Secure Socket Layer (256-bit SSL) encryption technology to ensure the highest security for players’ financial and personal details.
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A Casino with a Few Limitations

Freaky Aces has a good range games for players and the slots collection is especially good with top titles here from popular software provider NetEnt. The promotion for new players gives 200% extra though other promotions are limited to the live dealer casino bonus of 50%. No other offers are mentioned.
The banking is good for deposit choice but lacking in withdrawal options, while customer support does not include a phone number and live chat is out of bounds at the weekend. Overall Freaky Aces is a fresh and great looking site but there are a few limiting qualities and a lack of promotions that might make some players think twice.
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submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Houston is LEAKING money!

I've been playing cards for well over a decade now and I've been beating the game regularly for years. My father introduced me to the game when I was young and when I turned eighteen I hit the road traveling while working for a construction company. I'd play whenever and wherever I could all over the country. Been to every major casino from Foxwoods to Hard Rock and all throughout the west coast where I've called home for a while now.
It's all the same everywhere I've gone though. Live poker players are TERRIBLE. One of the best parts about it is the fact that a lot of them will openly acknowledge that what they're doing is going to lose them money in the long run and they still do it. Often gambling for hundreds of dollars with only a 30% chance of winning the hand. That means in that specific situation you're winning 7 out of 10 times.
And that's where I come in. If you put me in a position where I can be there when this happens then I can make us both a decent amount of money.
For those who don't know, the most important part of being a professional poker player who makes a living playing the game is bankroll management. You can be the best player in the world but if you don't have enough money to withstand the downswings then you will go broke. Even Vegas doesn't win 100% of the time.
This has always been what has kept me from playing the game for a living and taking it seriously. I've never had the proper bankroll or bankroll management because I didn't need it and it's led to some crazy situations.
There was one stretch of time when if I won at 1/3 with $300 at risk I'd go play 2/5 with $1000 at risk. If I'd win at 2/5 I'd play 5/10 with $2000 at risk. This of course is a recipe for eventual disaster but it did provide me with a good amount of insight into the variety of players at different stakes. Surprisingly enough I didn't really see too much of a difference between people gambling for $100 or people gambling for $5000. It's all relative and there was always still at least one player at the table making MASSIVE mistakes.
So I'm really hoping I can find some bored rich person with money laying around doing nothing. Or better yet, someone who is actually familiar with the game who might have their own stable in the Houston area.
If you're the former then the way this would work is, you would give me the money to go play in whatever game you're comfortable staking me in and whatever profits I make are divided evenly between the two of us. I'm even willing to start at a better rate for you, maybe something like 60/40.
The games can range from $300 up to whatever you can imagine. Mostly in the range of $500, $1000 and $5000. The higher the stakes, the more money we make.
This is gambling, so the profits we make will vary widely over a short period of time but as long as we continue to make correct decisions while others are making the wrong decisions then our profit margins will begin to level out at a sustainable positive win rate.
The following applies to Texas Holdem. Omaha winrates are substantially higher but the variance is overwhelmingly high.
With $300 at stake my winrate is roughly $30 an hour.
With $500 at stake my winrate is roughly $50 an hour.
With $1000 at stake my winrate is roughly $70 an hour.
That means that if you put me in a $500 game 40 hours a week I can generate $8,000 a month in profit that we can split and have a nice extra bit of change in our pockets. Luckily for us, there are plenty of games in Houston and there is plenty of action just waiting for us.
This isn't even considering poker tournaments this could lead us to where 1st place is hundreds of thousands of dollars. I know for a fact I can crush these games man, it's honestly laughable how easy it is to beat live poker. All I need is the stake so let's do this!
Edit: I guess I should clarify, I'm not looking for some quick Cashapp/PayPal transaction. I'm looking to find someone and build a relationship with them to the point where they are 100% comfortable with whatever arrangement we come up with. I really don't even care what it is. You wanna come over and hang out, have some BBQ with me and my family? Fuck it. I realize the ever looming absurdity in this sort of proposition which is why I'm willing to make sure you're comfortable and I also realize how much of a long shot this is but fuck it. Lifes short.
submitted by NoobTube176 to poker [link] [comments]

can you play texas holdem in a casino video

Basic Rules of Texas Hold 'em  Gambling Tips - YouTube Now You Can Play Texas Hold 'em At An Online Casino - YouTube How to Play: Texas Hold 'Em Bonus Progressive - YouTube First Time Playing Live Dealer Ultimate Texas Holdem

The idea behind this page is so you can learn all of the ways that cheating is possible while playing Texas holdem in an internet poker room or in a land based casino or room. If you know how people can cheat you can start watching for it. This helps you protect yourself over the long course of your poker career. There is poker in Texas! You will find over 20 live poker tables to play at. You will find the following games in Texas casinos: Limit Holdem, No Limit Holdem, 7 Card Stud, Pot Limit Omaha, Texas Hold'em, Tournaments, Tournament Freerolls, Pot Limit Hold 'Em, NL Texas Hold'em, Omaha Hi-Lo, Crazy Pineapple, Big O, 2-7 Triple Draw, PL Omaha. Review of How to play texas holdem at a casino. Remember to tip. Like all gambling, the objective is to win money. This covers all the different how to play blackjack at a casino options how to play texas holdem at a casino that you have as a player, how each h. Read more about tipping poker dealers here We kick off our Poker 101 Course teaching you how to play Texas Hold'em Poker. Depending on the casino you're in or the online casino you're playing it you may find some other optional bets at your Ultimate Texas Hold'em table. Progressive Jackpot. At some Ultimate Texas Hold'em tables you can find an optional Progressive Jackpot bet you can make. This is usually either $1 or $5. Orenes Gran Casino de Lanzarote, Lanzarote: "Can you play Texas Holdem at the casino?" | Check out answers, plus see 296 reviews, articles, and 53 photos of Orenes Gran Casino de Lanzarote, ranked No.8 on Tripadvisor among 144 attractions in Lanzarote. When you play Casino Hold’em online, you play alone. In some multi-hand versions, you can play two or three hands at the same time. When you play at a brick-and-mortar Casino, the number of Knowing how to play Texas Holdem in a casino make your gaming sessions more fun and profitable. With a few casino Texas Holdem tips and considerable practice, you can gain an advantage over your opponents. Since Texas Holdem is so popular, you’ll always be able to find online Texas Holdem for real money. Casino hold’em is the standard version of the game - the game you’ll find in casinos, both online and offline, throughout the world. It is a variety of the popular game Texas hold'em, the main state is Utah. This means you won’t find any casinos, race tracks, or sports books in this island state. Naturally, this also means no live poker rooms with Texas holdem, and definitely no online poker. Unlike some other states that turn a blind eye to the lottery, you also can’t partake in national lotteries in Hawaii. Texas Hold’em is a community card poker game with game play focused as much on the betting as on the cards being played. Although the rules and game play are the same the end goal is slightly different depending on if you’re playing a Texas Holdem cash game or a Texas Holdem tournament.

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Basic Rules of Texas Hold 'em Gambling Tips - YouTube

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can you play texas holdem in a casino

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