Queen Mary 2 Luxury Cruise Ship - Holidays with Cunard

does the queen mary 2 have a casino

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Yes, it's my truck and No, I won't help you move and No, you can't buy it for 50 bucks!

This is long, so grab a cup of coffee, tea, or whatever keeps you happy and reading.
I live in a senior housing community for people aged 55 and older. We all have identical 1-bedroom cottages that’s set up in groups of four or quads so that all of our front doors face inward toward each other. So, if I open my front door, I have a very clear view of the front doors of my 3 neighbors and because I am in the back of this quad, I also have a view of the parking area. I think the purpose of grouping the houses this way was to create a friendly and safe atmosphere; however, it’s just creepy in a “you have no privacy” kind of way.
I am F57, disabled, and have a 16-year-old pickup truck that gets me where I need to go most of the time. If you’ve ever owned a pickup truck, you’ll understand my frustration. If you haven’t owned one, talk to anyone who has and they will tell you that according to friends, family, acquaintances, neighbors, and even complete strangers, you have it so that you can help them move, haul furniture or a tree they cut down, and anything else they can’t fit in the trunk of their car. AND because it is a pickup truck, it can be mistreated, abused, dented, scratched, beaten up, and treated like a piece of heavy construction equipment and you shouldn’t care because well. . . it’s a truck.
I have a neighbor (F - about 65 years old) that has kind of made a pest of herself since the day I moved in. I’ve done my best to be neighborly, nice, and accommodating, but each time I interact with her, I’m left feeling used. The neighbor, let's call her Karen, has come over pretending to want to visit with me, which she does for about 2 minutes, and then asks me for something. In the 3 years that I’ve been here, she’s asked me to set up 2 TVs (at different times), take a new alarm clock out of its packaging and then teach her how to operate it. I’ve been asked to fill out her food stamp paperwork, fill out information for her lease renewal, read a piece of mail to her and explain it because she didn’t understand it, to take her places and to “loan” her money for the bus. That’s just a few.
Now that you get the idea of what I’ve dealt with before, it’s time for the story.
One Monday morning, Karen comes beating on my door (she does what I call a “cop knock” – loud, hard, and repeated) around 8 a.m., waking me up. (I am a night owl, by the way.) I go to the door and she is standing there holding her natural gas bill telling me how she needed a ride to the gas company's office to talk to them about paying the bill and hands me the bill. I look at it, hoping to find a phone number for her to call, but there isn't one, but I do see that her bill is for about $17. So, I take her across town with her providing the directions since I had never been to this building (the gas company did not have an office in town, so I guess this was maybe a payment center). I drop her at the front, park, and wait for her. Karen comes out saying that they can't help her there and asks me if she should just call them to make arrangements to make payments since she didn't have the money. I tell her that's what I would do and bring her back home. We basically made this trip for nothing.
Two days later, there is another loud, repeated banging on my door waking me up just before 9 a.m. Karen is back and seems to be a little frantic. She needs a ride again. This time she's very vague about why she wants to go, but left me with the impression that something was going to get turned off, repossessed, or turned over to collections if she didn't go. She's also vague as to where she wants to go. She keeps tell me that it's down by the casino, across the street from the gas station. I told her I'd take her but she would have to point me in the right direction since I've never been to the casino. She gives me turn by turn directions until she has me turn left onto the entrance road for the casino. I'm looking around for any other businesses or even the gas station and I'm not seeing anything other than the casino in front of us and open land on either side. So, I ask her where am I supposed to be dropping her. Karen points to an upcoming sign and says, "See the sign that says 'Valet'? Just follow that sign." Yep, you guessed it, Karen had me drop her at the front entrance to the casino. She'd lied to me by omission. She didn't ask me to take her to the casino (which I would probably have done since it's none of my business how she spends her money), she asked me to take her to a business near the casino. Yeah, well, I wasn't happy. On Monday she couldn't afford to pay her $17 gas bill and on Wednesday she's going to the casino by tricking me into taking her.
A week goes by and I am in the office paying my rent when Karen comes in.
Karen: Why didn’t you tell me you were coming here today. Girl, I just walked all the way here.
Me: Didn’t know you needed a ride. I can give you a ride back to the house if you would like.
I wait while Karen pays her rent and we walk out together. Now, I’m expecting to get in my truck and drive the 4 blocks back to my house. Karen had another idea.
Karen: Take me to Everything’s Cheap store.
Me: Where?
Karen: To Everything’s Cheap. Just turn here at the stop sign and I’ll show you. It’s not far.
Me: Karen, I’m going to take you there, but I’m not shopping and I’m not going to sit in the parking lot and wait for you. You’ll have to get another ride home or walk.
Karen: It’s fine. I won’t be long.
I drop her at the front door and I go home. A couple of hours later, she bangs on my door.
Karen: Where did my ride go?
Me: Home. I told you that I wasn’t going to wait for you.
Karen: I had all my stuff that I had to carry home. Now my back hurts.
Me: I’m sorry, but I warned you.
Karen walks away muttering things that I didn’t understand and slammed her door.
Skip ahead several months and I run into Karen again as I am paying my rent. She wants me to give her a ride to the Social Security office. I tell her that I can't as my truck is not running right and I can't get too far from home in it until I get it check out and fixed. My truck started having issues and it's been difficult trying to get it fixed with lock-down, a back issue that left me bedridden for several weeks, and 2 major hurricanes this year (there’s nothing major wrong with the truck - just needs a new starter and gaskets to fix an oil leak that's caused the starter to go bad).
Karen: But it's just a few blocks away and it's hot out here.
Me: I can't trust my truck not to leave me stranded with no way to get it home.
Karen: It will be fine.
Me: Maybe, but I'm not willing to risk it.
Karen slaps the side of my truck and continues on her walk and I go home in my truck.
Another 3 days go by and more banging on my door and again I am awakened (it's 7:15 a.m.). This time I'm angry and I snatched the door open.
Me: What?
Karen (standing there with her purse and house keys in her hand as if she knows I'll say yes): I need to go to the mattress store. I need to pick up my new queen size mattress.
Me: No. My truck still isn't running right.
Karen: But I need your truck to haul the mattress home.
Me: No.
Karen: It's not a heavy mattress.
Me: Oh, so who’s going to help you get it in and out of my truck and carry it into your house?
Karen: The two of us can do it.
Me: Karen, I have degenerative disk disease. The disks in my spine are disintegrating. I can't lift nor carry a mattress even with someone helping.
Karen: But I already bought it. How am I going to get it home?
Me: Call friends or family to help you.
Karen: They don't have a truck and you do!
Me: Yes, I have a truck, but there is no sign anywhere on it that says Free Moving Company.
I close the door on her and go back to bed. An hour later, more knocking. This time, it's an older man.
Man 1: Excuse me, but is that your truck? (He points at my truck in the parking lot.)
Me: Yes.
Man 1: I have an upright piano I need to move and was wondering if I could use your truck.
Me: No. (I glance over at the neighbor's house and I see her peeking through a crack in her door - I have a sneaking suspicion she has put this guy up to this to see if I would help him.)
Man 1: You can drive the truck. I just need to have the piano hauled to my storage unit.
Me: How are you going to get an upright piano into the bed of my truck?
Man 1: I'll just roll it up a ramp and into the back.
Me: Do you know how much an upright piano weighs? One person can't push it up a ramp. If you use a ramp on my tailgate, you will break the tailgate and probably lose the piano in the process. My truck is large, but the rear end is not made for hauling a piano and will cause the front end to lift off the ground preventing my front wheel drive truck from gaining traction and straining my 16-year-old engine.
Man 1: Well, could you call 4 or 5 of your male friends to help lift it into the back of the truck?
Me: No!
I close the door on this man, too. He didn’t come right out and say it, but I felt like he wanted to borrow my truck so he could go pick up the mattress for Karen. Yeah, I’m a little suspicious.
The following morning . . . *sigh* . . . I ignore the knocking that occurs every half hour or so over a 3-hour period until she finally gives up. Later that afternoon, I open my door to get the mail out of my box when a second man approaches me out of nowhere. It’s like he was hiding around the corner waiting for me to come out of my house.
Man 2 (points at my truck - it irritates me every time someone does this): Is that your truck?
Me (feeling very annoyed and snarky): What gave it away? Is it because it's parked in a space clearly labeled with my house number? Or is it because someone told you who the truck belonged to? (I point at Karen's house.)
Man 2: Does it run?
Me: Listen, I don't know what you're wanting me pick up, deliver, move, haul, transport, or tow, but I am not a moving company, taxi, uber, delivery service, or a tow truck. I won't be doing any of those things and before you ask, I won't be allowing you or anyone else to drive my truck either. Now, do you have any other questions?
Man 2: Uh, do you want to sell it?
Me: What?! Why would I want to sell it?
Man 2: Well, since it needs fixing, I thought maybe you would want to sell it to someone who could afford to fix it.
Me: How do you know it needs fixing?
Man 2 (turns bright red and can't take his eyes off ground): I just thought if you sold it, you could buy something else and I could fix the truck.
Me: Tell Karen that I'm not selling you my truck so that you can fix it to give to her.
Man 2: I wasn't going to give it to her.
Me (pointing at his huge truck parked in Karen's designated space): You want me to believe that you would rather have my 16-year-old truck that needs repair than your brand-new truck? How stupid do you think I am?
As the older man silently stares at the ground, Karen flings her door open and marches up to me.
Karen: Just sell him your truck so he can fix it. You clearly aren't going to do it any time soon. At least I will put it to good use. I need it and I need it more than you apparently do. Now, he’s willing to get it fixed for me, so just sell him the damn truck already!
Me: My truck is not for sale! When or if I get my truck fixed is absolutely none of your business.
Karen: I’m going to call the office and tell them that you have a broken-down truck sitting in the parking lot that needs to be hauled to the junk yard. They’ll make you get rid of it or fix it.
Man 2: Karen, they can’t do anything to her . . .
Karen cuts him off. She’s so angry, she’s crying, shaking, and spitting as she screams
Man 2: Karen, the police aren’t . . .
She cuts him off again.
She storms off to call the police. In the meantime, I brought a chair outside along with a can of soda and a bowl of microwave popcorn. I figured this was going to be a good show. Karen and Man 2 have gone inside her house to wait. The neighbor to my left has come out to see what’s going on. Let’s call her Mary. Mary can’t stand Karen, so she drags a chair out and sits next to me and we share my popcorn.
Enter Cop 1 and Cop 2
The cops arrive in about 5-6 minutes and walk up to Karen’s door and knock while glancing around at Mary and me and grinning. She answers and tells them that I have created an eyesore in the neighborhood by having an old beat up, broken-down truck sitting in the parking lot and she wants it removed immediately.
Cop 1 (pointing at my truck - yep, he does it, too and I can't help but roll my eyes): That truck?
Karen: Yes.
Cop 1: That truck is clean, shiny, no dents, no scratches, new tires . . . are you sure that’s the eyesore?
Karen: Yes. It’s 10 years old and broken and she doesn’t want to fix it. It’s just sitting there doing nothing for months.
Me: It’s 16 years old.
Cop 2 (spins around, surprised): Seriously? That truck is that old? Wow! It’s in great shape. You’ve taken good care of her.
Me: Thank you.
Karen: I want that truck gone!
Cop 2 walks over to me to discuss my truck’s mechanical history. So, I explain to him that in the 16 years that I have owned her, I have changed her oil every 3-4 months, given her a bath once a month, got her a new set of tires 6 years ago, and when I first began having problems with her starting, I bought a new battery (the old one was the original battery from when I bought the truck off the showroom floor), and when the battery wasn’t the problem, I had a mechanic come and look at it. He determined that it was the starter and the gasket was leaking. All I was waiting on was my friend to come and help me start her (someone needs to get under the truck and tap the starter while someone else turns over the ignition) so that I can get it to the mechanic’s house for him to work on it.
Karen: She’s lying. That truck hasn’t moved in 3 months.
Me (offering popcorn to Cop 2 who took a handful): Wrong. It hasn’t moved in 4 days. It’s had problems for 3 or 4 months.
Cop 1: Ms. Karen, there really isn’t anything the police department can do for you. Her truck definitely isn’t an eyesore nor is it sitting there in pieces creating a safety hazard.
Karen: She’s driving down property values.
Cop 1 (starts chuckling): Ms. Karen, you are renting a house in government subsidized senior housing.
Cop 2: Why don’t you tell us the real reason why you want her truck removed.
Mary (who has been silent until now - stands up and turns on her best diva soul-sister voice and attitude and gives the cops the greatest Deep-South Beautiful Black Woman sermon I’ve ever heard – I’ll try to write as best I can): Ohh, Lawd Jesus, help us all! Dis here woman of the night, want everything she can’t have, Lawd! I think it’s cuz she pulls her hair back so tight, Lawd, she can only see what’s in the back o’ her mind! Uh huh! She wants her Old Saggy Boy Toy of the Day here to buy my friend’s pick’em up truck, so she can go and pick’em up, Lawd, mm-hmm, if ya gittin' what I’m sayin’. He buy it and trade it to her for a little roll on her nasty sheets! Lawd Jesus, help us! And she think she all hot and sexy so you believe her and take away my friend’s truck. She a fool, uh huh. She think she can fool you, too, uh huh! How da hell do ya think she got those 2 big ass TVs in there? Mmm-hmm!
Cop 1 is bent over laughing hysterically while Cop 2 is standing with his mouth open and his eyes wide.
Cop 2 (turns to Man 2): Is any of that true?
Man 2 (embarrassed, humiliated, and just looking tired): She wanted the truck and 50 bucks.
Karen and Man 2 are arrested. Not sure what the exact charges were but I heard words being thrown around like pandering, solicitation, scamming, and false complaint among others. A couple of days later, Mary told me that Karen returned home. I guess she found a way to get bailed out. I haven’t seen her and I am hoping that I don’t. As for my “pick’em up truck”, I’m still waiting to get her to the mechanic. My friend will be here on his next day off (he doesn't get them often) to help me. It’s a good thing I’m a patient person with a super diva as a friend and neighbor. It's also good to know that my truck is at least worth one 20-minute roll on the sheets and 50 bucks.
EDIT: Thanks for the awards everyone! And just a little side note for those of you rolling your eyes at the fact that I offered a cop popcorn and he took it - I live in the Deep South in a small-ish college town. The cops here are helpful, friendly (until provoked), and generally good guys. When construction workers stole from me after Hurricane Laura, two cops came to investigate and afterwards I offered them both a bottle of water and they accepted.
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An entire wiki page

Peacock Patricia "Peacock" Watson Gallery | Quotes | Move List Peacock action portrait by oh8-d2qigab.jpg Murder-Go-Round Information Peacock (JP: ピーコック) was originally a human girl by the name of Patricia Watson who was turned into an Anti-skullgirl biomechanical weapon by Dr. Avian. Her arsenal consists of the Argus System, a synthetic Parasite, and her "gang", which includes the Avery Unit, Andy Anvil, Tommy Ten-Tons, George Bomb, and Lonesome Lenny.
General Information Peacock is one of the original eight playable characters in Skullgirls, standing out as having the most (unique) assist characters, and was among the first characters ever conceived by Alex Ahad. Her backstory was revealed in detail in the "Meaner. Better. Faster. Stronger" Origin Story in Skullgirls Mobile. Her homestage is Lab 8.
Peacock is capable of aging. Some of her parts may need to be re-fitted because of this.
Peacock took up smoking after her transformation. They are imaginary cigars that are created in a similar manner to her other summons.
Alex Ahad has stated that Peacock will never stop believing in imaginary friends.
Peacock's favorite television program is "Annie: Girl of the Stars". She is shown to own merchandise from the show as she is seen wearing Sagan slippers while in her sleeping attire.
Personality Nothing sates Peacock's boredom more than a good cartoon and laying waste to anyone or anything in her sight. Brash, combative, and impatient, Peacock is easily the most outspoken and infamous member of the Anti-Skullgirl Labs, as well as the most prominent. Peacock is also, for the most part, optimistic and light-hearted, and considers imminent threats more of invitations to brawl. Her tendency toward violence is a reflection of both her tragic past and near-death experience as well as the cartoons she cherishes.
Despite having a damaged psyche, Peacock does not attack people out of sheer randomness or without provocation. Although rude and impersonal to fellow ASG Lab 8 members (and most people in general) superficially, Peacock still very much considers them family, and will go to certain lengths to protect them from harm (or in the case of her and Big Band's story mode, further harm). Dr. Avian was particularly close to Peacock, and his death sent her into an outrage to search for his murderer.
None, however, are closer to Peacock than Marie Korbel, her one true friend from her past and the Skullgirl she was tasked to destroy. In the end, she disposes of Marie as she was instructed, but personally sees to it that Marie's wish to end the Medici Mafia is carried out.
Character Basis Origin Peacock's dialogue and animations reference multiple cartoon eras, but chiefly feature 40's-50's era cartoon violence and slapstick.
Name Her true name is Patricia Watson, while she herself came up with Peacock. The word "peacock" is the more commonly known name of the peafowl, but is actually the term for the male bird.
The name Patricia is derived from the Latin word "patrician" and means "noble". Watson is a patronymic surname meaning "son of Walter". It should be noted that Walter means "ruler of the army", which accurately describes her relationship with her gang.
Being once close friends, Marie continues to address her as Patricia. Her gang typically refer to her as "boss".
Design Her natural eye color used to be green before they were gouged out by slave traders. The Argus System is Peacock's only means of sight, as the ones on her face are actually empty eye-sockets. The holes left are also a visual pun: Due to her design being based on American cartoons, her eye-sockets could easily be interpreted as though they are natural eyes; drawn in the style of a 1930's cartoon character. The joke is how similar styles of drawing can offer different perceptions on how something looks. Her references are similar to the 30's such as Mickey Mouse.
Her cartoon revolver bears resemblance to the Smith & Wesson Model 29, a .44 Magnum revolver made famous by Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry.
In older design concepts, Peacock was intended to be a more "demented type" character, originally being envisioned as a scarred, sociopathic individual due to her experience as a slave. At one point, she was considered to be a boss alongside Marie. Her design was changed to be more 'cartoony' and lighthearted. These design documents also included references to her abilities being part magic with spells being carved onto her bones.
Story Patricia once lived with Marie in an orphanage, which was originally a nobleman's house, in Rommelgrad. Having to make do with what was available, both girls used to dress in maid outfits that they found within the house. At some point, they were captured by slave traders, but because Patricia was too defiant to be a slave, she was mutilated as an example to the others: Her eyes were gouged out, and she was also maimed.
Patricia before peacock.png Patricia as a patient at Lab 8 One year prior to the events of Skullgirls, Lab 8 teamed up with Lab 0 and the Last Peacock Hooded.png Patricia before becoming Peacock Hope to infiltrate the Medici warehouse said to be containing Rommelgrad's refugees. Although Valentine and the rest of her gang safely rescued the refugees, there was very little Valentine could do to repair the damage done to Patricia's body and was even willing to abandon her as a casualty of war. Big Band, however, believed that Dr. Avian would be of help and took the girl back to the Anti-Skullgirl Labs. The doctor informed him that Patricia would adapt well to her new eyes and that she would be walking in no time. Patricia became insistent on becoming an ASG soldier after the impression left on her by Lab 8's team. Despite that, Avian was wary about giving her too much power, while admitting her compatibility with the Avery Unit is strong. After some tests, Patricia's Argus System and Avery Unit were completely installed, and the combination proved to make her more powerful than the scientists had anticipated. Instead of being able to bend only space, Patricia could also bend other aspects of reality, spawning Tommy and Andy during her training. Eager to sign up for Lab 8's team, she assigned herself the name "Peacock".
She later vanished into the city with her gang, causing Lab 8's crew to worry immensely about her safety and condition after her surgery, and Stanley insisted that Big Band find her as soon as possible. Following her trail, Big Band stumbled upon an ice cream stand from which Peacock and her gang ate all of the ice cream except for Rocky Road. He considered this a clue, but later assumes that she was merely stress eating due to all the strange new occurrences happening to her all at once. He finally arrived at a movie theater, where he found the "clown car" that Peacock was said to have driven away in. As the vehicle appeared damaged, he burst into the theatre, assuming that the Medici may have returned for her. Peacock is revealed to be perfectly fine, having gone around the town because she felt she needed a break from the labs. The two begin to hit it off; although Big Band tells her she could have taken a break without causing property damage, they begin to connect through what they like most in a movie.
Ending: After defeating the Skullgirl, which turns out to be her best friend Marie, Peacock destroys the Skull Heart, though the skull heart claimed her act to be "foolish" and that this will "not be over". She and Marie have a friendly conversation before Marie disappears from the world, and Peacock vows to take revenge on the people who made both their lives miserable.
She is seen confronting the true head of the Medici family and his own secret weapon (Black Dahlia) and the two duke it out.
Abilities & Fighting Style With Peacock's physics-bending arsenal, nothing is sacred. She is a kind of character that will exploit any opportunity to its maximum and get away with it. No enemies of hers last long against her sharp eyes and sharper gun...blades. Her opponents last even shorter against her array of flower pots, baseballs, bowling balls, combustible toy cars, and countless other hazards that fill the air. Peacock never plays fairly, and isn't afraid to call in her goons to fight with her. In the rare occasions when Peacock can't topple her opponent, she can simply stall the battle until the timer runs out.
The Avery Unit has the power to “distort” which is a side effect of Peacock’s insanity. She can’t create things out of thin air, but rather modify Lab 8’s range of specialized arsenal. There are certain limits and her summons are only temporary. Her power is still growing so she may be able to summon more things in the future. This is suggested in Big Band's story mode, were he warns Peacock that she 'ain't ready' yet and has to be taught her 'limitations the hard way', but understands her potential in the future by saying 'we're gonna need those girls if we don't want to lose the last of the light'.
Trailer Skullgirls Introducing Peacock!Skullgirls Introducing Peacock! Color Palettes Peacock's Color Palettes.png Peacockcolors23-25.png "Rerun" - Default colors "Inkling" - Original colors "Untouchable" - Alucard (Hellsing) "Sketchy" - Original colors Original colors "Pea Shooter" - Lucky the Leprechaun (Lucky Charms cereal) "Dream Catcher" - Peacock's story mode intro pajamas "That's All Folks!" - Black-and-white cartoons "Freeze Frame" - Cirno (Touhou) Original colors Milk-Chan (Super Milk-Chan) Original colors Easy Default colors Hsien-Ko Original colors "Ultraviolent" - The Warden (Superjail) Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget) Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Raspberyl (Disgaea series) - Indiegogo backer color ”Mean One” - The Grinch (How the Grinch Stole Christmas!) Princess Daisy (Super Mario series) Indian peafowl - Indiegogo backer color "Wildcard" - The Joker (DC Comics) - Indiegogo backer color Nonon Jakuzure (Kill la Kill) Annie Cuphead (Cuphead) Woody (Toy Story) Trivia Peacock's Ant Wasted move (c.MK) does not kill the ant, but rather the beam from the magnifying glass teleports it back to a safe area. In addition, all ants (if Peacock summons multiple through cancelling the move repeatedly) are the same ant, summoned from alternate universes. People who donated $50 to the Skullgirls Evo 2013 Breast Cancer Donation Drive could request a personalized voice mail message from one of the game's voice actors. Peacock's voice actress was requested to sing "Yakko's World" from the cartoon show Animaniacs and two versions of this cover exist, the original with the voice unmodified and the Lab Zero edit which has the voice modified to match the filter Peacock's voice has in-game.[1] The name of Peacock's "Robo With a Shotgun" move is a reference to the 2011 film "Hobo With a Shotgun," which in turn is based on a fake trailer in the intermission of the Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez double feature film Grindhouse. In an unused alternate ending, Peacock decides to "wish for something cool" and proceeds to make numerous outrageous wishes (such as turning the world's oxygen into chocolate), which the Skull Heart is unable to fulfill. Comically frustrated, she begins questioning its legend, and the Skull Heart laments that, in the thousands of years it has been doing its work, Peacock is the worst wisher it has met.[2] Peacock originally had an aerial move where she would fire one of her eyes off her Argus arms in a similar fashion to a bow and arrow. This move was dropped for being useless.[3] Peacocks's alternate title, The Murder-go-Round (and the full phrase from her character poster, "The 'Murder-go-Round' Broke Down") is a reference to the Looney Tunes theme song, from 1937 to 1969, known officially as "The Merry-go-Round Broke Down", reflecting her vintage cartoon theme.[4] Her Shadow of Impending Doom Level 3 - Avery drop is a reference to DIO's 'Road Roller Da!' super move from the 1998 arcade game JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. References ↑ Original Post of the Song Cover & Later Post with the Lab Zero Edit ↑ Alternate Unused Story Endings in the Game Data ↑ Skullgirls E3 2011 Peacock gameplay revealed - YouTube ↑ Wikipedia article v • d • e Skullgirls Games Main Editions Skullgirls • Skullgirls Encore • Skullgirls 2nd Encore Spin-offs Skullgirls Mobile Characters Main Cast Filia (Samson) • Cerebella • Peacock (Avery) • Parasoul • Ms. Fortune • Painwheel • Valentine • Double DLC Squigly (Leviathan) • Big Band • Fukua • Eliza (Sekhmet) • Beowulf • Robo-Fortune • Annie Other Adam • Aeon • Albus • Andy Anvil • Beatrix • Black Dahlia • Brain Drain • Delilah • Dr. Avian • Dr. Geiger • Feng • George Bomb • Grendel • Hive • Horace • Hubrecht • Ileum • Irvin • Isaac • King Franz • Lawrence • Leduc • Lonesome Lenny • Lorenzo • Marie • Minette • Molly • Mother • Mrs. Victoria (D. Violet) • Ottomo • Panzerfaust • Queen Nancy • Rachel Wong • Regina • Riccardo • Roberto • Roxie • Scythana • Selene • Stanley • Taliesin • Tommy Ten-Tons • Umbrella • Venus • Vitale • Yu-Wan • Misc. Archives Terminology Skullgirl • Skull Heart • Parasite • Living Weapon • Medici Mafia • Anti-Skullgirl Labs • Black Egrets • Cirque des Cartes • Fishbone Gang • The Last Hope • The Trinity Stages Streets of New Meridian • River King Casino • Medici Tower • New Meridian Rooftops • Rooftops Assault • NMO Arena | (Empty) • Bath of Tefnut | (Sekhmet) • Maplecrest • Nightmare Crest • Grand Cathedral | (Empty) • Final Atrium • Gehenna • Under the Bridge • Meridian Area Rapid Transit • Little Innsmouth | (Night) • Lab 8 | (Empty) • Glass Canopy • Class Notes • Sound Stage 15 Misc. 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the cosmopolitan six thousand five hundred dollar bank the bonus live play tonight last night you guys wanted some mighty cash i found you a mighty cash double up look at those numbers that we're working with same format last night we do 500 tickets however some of my tickets are a thousand bucks they're just easier that way so i'll have to do some uh thinking and uh math but i get kerry here to help me out and i got all my lovely and fans so ticket starts at a thousand dollars so we're not gonna go below 500 guys so this one should be pretty easy max volume bank the bonus live play 13.50 a spin [Music] mighty cash double up let's see this haywire five or more for the bonus [Music] mr classic tv says punky power thank you mr classic tv oh yeah mr classic tv i think you won one of those blenders or um mixers but i need to get your address so send me an email or message me on facebook so i know jimmy d won the other mixer but i'm pretty sure you are the other winner so i want to get that sent out to you yes haywire we got something big oh 45 bucks good ones big one oh i couldn't drop like the maxi because it doubles up [Music] wait there we go [Music] and carrie we trust so we're gonna have him hit the button all right gary [Music] wow that's huge let's keep getting these red ones yes this is not bad red [Music] that wasn't a good spin but if your first two are pretty solid so i forgive you [Music] yolanda rory love you bry mighty cash is the best i love you too yolanda hopefully it will come to new york here soon yeah this is a decent oh yolanda which one do i pick yolanda's picking guys left right middle if yolanda's in here we'll give her a first chance to pick one two or three your left middle right yolanda i'm gonna wait for her i am i'm in plenty of time [Music] i'm a no hurry this is a nice little bonus yolanda gets to pick [Music] leland assistant too all right here it is shoot that's fine all right let's do it anything filled up down there okay extra 13.50 [Music] yes too bad we couldn't fill that up this is not a bad little hit i'll do some ticket math later on because uh i had a thousand dollar ticket but a good start yesterday we started off great and then it went south and if smaller bets work we'll do smaller bets but i am getting some revenge on that 25 cash code it's a jackpot to start the night what do you know [Music] yolanda has no reason to be sorry how's the picture quality everybody we have one person keep saying bad picture but everybody else says [Music] [Music] nothing [Music] all right let me see if i can uh [Music] all right [Music] all right is that good now how does that look perfect all right couple backup spins come on please please please [Music] backup spins galore i saw it go by too all right two thousand dollars will be the ending point [Music] all right first game get a win nice start all right so this ticket guys oh cougar girls 9.99 super justice happy new year all right i reset it i don't know what else to do so i did reset the wi-fi i mean the picture i am at mercy of the casino and romeo evan welcome to the bod rubber ducky club all right guys since um the same ticket so five hundred dollars again i've got these thousand dollar tickets i have to use them twice so the floor is going to be 1500 all right all right 17 16 a spin [Music] that's huge 300 that's good [Music] [Applause] yep i i work with what i have so [Music] maybe it'll get better but i did reset it twice after that i can't do much i apologize but i'm working with what they have but thank you to 800 people watching one more [Music] open this pot 24. [Music] 40 bucks [Music] yes scott i just re-logged into wi-fi for the third time i did reset it and i reset it again so [Applause] [Music] all right before the bonus i'll see if i can fix the wi-fi whoops 73. if you're winning with that well i find it just keep it that way give me one second guys this is my best four games [Music] which one do you guys look all right which one should i pick i've never done this thank you raja what do you guys want [Music] miss mary brian thank you for the live play i really activity oh thank you miss mary [Music] coins [Music] all right coins all coins come on yes oh we're going to do something on the left [Music] chris had patches behind me for me hey one more time i logged out i forgot the network and i logged back in [Music] guys not much i can do guys so the i'm doing the best i can but tell me it's blurry and tell me it's unwatchable and you're gonna unsubscribe above and beyond because i don't control the wi-fi you're gonna unsubscribe from my channel uh i'm not trying to be negative here but don't say crap like that that's just not cool all right guys i'm doing the best i can to give you guys some bonus live play and kyle sell data does not work at all in vegas anyways we got a bonus 776 dollars all right there's some backup spans the floor we'll get 2800 2750 2800 we'll see how it goes and we'll do the top up if we hit it [Music] all right so 27.50 is gonna be the floor so the first thousand in we're gonna have at least 27.50 so that's a great start tonight the pot is a little over 6500 but that's what the tickets i had available was they're gonna make that work but thank you all for tuning in thank you for you know the watching the earlier live play and we got a super chat herbert d brian you're doing fine ignore the complaint all right one more spin and we're gonna cash out so far it's a good little start [Music] all right let's move what do you guys want to see next is my lucky players card [Music] so [Music] those are not multi-dino [Music] yep how you doing yeah i hope so i reset it again it's still really bad i i re-logged in crushing it you hit reconnect i hit reconnect yeah it's still brilliant now all right we're back live all right thank you all right guys garager just help me out it's great usually for a little bit and then it kind of sputters out all right guys how about some konami konami time [Music] [Music] it can go to a hotel you go to hotel next all right and play konami games radiant witch 15 to spin so the floor on this game is gonna be 500. because it's a thousand dollar ticket let's do it guys but thank you all for tuning in hey brian i got a super chat for you one dollar lucky super chat from jose all right usually the usually for a super chat has to be at least 1.99 or higher to say anything doesn't want it we'll try one this is going in the community pot there we go so now you're in action you have a point one tenth of a percentage all right taxi 10 000. yeah we need to go to the other one all right we're gonna try the hotel one all right we're gonna try one more wi-fi guys i apologize all right all right last try guys after this we're just gonna wing it but waffs 73 in bod we trust thank you wasps genomes just keep crushing it all right guys if i missed a super chat then i did do my best doing my best all right here we go it's an iphone 12 pro mac so it should the phone's not the issue here oh i think it was one away from that symbol nice you love silver lucky 25 super super chat flip phone it's a motorola gopro i have no idea come on three or more bonus symbols may trigger the money galaxy feature oh you're not like that okay [Music] we switched the wi-fi network so hopefully guys hopefully this helps it's holding up so we'll take it at this point jose ah i tried [Music] guys it has nothing to do with the camera on the phone it's the wifi [Music] chris pat you're doing great brian of data oh that's my new name brian of data 9150 so i heard you made a killing in the stock market today had a good day you guys haven't checked out raja makes money the mods have been actually posting the link so thank you mod for doing that come on kanami give me some heck yeah [Music] gosh you guys i might have to cancel live play early tonight if i have to keep modding for myself [Music] come on it's due [Music] uh now i get that radiant witch symbol when i don't need it yep once again [Music] well i would go play it and that's that's it that's the 500 mark so [Music] all right let's keep moving on guys [Music] now um somebody specifically told me i should go play high stakes [Music] you know what maybe he'll do some video poker since carrie's here tonight how would you guys want to see some ultimate at the video poker i think that could be fun 1250 spin max that volume out yay or nay on video poker oops stephen hall he requested this game tonight so he got it apple alert for guys tonight 5 30 ah so close 5 30 pacific time you know what i did really good on last night was uh one more that uh i hit those two nice jackpots on uh also environment really i haven't if we went at one more and open up the taco that is like another four i never have like an ultimate fire like played it again last night but the last couple ever since i started playing that another one ultra hot megalink i didn't go to those now they've done these whole shows okay i never liked it because i never got the bonus but now we've got all these great bonuses they're gonna take 5 30 guys the big jackpot will be live on the main facebook page with youtube live play to follow at six o'clock pacific time [Music] yes we got a bonus see what happens when i push the button all right big one here we go carrie go ahead and hit the button carrie terry first lucky raja high rollers i had to mix it up it didn't work for me yesterday all right raja your turn your turn nah all right jose hit the button [Music] okay there we go that's 125 for jose tracy says i feel bbb coming for b.o.d well we believe in b.o.d everybody hit the thumbs up jose you're on the roll ready another 125. you're fired i'm fired i'll come in and save the day all right come on all right you're in all right here we go there you go that's all you guys are worth 25. oh this is 50 cents it's 12 minutes all right carrie you're back in it come on 62.50 jose tagging you back in you're hired again come on that's this is a brd spin oh okay there it is all right same as the raja come on nature just drop it oh really i carry you're back in [Music] all right jose we'll worry about the price of the grand if we come to that all right it comes down to body [Applause] that's something 362. [Music] it is but yours is a lot tighter mine's maybe the spring's gone or something [Applause] [Music] all right backup spins we'll play it down to what 500. how does that sound that sounds great thank you one more sorry he's live right now [Music] ma'am it's 45 dollars i'm sorry that's my gunnery jose my agent told me that all right big congratulations to the quick father he's not going to be with us tonight and right when we got done playing about one o'clock last night went to the room get a good night's sleep at three o'clock he sent me a message he had to get an uber for a five-hour drive back to california he missed his baby being born that's why we picked this date early in the month because baby was due on the 18th so we're like okay two weeks plenty of time you know get home and yeah out of nowhere last night all right guys what do you think we should play next all right autumn moon let's do it ah guys i do not really charge 45 dollars a photo you guys can believe whatever you want this one's due i'm into this game for at least a thousand bucks i get this one two oh the better match yeah no no but this one yesterday all right here we go twenty dollars to spend fifty four hundred dollar major hundred and three thousand dollar grand this is slower than like that first [Music] so the floor is 500 on this game unless we decide to play a second round on it so thousand dollar ticket in the floor come on what whoa no oh i thought you had it oh wow how did you screw that up very easily oh i thought i had it thousands left what happened to that 20 orb what happened to that 20 dollar orb tracy if jose twerks upside down like naomi there will be mega booms wow you've been requesting the twerk upside down [Music] diane mccall says whatever rajo says about you after i fell for the malaria hoax [Laughter] so diane mccall says she doesn't believe anything you say about me after she fell for the malaria hoax when you told everybody i had malaria b.o.d uh brandon true b.o.d ah what what grand did you hit the other day when the raja was live it's probably the same as me having malaria whatever that's worth [Music] it's no minor finally [Music] the good news is i don't have malaria currently but the question is are you going to fall asleep 2 000. i knew this game was due ah yeah come on keeping it alive [Music] now i pumped well over a thousand bucks in this game last night [Music] plus in the group paul we didn't do too well either [Music] [Applause] thousand right [Music] oh here it comes 103 000 live let me at least see it i did not see it i got my glasses on and i don't see it again the drama it's left-handed does it work nope i need to mix it up is that what you do in the bedroom people got jokes today come on [Music] hopefully we keep playing well i can pay off my markers it'll be nice [Music] that's something is that tick-tock tick-tock well i only have one phone unlike some people wow you guys both have one phone wait we got so many girls and tracy d if you don't mind sending me a photos later on of all the jackpots thank you all right so the floor is gonna be three thousand bucks one more moon there's still good line hit john johnson boom boom boom in bod's room that's right [Music] yeah this machine was definitely due after i mean carrie watched me struggle on this game last night i mean struggle one more i knew this game had to do a comeback hi there how you doing today good how are you i'm doing well you can't do recording what did this gentleman tell you i'm spitting fake news again i'm gonna have to call security on you that wouldn't be the first time yeah they called him last time when he had those prostitutes you grabbed his hands on his feet caesar's palace was not a good day remember caesar's palace and that lady i was tracy says i'm waiting jose you got this bee all right cash it out so this yeah so yeah this was a new this was a fresh ticket jimmy beauty on ajita keep it up i got your hoodie in my room during his live play i'll get it for you all right cash cove 25 a spin so the floor is just under 2 500. purple and gold saw it's nice wind keep it up i'm going to purple gold and i got jimmy d there you go all right all right so the floor is like 2 400 and change what doesn't want my ticket i did this yesterday too gaming machine unable to redeem at this time that was weird and it took it cash go 25 to spend cash cove just under 2 400 sorry just under 2 500. come on make up make up for you so 24 in change [Music] 100 dollars get it oh but thank you to all the mods help out thank you to kerry all aboard or luxury line tiffany j beauty great live stream can you play some cats all right we'll do cats after this [Music] no thank you nope i'm doing well not drinking anything so i'm gonna hold off as long as we keep winning i will not have a sip of water the entire livestream i am very superstitious [Music] what did he get nice jose is on ajita as tracy d would say this ticket will be put in the bank after this machine is over that's a great observation [Music] [Music] doesn't want me to quit this game i guess no okay there you go all right couple more spins not gonna go below 2400 come on come on all right final spin on this game cash an hour all right all right so that i think it's done all right we're gonna put another thousand dollar ticket in so once again the floor is gonna be um 500 bucks i didn't have to didn't have time to break down the tickets cats here it is somebody wanted cats to send a super chat and i haven't done cats in a while so [Music] 15 to spin [Music] yes that's it i thought it looked it looked a lot better in my mind sometimes the lower bets work better that's a pay line on 15. oh fine don't have to convince me it looks like if i'm a game manufacturer i'm making 15 lines that's not one of mine [Music] yeah of all the games being different heights different angles it's not always the easiest sometimes to uh that's it fifteen all right 30 that's fine 30 bucks on cats ah 200 nice [Music] come on bank the bonus that's good huh 400. nice [Music] that's right johnny milwaukee loves all the games that have cats in it kitty glitter miss kitty [Music] bonus [Music] [Music] what do you think should i play 45 a spin on catch or keep it here at 30. 500 is the floor we're going for that bonus oh yeah 250. i'll tell you what we'll do actually choose the max you can only play 30 bucks so by default oh bonus nope no nope gina anyway can you play black widow uh maybe you'll do some black widow i'll tell you what since we're doing well in the game we'll i don't want to lose any money on this game so we'll set the floor in a thousand bucks so we guarantee we don't lose any money playing cats [Music] i hate to do well in the machine and go broke trying to hit the bonus so [Music] come on okay 200 just for that [Music] and if we break the two 2000 mark maybe he'll set a floor above that come on full screen say meow i likey [Music] so if the raja ever tells you something about me 95 of the time it's not true he said you were an awesome individual b.o.d yep see told you now he knows better than joke about my dogs so oh yeah that's like the one thing he knows so if he says something about my dogs that may be true but besides that i never had malaria [Music] what's not a pay line but this jagged thing is that's bs hey ben hello [Music] don't get called on me kitty cats [Music] all right um is black widow on here all right this game's getting cold i'm going to use this extra 186 dollars for black widow so the forum black widow's still going to be 500. i so whatever that's worth executive vod decision [Music] forty dollars to spend on black widow [Music] the floor is at 500 on the game he's taking some of that extra money [Music] all right a black widow floor is five hundred dollars oh there's yep i that's a lot of people say i look like the purple guy in black widow they're the pink guy does that look like b.o.d what do you guys think i think it is they modeled it after me maybe that's right the raja this is his favorite game because he gets to see me all the time [Music] wow cheryl clark blackwidow be nice to b.o.d thank you we don't think we had a single playback of anything on black widow yet [Music] not a single does black widow hate b.o.d looks like ben affleck oh there we go on the last spin it pays 160 says don't quit on me [Music] ah mark wahlberg all right final spin and we're putting this ticket in the bank for cats and black widow so cats and black widow is done now i did play some um dancing drums earlier today and i got killed 2 000 down on dancing drums so based on that it's dancing drums revenge [Music] time [Music] yeah i saw my afternoon live play we did play some dancing drums so what do i got left 500 500 500 000 so 6500 in tickets i have 2500 left let's just make it easy to put a 500 ticket here so once again guys i had to get some thousand dollar tickets i couldn't get the 500 so that's why we used some tickets twice 1760 a bet and we're going for three if we get it we're going for three the last three games we haven't done anything so we're due for another bonus here jimbo come on drums let's see a bonus i agree timbo so the mini's at 178 miners 626 that seems awfully high you son of a yeah majors at 9 000 yeah we're going for three because that's what i said all right here we go all right big money there we go that's it [Music] yes oh one more dragon that helped 120 yeah 360. [Music] all right 660 dollar bonus [Music] all right we're gonna play some more uh like 750 floor on this game we need some backup spins let's get another bonus [Music] you know screw it we'll do the mystery if we get it again that sounds fine with me mystery if we get another bonus i just hit five drums [Music] all right final spin unless we hit something um [Music] all right whoops says uh [Music] top dollar let's do it [Music] a lot of people like the double top dollar [Music] yeah 210 dollars to spend sorry 10 dollars a credit 20 [Music] we've been doing better on the lower d knobs right now so [Music] she says always double she's an expert so yeah 10's on there i'm putting a thousand dollar ticket in so the floor will be 500. [Music] so it's 20 dollars yes we did some higher spins earlier going backwards still good slide play [Music] carla howard says good luck tonight hashtag bonus time hope you're staying warm up there [Music] carla [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is my card working all right let's see this top dollar logo [Music] so close there we go [Music] almost 2 000 people watching thank you guys for tuning in tonight make the bonus live play from the cosmopolitan las vegas hit that subscribe button keep notifications on because sometimes i do surprise live play like this morning last spin [Music] and i did some like hundred dollar huffing puff this morning all right let's move on to some pinball [Music] two credit pinball we'll do 20 to spin on this too yes we'll do the video poker [Music] let's set pinball yeah uh these old school pinballs you can't see them anymore you don't find them much all the casinos that have them do not get rid of them looks like the new pinball they have it's a little different format 20 to spin so with a three credit pinball you get five shots with two credit pinball you get four [Music] that was 250 okay give this some more ammo to hit this pinball come on come on [Music] ah so close we have 1500 left after this the big jackpot will be live at 5 30 pacific time so [Music] and maybe i'll do some surprise late night live play tonight you never know that's why you have to subscribe and click those notifications on if i do like it yeah yeah it's something i was waiting for like yeah eight grand i'm like my like time just kind of stopped okay for me i'm like is it gonna happen [Music] it is what time what time is it carrie right now i think about five o'clock or so so it's 4 45 yes there we go uh i think i'm gonna keep the ten dollar genome it's working i hate to blow through everything on the twenty five dollar d numb we ain't broke i rather win a little bit of money on a smaller bet than lose more money on a larger bet [Music] yeah maybe some we'll see late no promises i did a surprise live play this afternoon [Music] and it's not a surprise if i tell you happy new year b.o.d and good luck well thank you sonny happy new year to you come on pinball get a couple decent line hips golden nugget that's a casino we're at the cosmopolitan is there a game called golden nugget oh yeah [Music] what was your biggest hit um nice on 15 bets yeah can't beat that [Music] i know where a wild wild nugget is but um some guy last night kept saying wild wild nugget the whole time and it really gave me bad juju and we lost so no wild wild nugget tonight i'm not a fan of that game anyways but we got a come on bonus 80. okay 250 it's a good start come on 80 80 no 500 bucks come on 80 80. [Music] [Applause] all right we're at 8 40. like 7 60 something like that get it five back upstairs legit whoops taught me so my final spin okay cash now [Music] 1500 left [Music] carrie and i gonna play some video poker for five thirty dollars to spin ultimate x video poker scary carry and body now beauty is gonna make the best choices oh thank you for that i'll do the best i can i got carrie here so we'll [Music] oh i didn't sorry i was um live when you texted me oh you're fine [Music] thank you thank you do you want a cosmopolitan no no no hold nothing or yeah all right oh so i was playing this earlier i got dealt four to the royal correct carry yeah i got dealt four to the royal i had a four-time multiplier up top or something and of course i did not hit it we'll be back to slots after this open ender all right seven queens [Music] maybe i should have held the aces michael alphonse in the house check out live stream casino shenanigans on facebook featuring michael halphon nothing all right the no holds barred anything goes facebook gambling drinking debauchery group sanders lodge shared the length thank you okay in order here we go oh come on give us something here come on [Music] all right here we go four to the flush let's hit this yeah look at the next all right come on four of a kind wherever oh come on oh come on top here okay guys all right come on could be eight thousand dollars it could be all right here we go a little dramatic pause come on twenty thousand dollars here it comes [Music] oh man yep yeah i got del four to the royal with the multiplier i had a couple good deals today [Music] here we go [Music] all right here we go come on four of a kind four of a kind king queen [Music] hey quads there we go oh cheers that's why i got somebody else here [Music] maybe if i do a late night it'd be all video poker live stream it's a possibility if anybody wants to do a video poker with me tonight maybe i'm going for it oh you just look at it [Music] okay so it's open ender too yeah so you need a two or seven eclipse [Music] there we go [Applause] 2500 [Music] all right [Music] nice all right so we're at 28 10. i'll probably play down 2 500 or so yeah um come on here it comes guys let's play for a miracle carry i'm good right yeah ah tyler smith the b.o.d for president carrie lee for vp i like it okay let's do it again come on four of a kind [Music] [Music] [Music] yes sir oh come on four aces come on [Music] [Music] okay that's right it's lacey from the slot ladies the one and only will she go live tonight i don't know if you guys want to send her money on only fans i think she may go live again tonight but hopefully is that how you send people money oh yeah so if you check out lacey's instagram and tracyd or whoever has it share it in the chat and on instagram they have your cash app in there so if somebody wants to send lacey 100 bucks or she gets up to 500 tonight i think she may go live again [Music] oh somebody sent you 100 you just need 400 more all right that sounds fair and whoever sends the most money can pick the game [Music] it'd probably be after the big jackpot tonight probably directly after before the group poll [Music] it actually was good she told me my left arm was sore because my right arm was tight [Music] yeah i had the hundred minute in the end well worth it eight times there we go anything i have a mask on my braces oh there we go can we get the flush can we get a flush ah yeah that's a good way to end it positive money and tracy d thank you mod tracy just shared lacey's instagram so just to confirm her cash app is linked in the buy over instagram right yeah all right so if she gets 500 tonight 400 more she will be going live [Music] am i down only 500 left yeah i guess i'm only at 500 left tonight wow i thought it had more oh yeah we had the thousand between those two machines right so what do we want to do for the last so let me think about schmidt i put 500 in there 500 here okay we all know what's going to happen last guys 25 spins huff and puff [Music] that's right guys huff and puff to end the night and wild wild nugget is being played i was going to end it tonight in a wild wild nugget but some gentleman is playing it so i can't do that yep 25 spins we're doing well we're gonna do 25 spins we did it yesterday for a thousand bucks we couldn't hit so maybe it's due that that logic worked on the uh what game did the logic were gone oh autumn moon we lost yesterday all right here we go 25 spins huff and puff let's do it um yeah maybe some late night live play i'll talk to some people and figure out a game plan there's no promises [Music] well i got some money to throw in the pot it could be video poker who knows two more yeah yeah there we go by the way we're gonna end it we got backup spins all right i'm excited yesterday was terrible today is much much better one more oops man i didn't mean to do that [Music] oh come on don't be like that it is going to be like that we got backup spin so there's one point we just want a coin [Music] ouch and the actual three games only played seven dollars and fifty cents it was bad [Music] 500 bucks will be the floor [Music] thank you that was not a good bonus nope nope nope [Music] come on the volume is maxed out that is not the issue what are you gonna do one more spin to end the night on bank the bonus live play i don't i would like to play it through but i don't know if that's fair because everybody has to agree on it so based on that um i'm okay thank you though so but guys thank you so much on behalf of b.o.d scary carrie and lacey we will see you soon remember check her out on instagram camera's on you just let you know oh hi taking my these are not i can't walk in them so i'm switching all right so check her out on instagram if she gets 500 today she's going live and you pick the game if you're the highest donor and also check her out on only fans so all right guys thanks to glot and i will see you guys later on maybe late night tonight bye
submitted by discoskyline to discoskyline [link] [comments]

EXTENSIVE write up on Missing and Murdered Indigenous women- Is there a serial killer on the Yakama Reservation?

Missing and Murdered Indigenous women
If you have spent any time reading about true crime, you probably know that American Indian/ Native American women go missing from the United States and Canada at alarming rates. On some reservations, women experience violence and are victims of homicide at 10x the rate of women in other communities. It is a complex issue with prejudice and jurisdictional issues playing major roles. If you want to know more about the root of these issues, I suggest Missing and Murdered” podcast by Indigenous Canadian journalist Connie Walker, who explains the issues much better than I ever could; that podcast is linked below. Today, I want to highlight the stories of some of these women, specifically those missing from the Yakama community.
Washington state is home to the fifth largest Indian reservation in the United States, the Yakama reservation, which is home to the Klickitat, Palus, Wallawalla, Wenatchi, Whishram, Wanapum, and Yakama people. According to the US Census Bureau, only the Osage, Puyallup (also in Washington state), Navajo, and Choctaw reservations are more populous. The Yakama reservation is located in South Central Washington state, just south of the city of Yakima. Of the 31,000 people who live on the reservation, 11,000 are enrolled tribal members. Most people who live on the reservation claim Hispanic/Latino, white, or mixed-race ancestry, but Hispanic is by far the most common ethnic group. There are also small Filipino, Japanese, and Korean communities nearby. The Yakama reservation is located just south of the town of Yakima, Washington, a large farming community of 100,000 people. Apples, cherries, peaches, pears, and hops are all grown in the dry surrounding region. Harvest time brings thousands of migrant workers to the area, so the population is always in flux.
Outside of Yakima is the town of Union Gap (Pop. 8000), which is partially on the reservation, and partially off it. There are two other proper towns on reservation, Toppenish (pop. 8000) and Wapato (pop. 5000). Other small communities such as Satus, Harrah, White Swan, and Granger all boast several hundred residents each. All in all, the Yakama nation consists of 2,200 square miles of sprawling, rural land stretching from south central Washington nearly to the Oregon border. But from this unassuming patch of high desert and grassland, more than 30 Native women have gone missing/were murdered. If we add Native men to the equation, the number jumps to nearly 50 unsolved disappearances, deaths, and murders. If we add the deaths and disappearances of non-native people missing from the reservation, the number grows yet again. Although the land is vast, the tribal population is small. From my estimates over .5% of native people on the reservation are missing or murdered. Like many tribal communities, unemployment and poverty is common, appropriate housing is scare, and according to the tribal council "disregard for the rule of law and general civil unrest" as well as gun violence and substance abuse is common. In 2019 a youth curfew was instated after a particularly bad shooting.
According to the Washington State Patrol, the Yakama nation has the highest percentage of missing people of any Native community in the state, even though they are not the most populous. The FBI created a task force in 2009 to investigate the possibility of serial killer among the Yakama, but the investigation determined that a serial killer was unlikely, but not impossible. This was because the causes of death were so different from victim to victim. The investigation did close two cases on the reservation after DNA on both women linked them to a man serving life in an Oregon prison, but the man is not believed to be responsible for any other crimes in the inquiry. Whether a serial killer is loose on tribal land or not, this issue is complex and long standing and demonstrates how much substance abuse, domestic violence, and random crime affect the Native communities in this county at 10x the rate of other communities. Some progress has been made such as state bill 2951 which allows Washington state authorities to track cases and help investigate and search for missing individuals on tribal land. Because tribal lands are usually under federal jurisdiction, state authorities are not able to help, despite being more familiar with the area than the FBI. This is only one small step in the right direction and although awareness is growing, the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous people will not simply go away. The mystery of vanishing people still stands.
Many people have heard of this epidemic, but few know the names of the victims; today it is time to change that. Below are the profiles of 35 women who are missing, murdered, or who have suffered mysterious deaths. For some of the women very little information is available. The list below is not necessarily complete. If you know of other unsolved cases let me know in the comments below.
Quick guide:
Yakima- large town near, but not on, the reservation
Yakama- the tribe and people group
NOTE: all cases organized most to least recent and are broken down into missing, murdered, and mysterious categories
Tiana Cloud went missing from Yakima on April 7th, 2018. She was 17 years old at the time. She may be in local area, and she may have been located. She is a Native female, 5'4 ft, 162 lbs., brown eyes and brown hair. She has large dimples. Tiana was last seen Yakima WA. Very little information is available. Yakima police are investigating.
Freda Knowsgun or Knowshisgun has been missing since October 18th, 2016. Freda was from Montana and was registered with the Crow Agency. In the months before her disappearance her family reported that she was acting strangely and began drifting around the Northwest and spending time in southern Washington state. Freda was still close to her aunt and talked to her children sometimes, but was distancing herself from the rest of her family. Freda was last known to be at a customer service desk at a Walmart in Kennewick, Washington. Freda used her cell phone to call a friend to ask for money. She wanted to travel back home to Montana to spend Halloween with her children. Freda’s friend sent her the money but the money was never picked up. When she called Freda 15 minutes later, Freda’s cell phone was disconnected and no one has heard from her since. She did not return to Montana for Halloween or for her aunt’s funeral in November and she was reported missing. Freda’s family believes that she was abusing drugs at the time of her disappearance and they believe that Freda’s new friends in the drug scene may be involved with her disappearance. Law enforcement has reported that Freda’s new friends have not cooperated with the investigation into her disappearance. Freda may have been seen in Billings, Montana in December 2016 and she may be traveling with a black male named Mike. Freda is reported to be a 34-year-old Native American female with dark brown hair that is waist length which she wears in a ponytail or high bun. She has brown eyes, a scar on her right elbow, weights 160 lbs. and stands 5’5” in height. She has the following tattoos: the names "Lyrical", "Trinity" and "Mason" on her back between her shoulder blades, the cartoon character Mickey Mouse with a basketball on her right calf, and a flower on her right shoulder. She may use the last name "KnowsHisGun" and many accounts refer to her by that name. Her case is being investigated by Crow Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Rosalita Faye Longee disappeared from her grandmother’s home in Wapato, Washington on June 30th, 2015 at 10 pm. Rosalita who went by Rose was 18 years old at the time. She is an enrolled member of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes in Montana but had lived with her grandmother on the Yakama reservation since age 2. Rose visited her grandmother on the night of June 30th asking to stay with her but her grandmother refused as Rose was high on drugs at the time, and she had a rule that Rose could only live there when she wasn’t using. Rose may have been with friends at the time. Rose had struggled with addiction for years and had been in and out of rehab centers since age 16. This was the last time Rose was ever seen alive. Rosalita is described as a Native American female, 5’6”- 5’8” in height and about 130-140 lbs. She has black hair, brown eyes, pierced ears and lip, and scars on both wrists and both her chest. At the time of her disappearance she enjoyed taking photos and posting them on her Facebook page. Yakama Nation tribal police are investigating.
Roberta Jean Raines, 19 was last seen in Toppenish on July 10th, 2001. Roberta was with a man named Jose Merced Zamora at that time. In 2002, this man killed a teenage boy and fled the county going to Mexico. Roberta was apparently with him at the time. It was around this time that Roberta’s family realized they had not seen her in a while and they reported her missing. Jose was arrested in 2007 in Idaho and taken it custody for the murder of the boy. Jose Merced Zamora told the authorities that the last time he saw Roberta she was in Mexico and that they parted ways. Authorities do not believe this story. Roberta is described as Native American female, 5’2”-5’3” in height and 120 lbs. She has very arched eyebrows. Toppenish Police are investigating.
Karen Louise Johnley, sometimes referred to as Karen Johnley-Wallahee, was reported missing November 7th or 8th, 1987 by her cousin. She was last seen by a friend at the Lazy R Tavern in Harrah on the Yakama reservation. Karen’s cousin describes Karen as a 29-year-old female, five feet tall and 100 lbs. She was last seen wearing pink barrettes in her hair, a pink tee shirt, a Levi’s brand denim jacket, and white tennis shoes. She had long black hair and brown eyes. Her cousin expressed worried about the person Karen was last seen with. No pictures are available of Karen and she does not even have a Charley Project page. Tribal police are investigating. She remains a missing person.
Daisy Mae Tallman or Daisy Mae Heath age 29, was reported missing on October 29th, 1987. When her family was questioned it came to light that no one had seen Daisy since the end of August, 1987. Daisy’s sister remembers her as very independent, often leaving the reservation to visit friends and family on a different reservation in Warm Springs, Oregon, or leaving the area to go fishing. Daisy was a high school basketball player and was the youngest of 6 sisters who were all raised by their maternal grandparents. At the time of her disappearance, Daisy was staying with relatives in either Toppenish or White Swan. A year after she disappeared a set of keys and a backpack believed to be Tallman’s/Heath’s were found in a closed area of a reservation called Soda Springs. 7 years after her disappearance she was declared legally dead. One source mentions that one of Daisy’s sisters was murdered before her disappearance but I could find no corroborating source. Daisy is described as a Native American female aged 29 with black hair that extended down her back and brown eyes. She was 5’5’ and weighted 185 lbs. She also has given birth in the past. No pictures are available of Daisy and she does not even have a Charley Project page. The FBI is investigating. She remains a missing person.
Janice Marie Hannigan a sophomore at White Swan high school was the oldest of 7 children. In 1971 Janice’s parents had recently separated and Janice was living with her father in Harrah, Washington but visited her mother and younger siblings often. Janice was nominated to be Queen of the Veteran’s day parade in November 1971 and the newspaper even ran an article about her and the other nominated girls. According to her interview in the paper, Janice enjoyed beadwork, cooking, and watching football. A few weeks later on December 21st Janice was admitted to the hospital for the treatment of contusions on her head and torso. On December 24th she was released from the hospital in stable condition. The cause of Janice’s injuries, as well as the location she was treated at is unknown. Janice never made it home from the hospital; this was the last time anyone ever saw Janice alive.
Strangely, this was not the first time Janice had been reported missing. Janice may have been reported missing in February or March of 1971, although she was determined to be visiting relatives in Idaho with her father at that time. Because of this some agencies report that Janice went missing March 1st 1971 but that is not accurate.
Some agencies report that Janice is a possible runaway as she was upset about her parent’s separation, although Janice had never runaway before. One Law Enforcement office reports that Janice’s father is a person of interest in her case, but Janice’s sister Traci Clark denies this notion and says it is “not possible.” Traci was only 8 years old the last time she saw Janice, but she still looks for her big sister any chance she gets.
Angela Marie Heath of Toppenish, aged 41 died on April 5th, 2019. Her death is an unsolved hit and run. Very little information is available. Washington state patrol is investigating. She may (key word may) be related to Daisy Tallman-Health located above.
Rosenda Strong a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation in Oregon, was last seen on October 2nd, 2018 climbing into an acquaintance’s car, reportedly an older Nissan, heading to Legends Casino in Toppenish. Legends is an alcohol-free resort and Casino on the reservation popular with locals and tourists alike. Rosenda never returned from the Casino and sadly her body was found in a discarded refrigerator nine months after she was last seen in July 2019. Her death was ruled a homicide but no other details have been released. Rosenda’s sister said that at first tribal police did not take the disappearance seriously as Rosenda had past problems with drugs and they believed she would come home soon. Rosenda’s sister, Cissy Reyes nee Strong, believes that the murderers are the fellow tribespeople Rosenda was last with and complains that she still sees them “walking the reservation free” and refusing to talk. Cissy remembers her sister for her big, loud laugh and she hopes that someday Rosenda will get justice. The FBI is investigating.
Jedidah Moreno was last seen alive in September, 2018 by her family in the city of Yakima, which is not on tribal land. The 30-year-old was reported missing in late November 2018. Her body was found in early December and she had been dead at least a few days. She had died from a gunshot wound in a rural part of the reservation that was closed to non-tribal members. One report (a blog) claims that Jedidah was a member of the Yakama nation but no other sources state this, so take this information with a grain of salt. Her case remains unsolved. City of Yakima police and the FBI are investigating. Little information is available.
Linda Dave 39 of White Swan, was last seen alive in late 2016 or early 2017. On February 15th 2017, a woman was found dead under a bridge in Toppenish. It was determined that the woman died from a gunshot wound to the stomach and had been dead approximately six weeks. The woman was identified via DNA as Linda Dave. Linda was a mother and grandmother who enjoyed spending time with family, cooking, and dancing. She is the niece of Janice Hannigan, the first woman detailed in this piece. One local funeral home called Heggie’s has a website where people can share condolences to the family or stories about the deceased. In a cruel twist of fate one of the messages on Linda’s page is from murder victim Rosenda Strong. The FBI is investigating Dave’s case.
Minnie Andy was a 31-year-old Yakama woman who enjoyed fishing and swimming. Minnie was found beaten and close to death near 70 Egan Road in Wapato, Washington on July 9th, 2017. She had been badly assaulted earlier that morning and she tragically succumbed to her injuries at Astria Regional Medical Center in Yakima several hours later. Her cause of death was blunt force trauma. Christopher Lagmay was indicted for her murder shortly thereafter but he would be released from jail in 2019 without prejudice, meaning if new evidence arises, he could be re-tried. Her murder is still unsolved.
Destiny Lloyd, aged 23 disappeared on Christmas day 2017 from her home in Wapato. Her body was found in Harrah, Washington four days later. Initially, it looked like Destiny had died after slipping and falling on the concrete, causing a head wound but a full autopsy would reveal that her death was a homicide and that she died from blunt force trauma. Destiny worked at Legends Casino as a childcare worker. Her co workers remember her fondly and hope her case will be solved. The FBI is investigating.
Naoma George mother of six from Wapato, Washington was found dead in 2013 from trauma to her abdomen. Her death was ruled a homicide. Naoma was a traditional Yakama who did bead work and gathered traditional plants to keep the Yakama culture alive. Naoma was laid to rest in a traditional ceremony at the Longhouse surrounded by friends and family. Her case is unsolved and little information is available. Yakama Nation tribal police and the FBI are investigating.
Barbara Celestine aged 44 was a tribal member who lived in Wapato, Washington. She was found dead of blunt force trauma outside a housing project in town in 2013. Her death was ruled a homicide. The Yakama Nation police and the FBI are investigating the murder. Very little information is available.
Skeletal remains found in late 2008 in a remote part of the Yakama Reservation are believed to be those of a murder victim. The Doe was unknown until the FBI Seattle office mentioned the remains in early May 2009, when announcing the results of the FBI's approximately two-year-long analysis of reservation deaths which was spurred on by a March 2006 meeting with then-United States Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Until that point the fact that a doe was found was not public knowledge. The bones were found in a remote area near the backpack of missing person Daisy Mae Heath (Tallman). In early May 2009, Special Agents were awaiting mitochondrial DNA test results on those remains, which they said then might be those of Daisy Mae Tallman/Heath. The tests were inconclusive and there was insufficient evidence to conclude that the bones belonged to Daisy. The FBI has not released further information on the remains. This Jane Doe is on no public databases (NAMUS, Doe Project) as far as I can tell. The FBI is investigating.
The triple homicide of Charmaine Sanchey, 47, Toni Marie Green, 43, and Steve Alvarado, 52 is still unsolved. Their beaten and stabbed bodies were found in a small trailer outside Toppenish on Jan. 16, 2003 by their landlord who came over to collect their rent check. He found the women dead in the bedroom and Steve dead in the main living area. The trailer was on the reservation but it is unclear which victims (if any) were tribal members. Authorities say that they have few leads and few suspects. Later, Charmaine Sanchey’s brother, Arthur Joseph Sanchey, was the primary suspect, but was acquitted of charges in July 2004. The brutal triple homicide is still a mystery.
Sandra Lee Smiscon did not die on the reservation but I believe her case deserves a spot in this piece. In the year 2003, Sandra was a 45-year-old mother of 3 children who split her time between Wapato and Seattle. After high school, Sandra got a job in a nursing home and mothered three children. After her personal relationships fell apart Sandra became lost and her children were placed in the custody of their fathers and other family members. She often traveled to Seattle and did odd jobs but was basically drifting around. According to her brother Walter, Sandra was a “party animal” who loved having a good time but sometimes let the drinking get the better of her. Despite her flaws he remembers his sister as a somewhat shy individual with a huge, bright smile who taught her younger daughter the art of traditional dance. Sandra traveled home regularly for family events and holidays but never stayed for long.
One day Sandra and her companions were sleeping near 4th and Yesler streets in Seattle when a man, angered by nearby fireworks shot into the homeless camp aimlessly, injuring a few people and killing Sandra. Her 2003 murder is still unsolved. Sandra’s name is part of the Fallen Leaves memorial, a place of remembrance for deceased homeless individuals as a way to give them dignity and a place to be remembered. Her case is still unsolved. The suspect is described as young man in his 20-30s with a dark complexion but of unknown race. Seattle police department is investigating.
Shari Dee Sampson Elwell age 30, had not been seen for weeks when her battered and sexually mutilated body was found in a remote area by hunters near White Swan. Her body was found during February 1992 in the middle of a blizzard. She had been beaten, mutilated, and strangled. Little has been done to solve her case and very little information is available.
Skeletal unidentified Native woman believed to be in her late 20s or early 30s were found on Feb. 16, 1988, near Parker Dam in Union Gap. Her cause of death has not been determined but her case has been ruled a homicide. She had been dead from 2-10 months. She is described as a Native female, 25-40 years old with dark brown hair that had been bleached light brown in the front. She was wearing lavender colored pants, a long sleeve shirt with a Mexican label, and brown bowling shoes, one with a black sole and one with a white sole. She was slight and short 4’11” to 5’1”. She is not Daisy Tallman/Heath or Karen Johnley. Despite her heritage she is NOT believed to be Yakama; she may be from Mexico and perhaps a migrant worker as her clothing had Mexican labels.
JoAnne Betty (Wyman) John the 44-year-old mother of eleven children, was reported missing on August 1st, 1988. A partial skeleton was a discovered in February 1991 which was determined to be John’s. Her cause of death was ruled “homicidal violence.” Little information is available in her case. The FBI are investigating.
Rozelia Lou (Tulee) Sohappy, 31, of Brownstown was last seen alive New Year’s Eve of 1988. Her partially clothed body was found March 13, 1989, in a remote ravine along the south slope of Ahtanum Ridge north of Brownstown. She was identified through dental records, and an autopsy concluded she had been strangled. Very little information is available.
Jenece Marie Wilson was 20 years old in August 1987. The young woman who lived in Toppenish, when to a party one night and then left the next morning to hitch hike to her boyfriend’s place in Sunnyside, Washington but she never made it. On August 9th a farmer found the body of a woman in his orchard which was so severely beaten it was hard to establish her identity. Dental records confirmed that the body belonged to Jenece and she had died from a blow to the head. In 2009, twenty-two years later DNA evidence was run through the system and there was a hit. The DNA matched an Oregon convict, Samuel Posada. Samuel had attended the same high school as Jenece but the two did not appear to know each other. He was arrested and charged with murder and rape. Strangely, Posada waived his right to jury trial but was acquitted of all charges by the judge in his 2011 trial. Jenece’s case has been cold ever since.
Babette Crystall Greene was 26 years old and lived in the town of Toppenish but was last seen in Yakima, Washington in October 1986. A member of the Warm Springs tribe in Oregon, her skeletal remains were found during the summer of 1987 off North Track Road near Wapato, Washington. Her cause of death is listed as “homicidal violence.” Very little information is available.
Clydell Alice Sampson age 25 of Klickitat had not been seen alive since sometime in 1984 when her skeleton was found by hunters near Hambre Butte, south of Granger, Washington in December, 1986. Her death was ruled a homicide and she died from a gunshot wound. Very little information is available; there are no pictures available of Clydell.
Mavis Josephine McKay was a member of the Confederated tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation in Oregon. She was 33 years old when she was found murdered in an irrigation ditch on August 13th, 1957 in Satus, a very isolated area of the reservation. Because her case is so old, very little information is available.
Mysterious deaths
Echo Kay Littlewolf was 31 years old when she was last seen alive. Echo is described as a tomboy who loved camping, animals, and being outside. Echo was homeless at the time of her disappearance and lived in a tent on the reservation but contacted relatives often, at least twice a week. She would pop into her parents’ or grandparents’ house to shower and do odd jobs for money for friends and relatives but always returned to her nomadic lifestyle. On August 15th, 2017 Littlewolf’s grandmother had not heard from her in a week and contacted Echo’s mother, Jeanette Osborne, who drove to her daughter’s campsite. As soon as she smelled decomposition, she called tribal authorities who found the body of Echo Kay Littlewolf. Her body was badly degraded due to the hot weather. Her death was ruled “natural causes” and Echo was cremated. Jeanette believes little investigation was done because Echo had used drugs in the past. According to Jeanette, her daughter’s body looked like she had been standing and then fell over after being hit with an object, nevertheless an autopsy was never ordered by authorities. Echo’s family now wishes she was buried and an autopsy could have been performed. Her suspicious death has never been solved.
Angela Babette Billy, 41, of Pendleton, Oregon was an enrolled member of the Yakama Nation. She also is known as Angela Shippentower and Babette Shippentower. According to the one article I could find Angela who went by “Babette” was a victim of domestic violence. Right before she went missing Babette confided to family members that her boyfriend was abusing her. Right after that her boyfriend left her to be with a woman he had been seeing on the side. Babette’s body was found in late May 2013 in the Umatilla River near Mission, Oregon. She had been missing for over a week. She was found by two people on horseback while they were conducting a private search for her. The area was accessible only by foot, horse or four-wheelers, from one side of the river. The area in which she was found was behind the home of her boyfriend’s new romantic interest. This woman, who remains unknown to the public, also had a reputation for drugs and violent behavior. Billy’s cause of death was drowning and while her death has not been ruled a homicide it is considered “suspicious” and not simply an accident. According to family members police did not take her disappearance very seriously at first- a mistake that may have cost Babette her life.
Alice Ida Looney, 38 of Toppenish was reported missing after she was last seen in Wapato in the early morning hours around Aug. 16 or 17, 2004. A hunter found her body Nov. 30, 2005, wedged under a tree on a small island in Satus Creek, about 12 miles southeast of Toppenish. Looney had family on the Cowlitz and Puyallup reservations. The FBI lists the cause of her death as inconclusive. High school and college athlete Rosy Fish, a distance relative of Looney’s, ran four races at a state track tournament (and won 3). Each race was dedicated to a missing or murdered female native relative of Fish’s, which shows the breadth of this issue. Fish’s actions have spurred other native athletes to do similar tributes. Looney’s death is still unsolved. Looney’s family also says they were never interviewed by law enforcement.
Teresa R. Stahi age 25. July 27th 1987 marks the day Teresa Stahi’s body was found drowned in a canal. Her clothed body was pulled from a fish screen in a diversion canal off Toppenish Creek south of Granger. An autopsy concluded she drowned and had been in the water less than 12 hours. The Yakima County Sheriff’s Office said it ruled out foul play. However, an FBI memo listed Stahi’s case as a “mysterious death matter.” Law enforcement now says her death is “inconclusive.” Very little information is available.
Sara Dee Winnier age 24 had recently moved back to the reservation after living in California. She was found at 3:30 a.m. July 22, 1985, sitting upright in the driver’s seat of a burning car off McDonald Road about half a mile from U.S. Highway 97. Her body was badly burned and the coroner used dental records to identify her. Winnier lived in a remote part of the reservation and worked at the Save More Grocery in Wapato. Her death is suspicious and unsolved. Little information is available.
Celestine Spencer, 21 sometimes called Celestine Yallup, of Wapato had been missing two weeks when her body was found at the bottom of a gully in a field off McCullough Road along the north slope of Ahtanum Ridge. She was found Nov. 11, 1982, at the bottom of a hill near a field. Her death while somewhat suspicious was determined to be hypothermia was deemed a probable accident. Celestine’s aunt was awarded custody of her son, Roland, who had some disabilities and various medical problems. Tragically, less than two years later Roland (age 3) disappeared in a child abduction in Wapato and has not been seen since. His Charley Project page is here- http://charleyproject.org/case/roland-jack-spencer-iii.
Lesora Yvette Eli was only 19 years old when a farmer found her fully clothed body along Parton Road near Toppenish on Feb. 2, 1982. She was face down in a drainage ditch. While the County Coroner’s Office listed the death as accidental drowning, FBI investigators claim it is a possible homicide. Her death has never been solved and very little information is available.
Sheila Pearl Lewis, a 33-year-old social worker who worked at DSHS in Yakima was found dead in August of 1980 near Parker Dam in Union Gap. An autopsy showed that she died of massive internal injuries most likely from being hit by a large car or truck. Even though her death is most likely a hit and run, it is classified as suspicious rather than a homicide. Sheila lived on the reservation. Very little information is available in her case.
What happened to these people? Is there a serial killer on the loose? Or simply an epidemic of violence towards women? Hopefully, these cases can one day be solved.
I have been thinking of writing up the stories of missing men and boys on the reservation, if you would be interested in a write up on that let me know in the comments below.
If you are interested in this issue as a whole, I suggest this podcast by Canadian journalist Connie Walker who explains and dives deeply into the issues discussed in the piece. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/findingcleo/missing-murdered-who-killed-alberta-williams-1.4556030#:~:text=Sparked%20by%20a%20chilling%20tip,in%20British%20Columbia%20in%201989.
If you are interested in the cases of other missing Native Americans, my write ups on the Teekah Lewis and Bryce Herda cases can be found here on my reddit profile. https://www.reddit.com/useQuirky-Motor
Special thanks to these sources:
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1. X-MEN #6
2. THOR #3
3. X-FORCE #7



1/29 - X-MEN #5


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Disney, please release the 3-hour 8 min initial The Rise of Skywalker cut as an Extended Edition! [SPOILERS]

I'm new at Reddit and looking back this post became way longer than expected, so hopefully worth the read, my apologies if not. But for sure, there is no doubt a longer version of the movie, and I for one truly believe it would make a major difference in how TROS is perceived, as I’m getting really tired of these, still continuous, media references on how ‘bad’ this movie was. I happen to be one of the many, but less vocal, people that really loved The Rise of Skywalker. Yes, now that it has been analyzed and discussed to death, that ancient Sith knife and how it outlined the death star took some liberties, but it certainly didn’t ruin it for me. The Millenium Falcon light skips were unexpected compared to previous known capabilities, but certainly nothing compared to R2-D2 suddenly flying in the prequels. Palpatine and the thousands of star destroyers definitely could have been explained better, but if I had a real concern it would probably be the pacing, and the lack of downtime between the main characters, which is why I feel an extended version would really enhance the experience and make me and a lot of people even happier. Yes, I realize it was a big thing a couple of months ago with the “secret JJ cut”, but this humble opinion post is more of an equal attempt to argue for why an extended edition would make perfect sense, and equally why the so called general opinion of this epic movie is misplaced, and why it deserves another chance to show its merits. Although I have little doubt that it will become a classic on its own in due time, I firmly believe a longer version would appease some of its more vocal critics, reduce some of its perceived problems, and display its full potential.
Let me start by first saying that I don't believe for a second that there are secret versions, that George Lucas has made his own version, or that there was political, behind the scenes, conspiracies against JJ Abrams by Disney. I know that most of you do not believe that either, but I just wanted to emphasize that this is not that kind of a nutcase viewpoint. What I am 100% sure of though is that an initial 3 hours and 8-minute cut exists. How do I know? Well, the chief editor, MaryAnn Branson, said so in an interview, and she should know. She also said that the movie was never going to be that long, so it could be that this cut is filled with stuff that doesn't make sense or has lots of place holders, but I really don't think so. They obviously filmed so much that a first rough cut, just to get an everything-of-interest-in-there version of the film to start editing, would have been much longer than that. No, this is something they worked on, that made narrative sense, and was a solid initial take but too long, and my feeling is that they felt it was too long from a commercial perspective, as opposed to an artistic. This cut may, for lack of a better word, be 'duff' in that it is too slow in some areas or too repetitive or have other problems and it is most probably also missing many VFX shots. But it would seem to me that in between the 142 min we got, and the 188 min they started from, there is, with some goodwill from Disney, a great extended edition waiting to be released. We also know that John Williams originally produced 135 minutes of score, which indicates a considerably longer movie than 142 minutes compared to previous movies. According to co-writer Chris Terrio it was initially such an extensive scope that it was proposed to split the film in two parts. Admittedly, this discussion probably occurred at a story telling phase before actual filming commenced, but it nonetheless indicates a substantially more ambitious approach based on the written material.
JJ Abrams has said in interviews that he does not want to do it, as once he is finished with a film he is done. I can understand that. He has edited and created a film into an artistic experience with a certain pacing and feel, and it must be exhausting to go back and open that door again. Ending a trilogy is hard in itself but ending a triple trilogy must be close to directorial suicide, and although I would argue the critique is partly a media phenomenon, it clearly didn’t generate the uniformly positive response he was hoping for, or used to from The Force Awakens. Interviews with JJ have also indicated that he was aware of the challenge and that it would take a miracle to unify the fandom after The Last Jedi. The Lord of the Rings trilogy, for example, had some very solid books that were universally acclaimed to rest on. The Marvel Cinematic Universe had even more movies to conclude than Star Wars, but in this case Endgame was not only an ensemble movie, with many of the characters already having had their own stories examined and developed separately, it was also split into two parts with each of the parts over three hours long. In this perspective it is less surprising that many felt The Rise of Skywalker felt a bit rushed, which, together with some plot devices being underdeveloped, seems to be the most common concerns with TROS. There is probably little debate that, if TROS had another year of development, some of the pure story telling devices might have looked different and would have had time for another review.
But more surprising, compared to for example Endgame and Return of the King, is that it was relatively short. A movie of this magnitude, wrapping up something this epic, generational and emotional, is like two movies in one. It must have a story line that allows it to stand on its own, but also allow for some time to say goodbye to the characters and wrap up their individual stories. This was done very well in both Endgame and ROTK, and although TROS displayed fine craftsmanship it could certainly have spent a bit more time here and there. Going from adventure to adventure keeps the audience busy, but the ending becomes more abrupt if you feel there was little to no personal time with the characters. Scenes like Rey building her lightsaber, or Kylo Ren meeting the oracle, does perhaps little for the story itself and certainly pulls down the pacing while making the movie longer (and a lot of viewers most likely don't care or can't stand too long movies), but this is where an extended edition comes in. With an extended edition many of these concerns will fade and feel less significant. Agreed, many times extended editions are pointless and really does not add anything. However, those times it does, such as in Lord of the Rings, which Extended Edition movies were 4 hours long, it truly added nuance and was very gratifying to fans, not to mention sold another truck load of DVDs. An extended edition would generate money for Disney, would renew interest in the canon, and dare I say it would show the fandom that Disney do care.
Let's face it, in contrast to common disdain in certain parts of the fandom, Disney has been a tremendously positive incubator for Star Wars in general. The Force Awakens gave it a renaissance that makes it hard to even remember what it was before, unless we only look at the 40+ year old’s that remember the original trilogy from their childhood, trying to convince their kids that the old movies are much more watchable and fun than Ironman and Captain America. A hard sell I would say. Today's youngsters want to be Rey and Kylo Ren, but Obi-Wan or Count Dooku not so much. Solo was perfectly fine and Rouge One gorgeous, an instant classic. And it is not only the movies. Mandalorian is obviously wonderful, which was almost a no-brainer given Jon Favreau’s Midas' touch, and visiting Galaxy's Edge is a fantastic, surreal experience, and it sure was great to get another season of Clone Wars.
Nonetheless, TROS did have less than stellar reviews, especially compared to the others. Again, personally I loved it, but it comes back to how expectations have been stratospheric on such an epic wrap-up. I'm arguing that TROS suffered more in the general opinion than anything else by being too short, and that an extended edition could help eradicate some of the issues people had. Everybody knew it would always be a challenge to end this, so no matter what, some people would be disappointed. I get it, some things didn't turn out the way expected, or some things were a bit cheesy. I feel the same way. For example, I've always felt that when scenes or monsters occur in muddy darkness, like most of the end battle and the interactions with Palpatine, it is because VFX was either rushed or on a budget or both, and there certainly were an element of that, and I think that is fair. From all interviews I've read, with Brandon, Abrams, the firing of Trevorrow, there is no doubt it was rushed, they had little to no pre-vis and they even did editing on the set in the end. Yes, concerns we have, but guess what, with the possible exception of A New Hope, I've had these concerns and wished some of it was done differently in every each one of these movies. It is of course not rational, as very few things in life are perfect, but more of an expression of how much some of us care about these movies and want them exactly the way we want them. A religion indeed.
I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent here, so bear with me, but there is also the elephant in the room, with the dilemma of the trilogy’s middle movie having a slightly rebellious director. Rian Johnson decide to somewhat take the story line astray, and in effect 'back-loaded' the third act with multiple story items to clean up. This is not to say the movie was poorly done or bad in any way, and I know many, especially film critics, thought it introduced interesting twists and was cinematographically beautiful. I think we can all agree on that. However, and this is where it becomes divisive, I would argue that that some of these ‘twists’ were not well thought out in terms of its consequences, and did not follow the original intent and therefore introduced massive damage control for the third act. It is not retroactive continuity if you have an overall story arc, even though not fully fleshed out, and the middle part suddenly gives mixed signals that seems to indicate a sharp turn in direction, which the third act then has to spend time clarifying. We've all heard how this sequel trilogy, just like the original, was intended to be written and formed by each part's director. However, there are also numerous interviews with Kennedy, Abrams, etc that explains that there were story points and milestones that had to be met. Quoted from Kennedy interview: “Colin was at a huge disadvantage not having been a part of Force Awakens and in part of those early conversations because we had a general sense of where the story was going,” Kennedy further said, “Like any development process, it was only in the development that we’re looking at a first draft and realizing that it was perhaps heading in a direction that many of us didn’t feel was really quite where we wanted it to go.” There were similar thoughts expressed after TLJ, which is likely why Disney didn't want the same happening to the final movie which had to wrap it all together. If Kylo Ren for example always was meant to have a redemption arc, it is not hard to understand why Disney felt hesitation continuing with Treverrow, similar to the way Rian Johnson likely did in his movie with some elements (that Disney/LucasFilm for some inconceivable reason let slide). We all know the debate, but I have to go there again with two of the most astonishing examples, not to argue a preference per se (although I have one) but more to show the challenge JJ faced after TLJ.
First, it is true that Luke were a already on the isolated island at the end of The Force Awakens, but that didn't mean he felt the whole Jedi had to end or that he would refuse to come to his sister's aid. And it certainly didn't mean that Luke Skywalker had turned into a person that would even consider killing his sister's child, who was put in his trust, and in his sleep. To me personally, these are unforgivable character assassinations of my childhood hero, and I think JJ felt the same. Listening to the TFA commentary track, when Rey and Luke looks at each other and she reaches him his old lightsaber, Abrams tells us how he loves the expressions on these two actors, and I quote "Luke looks at her and knows what it means, to accept this plea, and to come back to help". How Disney could allow Johnson to instead then let Luke turn his back on her in this moment, rejecting the plea for help in favor of a hermit life, and making the lightsaber handover a slap-stick comedy moment by having him nonchalantly throw it away, is beyond me. No wonder Mark Hamill continued to have strong reservations about this movie in all the interviews he made. He knew his character, and that is not how his character would have behaved.
Second, from a pure logical and story telling aspect it was another cheap trick to circumvent audience expectations by making Rey's parents nobodies. What is the point in that? Johnson have explained it with an interest in exploring what would be the worst that could happen to Rey, comparing it to Luke's father being a dark lord, and in an effort to misguidedly democratizing the force, coming to the conclusion that it would be if her parents were nobodies. Rian, let me explain this for you; Rey is sad that she was left behind and is seeking a belonging, while at the same time desperately wanting to know why. I don't think she for a second cared if her parents were the King and Queen of Naboo or nobodies. Just like George Lucas said himself, these stories rhyme, and I think it was beautiful that she experienced a similar thing as Luke in that her lineage was the worst possible in terms of evil. This is obviously something that is much worse than being a nobody, and it is ridiculous to think that someone like Rey would be disappointed in her parents for not being special or prominent. But regardless, let's just marinate on the term "The Skywalker Saga" and what that indicates. Did Johnson really think that anyone deep down would think it was satisfactory that the original trilogy was about Luke Skywalker, the prequels about Anakin Skywalker and then the sequels about a nobody scavenger girl that gets to enjoy the company, completely unrelated to the bigger picture, of the Skywalkers? It didn't occur for one moment that she would either be or somehow end up a Skywalker, and that this would make more sense? This story was admittedly about Kylo Ren/Ben as well, but it was much more so about Rey. The craftsmanship is wonderful, but this is a director who is obsessed by deflecting expectations, and that desperately wanted to introduce his own take and a clever twist. I'm sorry, but that is just egregious, self-pompous, and utter disrespect for the task given. It is actually easier to come up with plot vehicles that throws everybody off than it is to explain an expected story line in an engaging way. Not everything has to be a detective story. Well, this all became a bit of a rant, but my point is, TROS not only had a story to wrap up, it also had things to clear up that were left confusing from TLJ. Not necessarily retconning, but clear ups, as nothing in TROS really goes against what occurred in TLJ. I really love most of TLJ, and especially now that I can watch it knowing that some of the more questionable choices have been cleared up, but it also fair to say that I like it despite Johnson’s choices, and not because of them. (The casino excursion is still a fast-forward, again sorry, but I like to see one movie at a time. Rose was absolutely great, and I look forward to see Kelly Marie Tran in another movie where she is properly cast, and not shoe-horned in by a director just trying to create his own mark.)
You can't please everybody, but with TROS being the end of the saga, many die-hard fans expressed their feelings and it would seem a fair amount of them in wrath. As I myself loved it, it was initially interesting to read these reactions, and what it was that upset them that I had missed. Yes, this is admittedly not Shakespeare nor Ingmar Bergman, or as Harrison Ford himself said "It aint that kind of movie", but beyond all the usual trolls, and the unfortunate swath of people that somehow are attracted to trolls and their negative spew, there were arguably logical, reasonable, and well informed fans as well that were critical. It was as if many almost seemed to go through the classical stages of grief. They were in denial (where is the real JJ cut?), angry (this is all Kathleen Kennedy's fault), bargaining (Disney will erase the sequels from canon), depression (just going to pretend there were only six movies) and acceptance. Acceptance will take longer for these fans, similar to the way it did with the prequels. I believe an extended edition could not only help appease this part of the fandom, but a longer version now that the story is already known could actually allow them to enjoy it with their guard down, and ease the acceptance that their beloved story indeed has come to an end.
So were people in general really more disappointed with TRoS than, for example, ROTJ, which capped off the original trilogy back in its days? I took the liberty of looking into this. Starting with Rotten Tomatoes and the infamous 51% score. It is to begin with worth noting is that this score reflects the number of critics who were positive vs negative, and is not a rating per se. 240 critics gave a negative review and 250 gave it a positive. What is perhaps more telling is that ROTJ had an average rating among these of 7.23 out of 10 vs 6.27 for TROS among the top critics. Obvious advantage for ROTJ, but the 51% score for TROS is undoubtedly misleading. Looking at the audience exit score ROTJ have a very impressive 94%, but ROTJ is no slouch either with 86%. In fact, it is the same audience score as for The Force Awakens, and twice that of The Last Jedi at 43%. Looking at the actual audience rating, ROTJ comes in at 4.42 vs TROS 4.31, or close to a tie. To balance Rotten Tomatoes I also took a look at IMDB, where ROTJ have a very solid 8.3 and TROS a much more moderate 6.7. I would argue though that the scores for both TLJ and TROS were unproportionally affected by trolls, as 5% of TROS voters gave it a score of 1 out of 10, which basically makes all of these voters outliers on the bell curve. TLJ fared even worse, with 6.9% of voters giving it a 1. Looking instead at the median, i.e. the actual rating most people gave, it was a solid 8 for ROTJ and a 7 for TROS. Only 1% rated ROTJ at a 1. Based purely on comparing these two movies, it is probably also fair to expect the numbers for ROTJ being slightly affected by nostalgia, as obviously IMDB didn't exist at the time. This naturally apply to all pre-IMDB movies, but nonetheless worth noting when comparing sibling movies like this. In summary ROTJ earned a higher score than TROS, but TROS was held in high esteem with high ratings from its audience, and half of its critical reviewers. It fared less well at IMDB, but even its somewhat lower score doesn't reflect the more vocal complainers.
So why did it pull in less money than expected? This one is tougher, as money undoubtedly talks. It certainly wasn’t because of lack of interest. Referencing Wikipedia: "Pre-sale tickets went on sale on October 21, 2019 and the film sold more tickets in their first hour of availability on Atom Tickets than the previous record-holder for ticket sales, Avengers: Endgame. It became Atom Tickets' second-best first-day seller of all-time behind Endgame, selling more than twice the number of tickets as The Last Jedi sold in that same timeframe, while Fandango reported it outsold all previous Star Wars films." So what happened? Again from Wikipedia: "It went on to debut to $177.4 million, which was the third-highest opening ever for a December release and the 12th-best all-time, and it was also noted that Saturday (which saw a 47% drop from Friday's gross) was the busiest shopping day of the year, likely affecting ticket sales." However, wikipedia also notes that: "Deadline Hollywood did write that "we can't ignore" the less than stellar audience exit scores, which could affect the film's legs moving forward." Somewhere here that negativity herd started, and regardless of its motivation, bad word of mouth started to take its toll. For various reasons I had to see it a couple of days after the premiere and people were cheering and applauding in a packed theatre. However, I talked to a friend of mine directly after who asked, "How was it, was it as bad as they say?", which really is telling that something was going on. He went on to see it shortly after and absolutely loved it. I can't count how many reviews or forum comments I've read that said something along the lines that they initially really liked it at the theatre, but the more they read about it they realized it was bad. Besides saying a thing or two about people's strength in their own opinions in this day and age of social media, it is interesting how it almost can become a sport to bring down creative work that has involved thousands of people's hard work, and for what?
I'm going to bring up one professional reviewer as an example, because this critic, Scott Mendelson at Forbes, didn't just review TROS, he went on a personal, almost daily, crusade explaining how much this movie sucks and on so many levels. One has to question the motivation behind this, but a recurring theme was how TROS was blatantly retconning TLJ, something Mendelson apparently could not accept nor watch quietly. Or it could just be that negative articles generates better click bait, and that he gets paid based on viewers. His actual motivation doesn't matter, but googling TROS in the weeks after the premiere was sure to bring up at least one or two of his highly critical articles. He was admittedly not alone, but it is scary how general opinion is formed by what it written on the internet, and especially by well-known publications and their factory contributors that has to produce two or more articles a month with high readership. In comparison you seldom see a positive reviewer exposing this kind of behavior, which skews the perception a regular person's experience trying to figure out which movie would be fun to spend money on. I'm not sure why TROS received this kind of predatorial behavior, because even if we hypothetically assumed the movie was bad, clearly it wasn't so bad that it warranted a hunt. I'm sure analytics experts at Disney have been looking at this for months, but it would appear to me that once social media, with top search hits consisting of these pseudo blog journalists and youtubers, sniff out a possible issue with a highly prominent and exploitable event, such as a major film launch, there is endless click bait fodder to be gained. What is amazing is that this drum beat can even topple the marketing machine from a player like Disney. If people say a movie like TROS is garbage they are clearly not being rational, but for some reason almost politically obsessed to interpret things in black or white. (Come to think of it, perhaps this behavior actually do make perfect sense in our current political environment.) We know that Star Wars is a religion, but it never ceases to surprise to what extent. Toxic behaviors like this shows that the threat comes from within, and that we as fans are our own worst enemies. Of course, at the end of the day people love to categorize their impressions in black or white, good or bad, love or hate and I guess it is somehow easier to live life like that. But should at least more main stream media publications show some restraint in their endless click-baiting? I often enjoy bringing up Star Wars with people and I have yet to meet anyone that didn’t enjoy this movie. I have met a few though that haven’t watched it yet but heard it was bad.
I recently happened to re-watch The Dark Knight Rises, also a trilogy wrap-up, and some of you are undoubtedly thinking, sacrilegious, how can you even compare these! And the point is you can’t, they are very different movies with different restraints. The Nolan trilogy is truly epic and an astounding and dramatic take on the caped crusader, but it was also very dark and serious. Star Wars is much more adventure, it is supposed to be fun, and it is supposed to have stakes, but at the same time being watchable for a younger audience. One really has to keep this in mind. They both evoke strong emotions, but Star Wars has a bit of safety net built-in that Nolan never had to consider. Nolan further didn’t have to consider neither continuity nor an original creator like Lucas. This also brings the leaked script of Duel of the Fates to mind. It is certainly a very interesting script and I would have loved to watch and experience it. But, I can also see why this would have been another Rian Johnson version that neither fully respect nor rhymes with the previous ones. There were scenes and portions in DOTF I kind of wished Abrams would have kept, but it is also understandable that the story had to feel right and fit into his vision. I guess what I’m trying to say is that is not a question of whether TROS could have been a better movie or not. We know it could, as everything could, but by the same token it could also been a lot worse. It has many wonderful parts, and for most of us it was an amazing movie, that pulled in over a billion at the box office. Disney may not need to, but by releasing an extended edition this movie almost gets a second chance, and perhaps give even the most hard-liner critics a chance to re-evaluate their stance.
Perhaps an Extended Edition or Director’s Cut was, and has been, the plan from Disney all along? Something to fill the gap until the next movie or to spice up Disney+? It is certainly odd that we haven't seen any director's commentary, and not a single deleted scene yet. Could it be that these deleted scenes are being saved for a reason? Fingers crossed.
submitted by Nicinus to StarWars [link] [comments]

The 10 most common mistakes my students make in French

If you are a French learner with an A2-B2 level, this post will be very useful to you. I’ve been working as a French tutor for 5 years and I’ve compiled a list of the 10 most common speaking mistakes I hear my students make. These are SO common that I truly believe that if a learner stops making all 10 of them, their French would already improve by like 50%. If you have any questions or if you don't understand some of the mistakes, feel free to comment and I will gladly give a more detailed explanation.
** Also, please note: Almost every single grammar rule in French has exceptions. But the rules listed below work 95%+ of the time.
#1: When saying “to the” or “at the”, you cannot say “à le”. The preposition “À” + the masculine article “le” merge and become “au”.
CORRECT: Je veux aller au cinéma
WRONG: Je veux aller à le cinéma.
ALSO WRONG: Je veux aller au le cinéma. (I hear “au le” a lot but that literally means “to the the”)
Same thing for “de” + “le” and “de” + “les”. “De” + “le” merge and become “du”, and “de” + “les” become “des”.
CORRECT: Le nom du chanteur du groupe Queen est Freddie Mercury. / La majorité des pays d'Amérique du Sud parlent espagnol.
WRONG: Le nom de le chanteur de le groupe Queen est Freddie Mercury. / La majorité de les pays d'Amérique du Sud parlent espagnol.
#2: To say “A lot of…” you have to say “Beaucoup de” or “Beaucoup d’” (if the next word starts with a vowel). “Beaucoup” can NEVER be followed by des or du or de la.
CORRECT: Il y a beaucoup de personnes au supermarché / Marc a beaucoup d’amis / J’ai mangé beaucoup de chocolat.
WRONG: Il y a beaucoup des personnes au supermarché / Marc a beaucoup des amis / J’ai mangé beaucoup du chocolat.
#3: Sometimes, people don’t know where to place the negation “ne” in the sentence. But it’s actually very simple. “Ne” comes right after the subject or the subject pronoun.
CORRECT: Je ne suis pas fatigué / Je n’ai pas étudié pour mon examen / Les enfants ne veulent pas aller à l’école.
WRONG: Je suis ne pas fatigué / J’ai ne pas étudié pour mon examen / Les enfants veulent ne pas aller à l’école.
Another important thing to remember is that when the sentence has another negation word like “rien” or “jamais” or “personne”, these words will replace the “pas”.
CORRECT: Je ne suis jamais allé en France / Il n’y a rien à manger / Personne n’aime faire des devoirs.
WRONG: Je ne suis pas jamais allé en France / Il n’y a pas rien à manger / Personne n’aime pas faire des devoirs.
#4: This one is extremely common. Learners often use the conjugated form of the verb when it should be the infinitive or they use the infinitive form when it should be the conjugated form.
When to use the infinitive?: When the verb is used with what I call a “connector verb” (vouloir, aimer, aller, pouvoir, devoir…) or right after prepositions like “à”, “de”, and “pour”.
CORRECT: Je veux manger une pomme / J’aime prendre l’avion / Est-ce que je peux te demander quelque chose? / Tu dois faire tes devoirs. / J’ai décidé de déménager au Canada. / Pour apprendre une langue, il faut étudier souvent.
WRONG: Je veux mange une pomme / J’aime prend l’avion / Est-ce que je peux te demande quelque chose? / Tu dois fais tes devoirs. / J’ai décidé de déménage au Canada. / Pour apprend une langue, il faut étudie souvent.
Now, when to use the conjugated form of a verb?: When it comes after a subject or a subject pronoun, or after “qui”.
CORRECT: Ça prend beaucoup de temps / Mes parents ont une grande maison / C’est un film qui parle de l’Égypte / Je te vois.
WRONG: Ça prendre beaucoup de temps / Mes parents avoir une grande maison / C’est un film qui parler de l’Égypte / Je te voir
You can understand why it’s wrong by comparing it to English. You wouldn’t say “It to take a lot of time”. You would say “It takes a lot of time”.
#5: In French, the verb "connaître" and "savoir" both mean "to know", but they are used differently.
“Connaître” means “to know” with the idea to be personally familiar with, to have experienced it yourself. It is used with books, movies, cities, people...
CORRECT: Je ne connais pas le film Titanic / Connais-tu mon amie Vanessa? / Mon groupe favori est Twenty One Pilots, tu les connais?
WRONG: Je ne sais pas le film Titanic / Sais-tu mon amie Vanessa? / Mon groupe favori est Twenty One Pilots, tu les sais?
"Savoir" has to do with acquired knowledge. It is followed by interrogative expressions (où, pourquoi, qui, avec qui, quand, etc…), or by verbs.
CORRECT: Sais-tu où il habite? / Je ne sais pas à quelle heure le bus arrive / Je sais parler français.
WRONG: Connais-tu où il habite? / Je ne connais pas à quelle heure le bus arrive / Je connais parler français.
#6: This mistake is fairly easy to fix. Pronouns “je”, “te”, “me”, “le”, “la”, and "se" have to be attached to words that start with a vowel or with an “h”.
CORRECT: J’habite à Montréal / J'apprends le français / Je ne t’entends pas / Il m’a demandé si j’étais célibataire / Je l’ai vu au restaurant. / Il s'est réveillé tôt.
WRONG: Je habite à Montréal / Je apprends le français / Je ne te entends pas / Il me a demandé si je étais célibataire / Je le ai vu au restaurant. / Il se est réveillé tôt.
#7: Most French verbs in the past tense (passé composé) use the auxiliary verb “avoir”. But some use the auxiliary verb “être”. Here are the most important ones to remember:
CORRECT: Je suis allé au casino / Il est devenu pilote / Je suis revenu à la maison / Nous sommes retournés dans notre ville natale / Chantal est venue à mon anniversaire / Ils sont arrivés à Montréal ce matin / Je suis resté chez moi toute la journée.
WRONG: J'ai allé au casino / Il a devenu pilote / J’ai revenu à la maison / Nous avons retourné dans notre ville natale / Chantal a venu à mon anniversaire / Ils ont arrivé à Montréal ce matin / J’ai resté chez moi toute la journée.
Also, useful tip: Every single reflexive verbs (se + verb) use the auxiliary “être” in the passé composé. For example: Je me suis réveillé / Nous nous sommes promenés / etc...
#8: In English, words like “sometimes, never, always, often, already…”, usually come right after the subject or subject pronoun. But in French, it isn’t so. They must come after the verb.
CORRECT: François va souvent au parc / Je ne mange jamais de viande / J’ai déjà fini mon projet / Nous passons toujours du temps ensemble.
WRONG: François souvent va au parc / Je ne jamais mange de viande / Je déjà ai fini mon projet / Nous toujours passons du temps ensemble.
#9: In French, “que” and “qui” can both mean “that”, but they are used differently. “Que” is used before subjects or subject pronouns whereas “qui” is used before verbs.
CORRECT: La robe que tu portes est très belle / Il y a des gens qui n’aiment pas voyager. / Aimes-tu le plat que j’ai cuisiné? / C’est un film qui a gagné un oscar.
WRONG: La robe qui tu portes est très belle / Il y a des gens que n’aiment pas voyager / Aimes-tu le plat qui j’ai cuisiné? / C’est un film que a gagné un oscar.
#10: In English, you can express the present tense by saying for example “I eat” or “I am eating”. But in French, the “I am eating” tense does not exist. We only use 1 present tense. You can NEVER say “I am + infinitive verb” to express the present tense in French.
CORRECT: Je mange une pomme / Marie fait ses devoirs / Je cuisine / Il prend une douche
WRONG: Je suis manger une pomme / Marie est faire ses devoirs / Je suis cuisiner / Il est prendre une douche.
Saying “Je suis manger une pomme” would literally mean “I am to eat an apple”. It does not make sense in French.
However, there is one thing that we sometimes say. It’s “Je suis en train de + infinitive verb”. It means “I am in the process of…”. So, you could actually say “Je suis en train de manger”, which technically means I’m eating / I’m in the process of eating.
submitted by francis2395 to French [link] [comments]

(Selling) HUGE update of Google Play movies many at $3, big update of 4K titles plus other iTunes 4K and other Disney, Marvel and Star Wars.

Minimum $5 purchase please, or add $0.50 to total. Accepting PayPal.
'*' : denotes the movie does not port to MA
Newly added titles have been bolded and I update my list daily.

Thor: The Dark World (4K MA) - $8.50
A Quiet Place (4K ITUNES)* - $4.50 | (4K VUDU)* - $5.50
American Made (4K MA) - $6
Annihilation (4K ITUNES)* - $4.50 | (4K VUDU)* - $5.50
Atomic Blonde (4K ITUNES) - $4.50 | (4K MA) - $5.50
Battleship (4K MA) - $4.50
The Bourne Identity (4K ITUNES) - $5.50 | (4K MA) - $6.50
Braveheart (4K ITUNES)* - $7.50 | (4K VUDU)* - $7.50
Bumblebee (4K ITUNES)* - $5 | (4K VUDU)* - $6
Forrest Gump (4K VUDU)* - $7.50
Gladiator (4K ITUNES)* - $7.50
Jurassic World (4K MA) - $5
King Kong (2005) (4K MA) - $6.50
Saving Private Ryan (4K VUDU)* - $7.50

Aladdin - animated (iTunes) - $6.50 | (GP) - $6.50
Aladdin - live action (iTunes) - $6.50 | (GP) - $6.50
Alice In Wonderland - live (MA) - $7.50 | (GP) - $6.50
Avengers (GP) - $6
Avengers: Age of Ultron (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
Avengers: Endgame (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5
Avengers: Infinity War (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5
Bambi (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5.50
Beauty & The Beast: Enchanted Christmas (MA) - $6
Beauty & The Beast - live action (MA) - $5 | (iTunes) - $4 | (GP) - $4
Black Panther (iTunes) - $4.50 | (GP) - $4.50
Captain America: Winter Soldier (GP) - $5.50
Captain Marvel (iTunes) - $5 | (GP) - $5
Cars 3 (4K MA) - $6.50 | (iTunes HD) - $5 | (GP HD) - $5
A Christmas Carol - animated (iTunes XML) - $5
Christopher Robin (MA) - $5.50
Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True (GP) - $7
Cinderella 3: Twist of Time (GP) - $7
Coco (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5
Disneynature: Born In China (GP) - $5
Doctor Strange (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
Dumbo - live action (MA) - $6.50 | (GP) - $5.50
Finding Dory (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
Finding Nemo (XML workaround - iTunes SD) - $4
The Finest Hours (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5
The Fox & The Hound 2 (iTunes) - $4.50
Frozen: Sing-along Edition (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
The Good Dinosaur (GP) - $5
Guardians of the Galaxy (GP) - $6.50
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (MA) - $5 | (GP) - $4
Incredibles 2 (GP) - $5
Inside Out (iTunes) - $5
Iron Man (iTunes) - $7 | (GP) - $7
Iron Man 2 (GP) - $6.50
Iron Man 3 (MA) - $6.50 | (GP) - $6
Jake & The Neverland Pirates: Peter Pan Returns (XML workaround - iTunes) - $4.50
Jungle Book - animated (vaulted) (MA) - $7.50 | (GP) - $6.50
Jungle Book - live action (iTunes) - $4.50 | (GP) - $4.50
Lion King 1 1/2 (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
The Lone Ranger (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
Maleficent (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
Mary Poppins (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5.50
Marry Poppins Returns (GP) - $5
McFarland (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $4.50
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: 3 Musketeers (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5
Moana (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5
The Muppets: Most Wanted (MA) - $5
The Nightmare Before Xmas (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5
Oz The Great & Powerful (MA) - $5 | (GP) - $4.50
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (XML workaround - iTunes) - $5.50
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (MA) - $4.50 | (GP) - $4
Planes (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $4.50
Planes: Fire & Rescue (MA) - $5.50
Queen of Katwe (MA) - $5.50
Ralph Breaks The Internet (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (GP) - $4.50
Saving Mr. Banks (MA) - $5
Solo (MA) - $6 | (GP) - $5.50
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $4.50
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (MA) - $5 | (iTunes) - $4.50 |(GP) - $4.50
Thor: The Dark World (4K MA) - $8.50 | (GP) - $6
Thor Ragnarok (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
Tinker Bell: The Pirate Fairy (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
Tomorrowland (MA + Points) - $5.50
Toy Story (iTunes) - $6 | (GP) - $6
Toy Story 2 (GP) - $6
Toy Story 3 (iTunes) - $6
Toy Story That Time Forgot (GP) - $5.50
Toy Story 3 (XML workaround - iTunes) - $4
Walt Disney: Animated Shorts (GP) - $5
A Wrinkle in Time (MA) - $5.50 | (GP) - $5
Zootopia (GP) - $5.50

GOOGLE PLAY->MA (HD) - $3 each unless noted These CA GP's have been tested, will redeem for US or CAN GP accounts and port to Movies Anywhere unless noted with a *.
22 Jump Street - $4
300 - $5
300: Rise of an Empire
2001: A Space Odyssey - $4
A Clockwork Orange - $4
A Few Good Men - $4
The Accountant
Across The Universe - $4
Alpha - $4
Amadeus: Directors Cut - $4
The Amazing Spiderman - $4
The Amazing Spiderman 2
An American Tail - $5
Annie (1984)* - $4
Antz - $4
Arrow: Season 2* - $5.50
Arthur Christmas*
Aquaman - $4
Baby Driver - $4
Backdraft - $4
Batman Begins - $4
Batman vs. Superman - Extended Cut
Big Fish* - $4
Black Mass
Black Sails: S1* - $5
Black Sails: S2* - $5
Blade Runner 2049 - $4
Blood Diamond - $4
The Bodyguard - $5
Bohemian Rhapsody* - $4
Born on the 4th of July - $5
The Breakfast Club - $4
The Bridge on the River Kwai - $4
Captain Phillips
Casablanca - $4
Casino - $4
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
The Conjuring
The Counselor
Crazy Rich Asians - $4
Creed - $4
Creed 2 - $5
The Cult of Chucky: Unrated - $4
The Dark Knight - $4
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Tower
Deadpool 2\*
The Departed - $4
Despicable Me 2
The Dirty Dozen - $4
Don't Breath
Dr. Suess: Horton Hears a Who* - $4
Dr. Suess's How The Grinch Stole Christmas - $4
Dunkirk - $4
The Equalizer
The Equalizer 2 - $4
Fast & Furious 6 - Extended Edition
Field of Dreams - $4
First Man - $4
Full Metal Jacket - $4
Fury - $4
Game of Thrones: Season 2* - $4
Gangster Squad
Get Hard
Ghostbusters - $4
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call - Extended Edition
Gone With The Wind - $5
Gran Torino - $4
The Great Gatsby
The Green Lantern\*
The Grudge Match
Halloween (2018) - $5
Hancock - $4
The Hangover 3
Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets - $4.50
Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire - $4.50
Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban - $4.50
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - $4.50
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - $4
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - $4
Hellboy 2: The Golden Army - $4
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug
The Hobbit: Battle of the 5 Armies
The Hobbit: Battle of the 5 Armies (Ext. Ed.) - $4
Home Alone* - $4
Hotel Transylvania - $4
Hotel Transylvania 2 - $4
Hot Pursuit*
House With A Clock on the Walls
Ice Age*
In The Heart of the Sea - $4
The Incredible Hulk - $5
The Iron Giant: Signature Ed. - $5
It - $5
Jason Bourne
Johnny English Strikes Again
Jumanji - $4
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle - $4
Jupiter Ascending - $4
Jurrasic World
Justice League
The Karate Kid (1984) - $4.50
Kong: Skull Island
Labrynth - $4
The Last Samurai - $4
The Last Starfighter - $4.50
The LEGO Movie
The LEGO Movie: Second Part - $4
Mad Max: Fury Road
Man of Steel
Mary Queen of Scots - $5
The Matrix - $4
The Maze Runner: Death Cure\*
The Meg - $4
The Monuments Men
Monty Python: Meaning of Life - $5
The Mule - $4
Murder on the Orient Express\*
Mutiny On The Bounty* - $4
Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader\*
Ocean's 8
Pacific Rim
Pacific Rim Uprising - $4
Passengers - $4
Paul, Apostle of Christ
Pixels - $4
The Purge
The Purge: Anarchy
Ready Player One
Red Sparrow\*
Resident Evil: Final Chapter
Robocop (2014)*
Risen - $4
Risky Business - $5
Scarface (1983) - $4
Schindler's List - $4
Sicario: Day of the Soldado
Spider-Man - $4.50
Spider-Man 2 - $4.50
Spider-Man 3 - $4.50
Spiderman: Homecoming
Suffragette - $4
Suicide Squad: Theatrical & Extended Cut - $4
Suicide Squad
Superman: The Movie - $5.50
Teen Titans Go to the Movies - $4
This is Where I Leave You
Tomb Raider (2018)\*
Top Gun* - $5
Trouble With The Curve
True Detectives: Season 3* - $5
Unforgiven - $5
Venom - $4
Veronica Mars - $4
We're The Miller's
The Wizard of Lies*
Wonder Woman

Annihilation* - $3
Bad Santa* - $3.50
Dead In Tombstone (Unrated) - $3
Death Race 3: Unrated - $3.50
Epic - $3.50
The Fast & The Furious - $3.50
Fast Five (Ext. Ed.) (SD) - $3
Fast & Furious 6 (Ext. Ed.) - $3
Fate of the Furious (Theatrical) - $3
Game of Thrones: Season 1* - $4
Game of Thrones: Season 3* - $4
Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 - $3.50
The Heat - $3.50
Hercules* - $3.50
Journey 2 the Mysterious Island - $3.50
The Legend of Tarzan - $3.50
Life of Pi - $3.50
Night At The Museum - $4
Paranormal Activity 3* - $3
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters - $3.50
Sherlock Gnomes* - $3.50
The Time Traveller's Wife (SD) - $3.50
Transformers: Age of Extinction* - $3.50
The Wizard of Lies* - $3
The Wolverine: Unrated - $3.50

Alvin & The Chipmunk's: Road Chip (4K) - $3.50
Annihilation (4K)* - $4
Barbie in the Pink Shoes - $3.50
Bumblebee (4K)* - $5
Deadpool (4K) - $4.50
Dead In Tombstone (Unrated) - $3.50
Death Race 3: Unrated - $3.50
The Expendables 3 (Unrated Edition)* - $3.50
The Fast & The Furious (4K) - $4
Fate of the Furious - Theatrical - $3
Game of Thrones: Season 3* - $4
The Gunman - $3.50
Hercules (4K)* - $4
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (4K) - $4
The Perks of Being a Wallflower* - $3
Logan (4K) - $4.50
The Longest Ride - $3.50
Paranormal Activity 3* - $3
Rango* - $4
The Seventh Son - $3
Sherlock Gnomes (4K)* - $4
Snatched (4K) - $3.50
Snow White & The Huntsman: Ext. Ed. (4K) - $4
Star Trek (4K)* - $4.50
Transformers: Age of Extinction (4K)* - $4
Why Him - $3.50
The Young Pope: Season 1* - $3
submitted by Kris_Movies to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

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